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Everything posted by OpposingFarce

  1. Yeah, I'd like to have more caps replaced with pre-war money.
  2. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7348 Its a modders resource. And still is. I don't know any in-game release made. The arms are the actual armor too, I think. If you take off the armor you would have normal arms again, maybe.
  3. There is an ODST armor mod floating around somewhere, but unless you are a member of the armed forces you can't have it. It was made by a modder as a thank-you to our service men and women.
  4. As the title says, I have created a mine out of a mini nuke. Image of the problem and WIP: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=6991 Now everything works properly, and it is quite damaging. The only problems is that it sinks half way through the ground, obscuring your sight of it. I need a proper havok setup, but I haven't the slightest idea how to do it. Can someone direct me to a good tutorial, or tell me how to do it?
  5. Heh thanks for the weapons, but thanks to Jackpack I am now attaching my own silencers to stuff. Thanks again, though.
  6. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8579 MMM can definitely cause random CTDs when roaming the wastes. See if this helps. It did for me!
  7. Yeah the G2A2 has to be one of my favorite weapons in any game.
  8. I no longer use Master Update with 1.7. I even stopped using it with 1.6, but maybe that was too early as I had a few CTDs. I found Masterupdate could cause problems with the load order, but it was a quick solution to a crippling problem and I was thankful to have it. I was extremely happy when the problem went away with subsequent patches and its use was no longer necessary. Also, your English is exceptional.
  9. Can anyone direct me towards some mods with weapons that are good for stealth characters? Like silenced rifles and SMGs. Its hard to find some good ones. WMK is ok, but the vanilla weapons are too weak when given one.
  10. Wow, wish I had that rifle in-game.
  11. The process is easy, but is tedious. Especially if you bother to make it so its comparable to the game's assets, and make sure the weapon has degraded. I remember making a mod that added WMK weapons to NPCs. God, it took forever to do it the right way with proper weapon health. And then only some factions I gave silenced weapons, so I needed an extra leveled list. God. Worth it though. Still use the mod. It adds more to the wasteland than the current WMK esp does.
  12. To answer the original question, no. I have found no mod that adds the play-by-play text from FO1 or 2. Shame, that stuff could be pretty funny. As for hit rolls and damage rolls, I don't think there is anything either. Stuff would only apply to vats, too. I can't imagine a turn-based mod functioning properly, hope it works out for you.
  13. I believe confusion has occurred due to Baelkin's work on Jin-Roh Armor. Someone thought they were the same thing. They are not.
  14. Wait, who said they are working on this?
  15. I once tried to remove the branch of the vest's pouch in order to slim it down, but to my dismay the ammo pouches were not a separate branch, and thus not deletable. EDIT: This was for SpyRodz FFW mod, which used the CIRAS vest. It did not have deletable pouches in nifskope. Now the original, does.
  16. MMM stands for Mart's Mutant Mod http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3211 It is an incredible mod, which you should get. Very expansive. Really adds character to the wastes.
  17. I also approve of this mod idea. I thought about trying it, by messing with armored vests and merc grunt pants as base, but I don't have the skill.
  18. Hey guys, can anyone point me in the direction of some high-res water bottles? Not the water bottle 3000 mod. I want a high-res pack that doesn't change the shape of the water bottles.
  19. Hmm, pretty nice. Just looked up the achillies rifle though. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3425 It would also do well, and before I had no desire to download it.
  20. Haha, nice. Not sure if the latest rifle is nicknamed the 'Impaler' like the last one was, though. The SCII gun would complete the armor. I really don't see any vanilla weapons working with this armor otherwise.
  21. National Guard Depot isn't a bad spot. Any of the forts will do.
  22. This. God, I miss my stealth character solely because you could lay these everywhere. They are so damaging. But for ranged weapons it would have to be the Verdict from Skree's 2142 pack. Such a solid pistol. Futuristic though, so not great for everyone's RP-ing adventures.
  23. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/categories.php Weapon Mods: 1200 Armor/Clothing: 700 Weapon Mods is largest catagory. Less than Oblivion? Sure. But it still holds the top spot for most number of files here. I fail to see the problem. Fallout 3 is not hurting for more weapons. We do need some new good armor though, so we are hurting for that. In fact, I don't see why you would ask a question "Why aren't there more mods?" Gee... I don't know. Maybe because people haven't made them? Go talk to those modders. Make them work, or something. No offense, it just seems like a silly question. And adding items to FO3 is arguably more difficult and demanding than Oblivion. New variables and properties (especially for armor, like dismemberment) have to be taken into account. I personally believe that modeling a sword is easier than a gun, too. It just seems more straightforward for a sword.
  24. Right, so I have finally had enough. My mouse wheel never gave me trouble back when I played FO3 for xp, but now that I'm with Windows 7 it frustrating me. The only problem actually comes from the world map. When I scroll the wheel to zoom in, it first zooms out a little, and then zooms in. So I have to furiously scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in even a little bit. Literally, you can watch the physical slider on the pip-boy itself scroll out before every time I want to scroll in. Its a shame that button the pip-boy isn't a real functioning one. All the other pip-boy menus scroll perfectly. And other non-FO3 programs are fine, too. I've finally snapped. I can't take it anymore. I just want to zoom in like a normal person.
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