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Everything posted by OpposingFarce

  1. Ergh... uh. I was... uh... not terribly impressed by the Deep Eyes Armor. I feel really bad saying that. But yes, please (PLEASE) release this to the masses, so someone can complete it. It is rather frustrating to imagine that this armor will never see the light of day. Wow. That is depressing too.
  2. You know what time it is? It's [bump] time! I refuse to let such a master-crafted set of armor fall to the 9th page. It's barbaric!
  3. Fallout Wiki, on how James got in: He was able to enter the Vault because they needed a doctor, this is shown during the "One Year Later" scene. The Overseer states "We need a doctor, not a deadbeat- fail to meet my expectations and you'll be out on your ass. James and his cheery charities are over." This is what I thought. People just didn't come and go, they just let him in because they needed him. But letting even a single person in to a formerly sealed vault is still pretty big and controversial, especially since the vault's mission was prolonged isolation study..
  4. Having played F2, I knew full well the implications of releasing the virus. This game did a good job of not really telling you about it directly unlike in F2. That might be the only thing I like about the ending. Seriously, can't Charon or Fawkes deal with it? It was not a hard decision. To make Lyons do it, I mean. She is an absolute b****.
  5. If cake and whipping doesn't work, how about alcohol? I really want this armor. Fallout jumps from combat armor to powerarmor. There is no in-between. I really want some light powerarmor.
  6. I also look forward to this mod! Please don't stop!
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