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Status Updates posted by ilDuderoni

  1. Tragedy! I accentally skipped on celebrating my 1000th post! Cake and funny hats for everyone!
  2. A theme to consider while playing Obscurum: "Things that bother you never bother me, I'm as happy as pie, a-ha! Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight, Having a wonderful time."
  3. I'm quitting the cool act. Gaze at the powdered wig.
  4. Bought permanent premium. Initially, the price equalled two years of premium so I figured that was fair. With international taxes, its turning up to somewhat an equal of three years... Nexus, don't let me down by dieing in the coming three years. I'm a man who likes to get his money's worth!
  5. Still not very active. I enjoy observing the ongoings of the Nexus more then taking part of it. There seems to be so many things going on in the background, on a personal level with some of the staff... I sometimes feel grateful for staying out of the loop. Playing it safe will never get me banned, will it?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lisnpuppy


      Well I will try to think its a complement. However if you have any questions or concerns I would be happy to help. We aren't all ogres!
    3. ilDuderoni


      I'm not saying any of the staff are. I have a positive impression of most, if not all. Includes you!

      You are too nice to be real. Are you an AI set to conquer earth? It's okay, you can tell me. :D

      I'd love to make a Mass Effect reference, but I can't think of one.

    4. Lisnpuppy


      I save all my nice for the internet...otherwise...well...you don't want to know! LOL The offer of questions or concerns stands regardless.
  6. You´re quite the spammer, aren´t you, Site Bot?
  7. Got a new rig! Now I can FINALLY play all my games in High Quality! Thank you Alienware *Fable II vulgar thrust*
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ilDuderoni


      Meh, its a laptop. I probably could have had a friend of mine put one together too with super parts for cheap, but I need my gaming station to be portable. :P


      Eiries, if you knew how much I whined to my friends about my crap 3D card I used to have, you'd be genuinely happy I got a new one.

      Jesus, the thing started lagging when more then five medium quality characters were showing on-screen...MADNESS!

    3. vvk78


      Alienware will last you a long time. And it is good, few other so-called "gaming laptops" have cooling problems and are not stable or easy to upgrade later.
    4. ilDuderoni


      When using the full power of the graphic (which is basically set by me when the electric plug is in), I'm capable of running almost all my games at semi-highest quality with smooth FPS. Except for Prototype. But let's admit, there's a whole lot going on in Prototype at the same time.
  8. I think the world would be a better place if we'd hug our TV or computer set from time to time. Show that we appreciate them. I even nicknamed my first computer at one point when I was twelve.
    1. vvk78


      Agreed. My PC's name is Amida (since core is AMD), and laptop is Intella (from Intel). Just kidding, but yes I love them too.
    2. ilDuderoni


      My first rig that I personally owned (was lending before that of my parents as a teen) was a Windows 98SE that I called "Slow piece of cr-p". The XP thereafter was called "buggy piece of s-", the Vista laptop I had up until now was "paranoiac who-".

      Now I'm calling this one "sweet jesus". Hehheh. Finally got a laptop that can keep up with me.

  9. is back playing Oblivion again using FCOM. Took him 30 hours to set everything up, and 7 hours to get all the settings and bugs straight. (I had invisible horses :D)
    1. Eiries


      Welcome back to the Oblivion scene, have fun!
    2. ilDuderoni


      It better be fun! Past two days I've lasted on two times 5 hours of sleep, beyond my will. Only normally happens when I get dragged in a gaming night when I have work the other day. :D
  10. The Santa plague has hit town. You're infected. Visit your nearest lighter to relieve yourself of those Red-and-White symptoms on you head. >:D
  11. sees you. Always. (Except on the loo)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ilDuderoni


      Strangely, people are more likely to shoot you when disturbed on the loo, then anywhere else.

      Assuming they are armed.

      For the sake of a disgusting joke: those on a nr.2 always are.

    3. Lady Azura

      Lady Azura

      I had a good laugh on this one here :P xD I might wanna check my flat now anytime I turn around the corner...

      Otherwise it would feel like wandering the labyrinth you're haunting O:

    4. ilDuderoni


      Sometimes that's just the Boogeyman. I trade shifts with him. Frank loves his job and is father of three. You should talk to him about it...Assuming he didn't scare you so bad that you had to knock him out with a frying pan.

      (where am I going with this!?)

  12. Thanks for the major help on the Nano mod.

    You'll be remembered as "that dude that got me into scripting".

  13. I reckon have an empty comments board isn't fun. So here ya go:

    Thanks for the girls, its a great mod, and the will to chisel it further according to our feedback.

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