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Posts posted by BadPenney

  1. Make a backup of the original mod. Make sure that it is an .esp file that you can edit. If it has been converted to an .esm masterfile then you will need to convert it back into an .esp.


    If the lockers are just retextured vanilla lockers then you should be able to return them to the original textures with a little effort. If you do not know how to do that then another, simpler method would be:


    Find the original type of lockers in the Object List of the GECK. Preview them to make sure that they look the way that you want.


    Then open the interior cell for the house. Find the new lockers that you don't like. Open their edit windows so that you can see their x, y, z coordinates listed. Drag a vanilla locker that you like into the view window of the cell. Open its edit window and copy and paste the coordinates of an ugly locker into it so that the locker that you like moves into the same location. Close the edit window for the ugly locker and delete it. Close the edit window for the vanilla locker. Repeat the process until you are satisfied with your lockers. Save the .esp.

  2. What skills you need from others for your project is clear. What skills that you bring to the project yourself is not.


    Idea men with little else to offer are common, and most modders have their own ideas that they wish to realize. That is why they are modders to begin with. You need to show that your leadership of the project is more than just a title in order to lure talent to your pool. No one wants to waste their time on an aborted project or see themselves become the prime mover on a project in all but the credit.


    You do not state whether or not you have permission to base your mod on someone else's mod.

  3. You can use my mesh if you are building a "outside" to your mod if you want to

    just give credit

    Nice model, I don't know why a Russian-built APC would be in the DC Wasteland though. Don't think the Chinese have bought and deployed any up to this point, but who's to know? Maybe they will clone it before the war.Their NORINCO looks similar.



  4. Have you tried editing the radio (child) and specifying that its activate parent is the button?


    Shouldn't require an additional LinkedRef specification.


    Are you certain that the button/switch is designated as an activator?


    You don't need the enable parent function unless the radio is initially disabled.

  5. I suppose that it might be possible to create new meshes of armor with holes or gory bits that could be scripted to swap with normal armor OnDeath. Might be able to do something similar but less labor intensive with retexturing.


    I've experimented with destruction data with some objects but not NPCs. Wonder if NPCs could be created that dissolve into a cloud of flaming bits or fragments like a fire extingisher.


    Seems to me that the limits for your concept are the usual: how much effort are you willing to put into it and how much skill do you have with modelling, texturing, scripting and the like.

  6. I am guessing that you lowered the terrain so that the original landscape LOD is visible. That is why your character appears to be waist deep in mud. You would need to regenerate landscape LOD in order to remove it. That is approximately an 8 hour process because the entire Wasteland is regenerated. Unless you find a way to cull away all of the regenerated cells that are unrelated to your mod then your new LOD will overwrite any other Wasteland mods loaded before it in a player's load order. Compatibility issue.


    The floating trees are most likely a result of you deleting vanilla trees. Now the tree LODs for them stay in the original location and regenerating tree LOD will not make them go away because there is nothing for them to link to. Much better to simply move them. Drop them below the landscape level if you want them gone. Then regenerating tree LODs will move them to follow the macro trees. Otherwise you are stuck with floating ghost trees.

  7. LOD textures are not intended to be seen close up, but rather at LOng Distances. They are lower resolution images mapped onto the same meshes in order to improve game speed and are replaced by higher resolution images as your character gets within a certain close range. You can adjust the range that your game shows the higher resolution images I believe, with a possible trade off in game performance. If your computer is stout enough you may still get a good frame rate at a longer range.
  8. First of all. no one owes you help simply because you post, so please keep your feelings of anger and entitlement to yourself.


    Secondly, please do not continue to create new threads for the same subject simply because no one has responded to a previous one within a matter of hours,


    Thirdly, have you read all of the documentation for this mod? If not, then do so. If you have, then try contacting the mod author first.

  9. Yes, you can use Photoshop to edit textures for signs if you have the .dds plug-in for it. You don't need to change the model meshes, just the textures: diffuse, normal and in some cases the glow maps. You can create new sign texturesets for existing meshes that will make it unnecessary to copy the meshes for the retextures.


    Try using the Search Forums function with words like texture, retexture, or textureset for previous threads on the matter. There are links to tutorials in the pinned threads also.

  10. There may have been a problem with the server when you were uploading. You might try checking some other mods that were uploaded around the same time to see if they also disallow comments and ratings. If so, contact admin. If not, then you may need to re-upload in order to enable them.
  11. i put the textures in the right place and stuff, but i cant seem to make it not pink!

    Recommend that you check your custom race in the GECK to be certain that the targeted file for the hands texture is pointed at the correct folder and file. Are you using custom textures? Do you have ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated installed?

  12. Rather than answer this question again I will point you to the search box at the bottom of the Fallout 3 Modification Troubleshooting page that show the list of posts. Type exclamation in the bos and press enter. You will then see a number of earlier threads that ask and answer the same question.


    It is a handy tool for finding out FAQs and minimizes the amount of database memory required to answer the same question a thousand times.

  13. i need help with the mod crap just add me on my msn so we can instant chat [email protected] (i AM NOT SPAM)

    Bad idea to put real personal email addresses on an open forum. Also a bad idea to add someone onto instant chat whose tag sounds like a link to a "hot personal pics" website. Unless you are into that sort of thing and are prepared to fend off an attack on your computer.


    Try the GECK help function for step by step help with mod crap.

  14. I would have sworn I had seen a command for this but I can't find it now. Does it exist or was I just hopped up on goofballs again?

    Maybe both? I prefer a shot and a chaser myself.


    If you check the scripts for companions you can see that it restores the condition of their limbs to 100% function at the end of combat (among other things). It should be possible to use the same sort of command to reduce limb function.

  15. I agree with Nadin... but dont mind some people and being rude... your new to modding so your learning... dont take it personally if people think your an idiot... its ridiculous how when I was a noob I got poo for not knowing whats what... hello define noob!!! people who know what they are doing make it sound like they were born knowing lolz..

    People THINKING that you are an idiot is not rude. People SAYING that you are an idiot for asking a simple question IS rude and I see no reason not to take personal insults personally. There is no place for them in a forum that is intended to be helpful, and that is why people occasionally get banned if they are too gratuitous with their insults. There is no shame in being ignorant. It is our natural state. Apart from importunate questioning, anything else is fair game as far as I am concerned.


    You can avoid the need for asking questions often times by using the search function and looking through the pinned threads, since they have lots of good, basic info. But sometimes it is just a good idea to post your question. There is always a chance that no one will respond, may not know the answer or even give you wrong or incomplete answers (my specialty), but there are quite a number of people experienced with FO3 and modding who graciously give over good information too.


    I was trained that what you learn today, you can teach another the next day and that superior knowledge does not in itself make a man superior. So for people who enjoy giving other people a virtual face palm just because they can't get their actual bummed kicked for doing it: please grow up, learn some politesse, keep your insults to yourself, try to give out good answers without them or please remain silent.

  16. I can't say whether or not you can use Nifscope to change the lettering on signs. I suppose that it might be possible, but the usual method is to use a graphics program for retexturing. I use PhotoShop, but GIMP is popular too, and it is free to download. There will be a bit of a learning curve if you are unfamiliar with the process, but there are tutorials and it would most likely be an easier way to do what you want.
  17. When I arrived I can't see the gate wich allow you to enter in rivet city. I am using lots of mod and modificated textures pack so its probably causing the problem

    I start with the simplest explanation first:


    The bridge to Rivet City is not extended to the scaffold on the shore when you first arrive. You have to activate an intercom at the top of the scaffold before the bridge will rotate into position. Have you done that?


    Sorry, if that is not the issue that you are having but simple minds think of simple solutions.

  18. Impossible to say what might be wrong with your script without seeing it. Are you using "say to done"?


    Personally, I think that it is much easier and more reliable to make NPCs talk amongst themselves by using the Conversation feature of a quest rather than scripting it all,.

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