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Posts posted by BadPenney

  1. I think that pkleiss is on target with his recommendations. What about modpcs for skills?


    On a side note: most players who are interested in god items (like an instant, permanent increase of all stats and skills to maximum) are familiar enough with console commands to achieve the same ends without downloading a mod.

  2. One note on using Activate to open a container via script - if the container is in a remote cell, then it probably won't work correctly. If you're trying to access a remote container, I recommend moving it to the same cell as the player first.

    Are you saying that a script would perform more reliably if it moves a remote container to the same cell as the player (perhaps out of sight), unlocks it with Activate. and then moves the container back to its original location in order to give the appearance that the player's actions opens a container in a distant location?

  3. Sweet... I couldn't watch it with sound, but was that the chick who used me like a piece of meat, ripped me off, and moved to Rivet City?

    Yes, the same chick, but she never made it to the city and she has already lost all of your caps.

  4. Are you talking about generic items or are you trying to duplicate anything that the player moves from his personal inventory into one of the containers? If you are trying to duplicate random items that have been acquired by the player then that would be much more complicated then adding 100 caps to a distant box when 100 caps is put into a box nearby.
  5. If you want to show a brief view of your new city as seen from a distance by a new arrival then, you might be able to create a bink movie of the scene that is triggered by script.


    Another possiblity is to use scene transitions for the player similiar to the vanilla transition to Raven Rock. Player controls are removed, companions dismissed, and a combination of FX, dialogue and moveto commands causes the player to appear to be kidnapped and imprisoned. If you could create a viewpoint in your cell that shows your city as an LOD view, then you could make the player see your city from there in a similar fashion.

  6. .. was my line rude?? in all honesty i wasn't trying to be..

    Yes, well.. as one who is extremely lazy I of course take great offense to any suggestion that I might be, in fact, lazy.

    If you say that is stupid then I am out of here for good.


    Have you downloaded and reviewed Miax's FO3Edit Tome? It can be extremely useful for guidance in sorting out mods with the application..

  7. Highlight an XMarker that is already in the same cell where you want to add one. Select Copy Render ( Ctrl+C) from the Edit pulldown menu. Reorient your camera position to a spot directly over the place where you want a new marker. Select Paste Render ( Ctrl+V ) from the Edit pulldown. Press the F key to drop your new XMarker to a position resting on the collision plane beneath it.
  8. Don't load the mesh into the GECK if you haven't modified it. If you have only unpacked the mesh from the .bsa and retextured it, then make a new textureset in the GECK with your custom retextured .dds files. Create a unique armor object by editing Colonel Autumn's coat. Keeping the default mesh the same, reference your new textureset to it. Save the object with a Unique name and item ID so that you don't overwrite the original coat.


    GECK is different than the TES CS in this way, requiring fewer meshes in the final mod.

  9. I searched this forum and was shocked to find that no-one even mentioned NCIS once!

    Maybe that's because the Wasteland has no Navy, the only laws are survival and karma, and the whole big area is a crime scene.

  10. I know there is a script in Anchorage (or something similar) to make the stealth field activate when crouching in the sneak suit; however I only have Anchorage on the XBOX 360 and want to know what the script is so that I can add it to my own sneak suit I have made. Could anyone send me the script or tell me how to do it?

    I think that it is simplest to create an arnor enchantment for your suit that casts a spell like "EnclaveInfiltratorStealth" with the condition that the player.IsSneaking.

  11. Hi im new to downloading mods for games and recently downloaded groovatron and umpas idle animation but id like to do something different with it...basically im using a combination of mods and command console to convert Evergreen mills into my own personal city and want to place some better idle markers in it ( umpa etc) but dont know how to turn them from being animations to markers....if anyone knows how without me learning to make mods or has a link to one i would be extremely greatful.

    I know how to place custom animations into animation markers, but I don't know how you can do it without learning to make mods.


    However, with Umpa's permission, I used some of his animations to make a very few custom idle markers in Return to Shady Sands. There are no pole dances though. Still, you are free to toy with it while you are in the process of not learning to make mods.


    If you aren't familiar with the mod, it also:


    ...finished and fully voiced etc)...


    1- add new jobs/mini games to the wasteland


    2- add (not change) idle animation/markers


    et cetera

  12. If you need female voices, I can most likely talk my fiancee into contributing to the cause.

    I could never expect a gentleman to ask his fiancee to record the words that I might be expected to put into her mouth.

  13. I don't really know the answer to your hardware question. Does Fallout 3 run fast enough without the mods?


    I am curious if it is necessary to run FreePlayAfterMQ_V05.esp when you are using Broken Steel. Doesn't Broken Steel extend gameplay beyond the Main Quest by itself?

  14. So for the PlaySound SoundName i would write a snippit of:


    if DoOnce == 0
         PlaySound \Data\Sound\fx\FXMySound.wav
             set DoOnce to 1





    I'm not sure that I can explain more clearly than I have already attempted. A sound is like any other object. If you create a piece of custom armor then you first create its object name in the GECK. Say I make KevlarVest as a new armor. I open an edit window for a new object, give it an item ID like KevlarVest and then I list the directory locations of the .NIF and .DDS files that are my custom files. Then I don't have to include those directory locations in a GECK script, just the Item ID. ( player.additem KevlarVest 1 ).


    It is the same routine with sound files.


    if DoOnce == 0
         PlaySound KevlarVestHit
             set DoOnce to 1

  15. "If i had a custom wav file, how would I then get it into the GECK for listing?"


    Try navigating to the Sounds portion of the Object Window of the GECK to sounds that are similar to your custom sound might be found, right click on the list of them and select "New". Make a name that makes sense to you ( i.e. FXMySound ) and link it to your custom sound's file. Research the directory structures for sound effects with FOMM and copy them ( i.e. \Data\Sound\fx\FXMySound.wav ). It helps to keep the same directories that Bethesda did if you unpack vanilla sounds from the .BSAs for reuse.


    As for your script: I would recommend making it a quest script. Your Quest should be start game enabled and your Quest Script should be selected in the Script box on the first page Quest Data on your Quest window. In a code block that uses "Begin GameMode" include that condition "if ( Player.GetInWorldSpace Wasteland == 1 )" in order to get things going. If you use "Begin OnTrigger" then you will have to attach the quest to a trigger box but "Begin GameMode" in a quest script will operate even if the player enters the Wasteland in an unknown part of the map.

  16. You just need the name of the sound as it is listed in the GECK under Sound, for example: PlaySound AMBElevatorBell


    An easy way to check if the player has left Vault 101 that would not conflict with alternate start mods might be simply to require that the player is in the Wasteland.


    if ( Player.GetInWorldSpace Wasteland == 1 )


    Since leaving the vault is the first time that the player enters the Wasteland that should trigger your action. Including a doOnce argument will assure that your action will happen only one time.

  17. Meshes for the mod are not in the required directories. Follow the mod's installation instructions closely. If it suggests installing and enabling the mod with Fallout Mod Manager then do so. It will make sure that things go where they are supposed to. It also makes them very easy to uninstall.


    Mod files will not overwrite default files for FO3 because they are compressed into .bsa files. They can only override them with the help of archive invalidation invalidated! or a similar process. Mod files will only overwrite another mod file if it is named exactly the same and in the same directory. Renaming mod files is a bad idea and a sure way to make them fail. Copying a folder titled "Data" from one mod into your installation directory will not delete and replace everything in an existing Data folder. It will only add unique files from the mod into the existing Data folder.

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