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Everything posted by BadPenney

  1. I don't belong on the ultimate modding team, since I am happy just to rise above mediocrity on occasion.
  2. Meshes for the mod are not in the required directories. Follow the mod's installation instructions closely. If it suggests installing and enabling the mod with Fallout Mod Manager then do so. It will make sure that things go where they are supposed to. It also makes them very easy to uninstall. Mod files will not overwrite default files for FO3 because they are compressed into .bsa files. They can only override them with the help of archive invalidation invalidated! or a similar process. Mod files will only overwrite another mod file if it is named exactly the same and in the same directory. Renaming mod files is a bad idea and a sure way to make them fail. Copying a folder titled "Data" from one mod into your installation directory will not delete and replace everything in an existing Data folder. It will only add unique files from the mod into the existing Data folder.
  3. Have you checked their supermutant weapons list to see if they are allowed to use the weapons that you are giving them? If so, then you may need to check your mods with FO3Edit to see if any of them are overriding and limiting the list.
  4. Are you giving the NPCs weapons with ammunition? I give NPCs weapons from the Levelled Items list, like "WithAmmoLaserRifleEnclave1" because they will not use weapons if they run out of ammo. I may have confused human NPCs with the supermutant's weapon list in my earlier comment.
  5. I may have had a similar problem once. It has been nearly a year since it happened, so I hope that I can remember correctly. Broken Steel modifies the final Main quest in order to start its own questline after the Purifier is saved instead of ending the game and going to the ending Bink movie. When I made my mod I only used the original Fallout 3 files without loading any of the DLCs like Broken Steel into the GECK. As you probably know. the GECK makes copies of any vanilla resources that you happen to handle while working on a mod. Since I reviewed the main quest's scripts for tips on making my own scripts there were copies of those main quests within my mod. When I installed Broken Steel and tried to play it with my mod enabled Broken Steel would not start because my mod came after it in the load order and the copy of the main quest in my mod overrode the changes made by Broken Steel. I believe that I resolved the problem by using FO3Edit to remove files that are identical to the master Fallout 3 files. Then my mod stopped overriding the changes to the main questline made by Broken Steel and it was able to begin properly. If that isn't the same sort of problem that you are having, I think that FO3Edit could still help you to find any conflicts that might be causing your glitch.
  6. Are you working on an NPC that uses a template? That could explain why he is using an inventory that you did not want him to use. Also, if the NPC's allowed weapon list does not include a weapon that you give him then he will not use it.
  7. If there really is going to be a New Vegas it should have Animated Prostitution, Casino Games, Mafia Wars, Fight Club and some old rock singers trying to support their jet habits.
  8. Sniping unaggressive eyebots with a hunting rifle is one of my favorite things. No mod is required.
  9. Fallout 3 is dynamical unstable. Methods that worked for modding Morrowind or Oblivion may work with FO3. but not work very well. I strive for stability over familiarity of method. Rather than try to explain why a method failed, I bypass it and I look for one that works. It is not a genius approach, but it is pragmatic.
  10. This question should be addressed by Cryptography before receiving an appropriate response from Misinformation. Thank you.
  11. You can also set snap-to-angle for rotating markers. Snapping to 90 degree angles will set the marker squarely perpendicular to the floor. You can then release snap-to-angle for finer adjustments, as when you are setting the rotation of view as indicated by the red pyramid on the side of the yellow oblong box.
  12. I found texturesets to be essential for Fallout 3. They eliminate unnecessary replication of meshes, for one. Consequently, they reduce the total file size of the mod. You are experimenting with theories about what you are doing, which is inquisitive and healthy when seeking to understand how things work, and you must inevitably mess things up because you don't yet know what you are doing. So the GECK is probably doing what it is told, just not what you want it to do. I always recommend frequent back up .esp files, kept archived by date, so that you can sever the debris of experimentation when making a mod. Reloading an eariler version from a time when things still worked may lose you a few days but save you a few weeks worth of effort.
  13. Unarmed yet foolhardy NPCs should die real good and quick. Unless you want to make them essential too. Then they will cut a swathe of destruction until they are knocked out. If you make them very aggressive they will attack anybody, including the player. SetEssential 1 Is that right?
  14. Are you using patch 1.7 for Fallout 3 and patch 1.5 for GECK?
  15. In some cases I think that damage from small arms ammunition should be completely negated. JHP should splash on power armor. Maybe damage the armor a bit but not damage the occupant. AP ammo should be needed to hurt the wearer of the armor.
  16. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm as fickle as an alley cat. I've already got some MP3s of a girl saying "Viva Las Vegas, baby!" to make .lip files with. :P If they release a New Vegas GECK, I hope it makes good audio dialogue.
  17. Is that what all the bashing is for? The easiest way that I have found is from the opposite direction. Create an NPC in the GECK, turn it into a preset and make a player with it. I'm not trying to be cheeky, but depending on your intent it might be something to consider. I use it when making videos so that I can show a character as an NPC or from his 1st and 3rd person view. My last few playing characters have been done the same way. I like the GECK's facial construction tools better.
  18. My mistake. I don't duplicate cells in order to avoid certain problems, so I got confused. I always copy and paste into new cells. Navmeshes don't transfer that way, so I'm used to creating new ones.
  19. If you have not created a new NavMesh for your copied bathroom then NPCs in it will not move regardless of which AI Package that you apply to them. I do not know why your NPCs are huge. It doesn't sound as if you have progressed very deeply into your mod yet, so I recommend starting a new .esp to see if your current mod has an anomolous glitch.
  20. I think that captives are a fairly limited random encounter questline in Fallout 3. I generally just take their offer of meds and tell them to get lost. They normally run off to their deaths because they aren't really programmed to live a full and meaningful life after they are rescued. Oddly, shooting a captive to death seems to bring no karma loss. You would think that would be considered a bad thing. wouldn't you?
  21. If you mean that you want to spawn a creature wherever you may happen to lob a missile while in-game, then you may be boldly going where no tutorial has gone before.
  22. Are you still trying to duplicate the Megaton worldspace or are you trying to create a new one now?
  23. I've never seen a glitch like that. Are you sure that your room is full sized? Beware of merchants in public restrooms.
  24. There is another option: release the mod for testing and ask for feedback and suggestions concerning the flaws. Make it clear that it is not the final release and that there are unresolved issues. You will avoid lots of negative feedback that way. Some people like testing. Without knowing what is causing the problems, there is no way to know that they can be resolved in a couple of minutes.
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