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Everything posted by BadPenney

  1. Try attaching an object script to it that will allow it to be opened and closed. If all that you want is for it to be manually opened and closed by the player then: scn TenpennyGateCloneScript Begin OnActivate activate End should work. If you want it to close automatically again after a time then the script will need to be a bit more complicated. Just make sure that you save your gate as a new, unique renamed item so that you don't overwrite and mess up the original gate.
  2. "Moogle" or "Mog" do not come up in a search of the mod list. How do you know that it exists?
  3. I recommend that you check out the Top 100 most endorsed files list if you haven't already. The "BEST" experience is highly subjective. That's a good place to start, since you get many opinions at one time instead of a few individual responses here.
  4. The original MP3 is still in the compressed .bsa file and will override any file that you place if you are not using Archive Invalidation Invalidated! either as a standalone or through Fallout Mod Manager. If you are using that and it still won't work, then there is the possibility that the MP3 file that you have is not formatted with the required specs, because not all MP3s are the same. I have only worked with .wav and .ogg sound files in FO3 so far, but I believe that the MP3 files that I used for Oblivion voices were 64 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Mono. I'm not sure if those specs work with FO3 so you may need to search more for that info. It would seem like stereo would be optimal for music, but you need to use whatever specs that the game will accept.
  5. How about putting it in the Pitt? Seems like there is a large enough population there already to support a club.
  6. Yes, flaws like that make the whole story seem unbelievable, right? So lets mod Washington into one big deadly radioactive plain of glass with no human life anywhere. That is what you could expect after an all-out nuclear war. That sounds like fun, doesn't it?
  7. I agree. It has worked well for me. It allows the inclusion of short scripts with each line of conversation as well as emotion animations. I have done group conversations with it also.
  8. If I were to attempt it, I would make a start game enabled quest so that I could associate a quest script with it that would then always be active. The script should check to see if an actor is a member of your custom race and, if so, apply the glowing spell to them. Without actually trying to write a script and then test it to make sure that it works properly, I hesitate to say more. I would do that, but I'm busy multi-slacking at the moment.
  9. Perhaps you could apply the glowing spell by way of a script rather than as a racial characteristic.
  10. Besides placing the textures in subdirectories of the Data folder, you will need to download and install Archive Invalidation Invalidated! which is included with Fallout Mod Manager now I believe. Fallout 3 will normally only look for textures within the compressed .bsa files that come with the original game and the DLCs. Archive Invalidation Invalidated! is a mod that permits custom textures, meshes and sounds to be recognized also.
  11. Personally, I would pass over any mod that doesn't include installation instructions in a readme file. That is pretty basic, so if the author is not willing to put in the effort to make sure that his mod is installed as intended then I tend to think that his mod is probably sub-par overall. Regardless of that, when you unzip a mod that has custom .dds files in it, they should be packaged something like: textures\armor\ironman.dds. That should be copied subdirectories and all into the Data subdirectory of your Fallout 3 folder. If you haven't installed any mods before then you may have to create a Data subdirectory first. If all the mod gives you are a bunch of .dds files that are not in subdirectories without any installation instructions then you are in for trouble. I say delete and find something more user friendly.
  12. You can make an NPC ghoul act like a feral ghoul by setting him to be very aggressive so that he will attack anything, or make him agressive and create a faction for him that is a friend to ferals but enemy to humans. You could create custom dialogue that uses only feral ghoul grunts and shouts. You can set him to do melee only like a feral, but NPC ghoul bodies and animations are like any other human race, so I don't know if feral combat animations will be transferable.
  13. The difficulties are not insurmountable, though if you want NPCs to have custom voices that are lip synched then the current solution is convoluted. I believe that a voice mod tutorial was made by Crow Bennett, but that may be the one that you have already found to be unhelpful. Other than the fact that he did not convert voice files into .ogg files, his method was much the same as the one that I used. I started without any tutorials, just unpacked some voice files from the FO3 .bsa files and looked at the way vanilla NPCs are voiced. That is a good, unambiguous way to see how it is done. If you are going to record your own files with your computer then you need a good condenser microphone and recording software. I used Sony SoundForge, but there is free software that can be downloaded (Audacity?). I believe that .wav files can be used, but .ogg files are the type that FO3 uses and they use less memory while providing CD quality sound. Once you have your own files then you can set them up the same way that vanilla FO3 does, using Quest dialogue and conversation tabs. But that will make NPCs appear to be speaking without moving their lips unless you create .lip files. That is the trickiest part. The GECK appears to be set up to create lip synch files, but it doesn't. The reason for that is longwinded and boring. But Oblivion's TEX Construction Set will make lip synch files (at least older versions like the one I have do, though I think newer versions may not). In order to make .lip files for FO3 NPCs I used .WAVs of my voice files in the CS and then pasted the .lip files into my FO3 voice directories. There is a lot of file renaming that needs to be done, because the GECK assigns filenames to the voices when you create dialogue in quests. Voice and lip files have to use that same assigned filename and be in the proper sub-directory in your data folder to work. That is just a brief overview of it. I'm sure that I and others have gone into more detail on the matter though. I would recommend using the search function in the forums. Search for voice, voice acting, sound, dialogue, and such. It takes a good deal of patience and determination to make it look right. I would recommend that you start with a simple few lines of dialogue at first.
  14. You could make a set of glasses that has an imagespace modifier that makes everything look black and white when worn, much the way nightvision goggle mods are made. That would not require any direct modifications to the imagespaces of the various environments.
  15. Find the barn that you like in the GECK. Highlight it. Copy render. Find a nice spot for it. Paste render. Reposition to taste. Copy and paste a mapmarker the same way, but give it a unique name and make it visible and set for fast travel. Unlike storage boxes in Oblivion, I believe that all of the storage containers in Fallout 3 have limitless capacity. Just be sure that your storage box is not set to respawn contents. I normally just use the vanilla player home for this sort of thing, but use several boxes in them because I like weapons in one, armor in another, and so on.
  16. An the other hand, it might be considered a block of memory storage on the Nexus server that could be put to other use, if this particular mod does not function properly and will serve no other purpose than as a "monument". If you are unsure about it, I should think that the opinion that matters most would belong to Dark0ne.
  17. Did you upload an incomplete mod or is it complete but needs revisions? If it is complete but not perfect, yet some people like it, then I would recommend leaving it. If it is incomplete and dysfunctional then I would remove it. I would not count on some unknown modder who is not currently expressing interest in finishing your work to come along, pick up your project and make it a viable mod. It might happen, but it doesn't seem very likely. I can't understand why anyone would want to try to fix a mod that was impossible for the original author to complete.
  18. Yes, i experienced the same problem. If I remember correctly I used FO3Edit to change the author name, or it may have been FOMM. Never got the GECK to play nice.
  19. Those are pictures. You can't activate them. They are the images that are painted onto objects to make them look real instead of single-color shapes. If you want to make things look different then you can draw your own pictures and paint them onto objects. Without using techo-jargon, which is the type of specialized language that is used for the programs that allow one to modify the game, I am unsure how to explain it in much more detail. If you are interested in making a game mod then you need to learn the techno-jargon. If you are only concerned that the textures (.dds files) that you have downloaded with mods are not showing up in the game, then be careful to follow the installation instructions for those mods.
  20. They are there, but just like the original Fallout 3 they are compressed into the following files: Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa Fallout - Meshes.bsa Fallout - Misc.bsa Fallout - Sound.bsa Fallout - Textures.bsa Fallout - Voices.bsa
  21. Is the perception requirement necessary to prevent you from pointing the weapon at yourself? Good perception is generally necessary for a marksman to see and hit his target. Being able to operate a weapon without hurting oneself usually falls under intelligence.
  22. I think that this might work: ScriptName TimedLightsTest float Timer short sLight01 short sLight02 short sLight03 short DoOnce begin OnActivate if doOnce == 0 activate set Timer to 1.5 set doOnce to 1 if Timer > 0 set Timer to Timer – GetSecondsPassed endif if Timer < 1 && sLight01 == 0 && doOnce == 1 Light01.enable set sLight01 to 1 elseif Timer < 0.5 && sLight02 == 0 && doOnce == 1 Light02.enable set sLight02 to 1 elseif Timer <= 0 && sLight03 == 0 && doOnce == 1 Light03.enable set sLight03 to 1 endif elseif doOnce == 1 activate set doOnce to 0 Light01.disable Light02.disable Light03.disable set sLight01 to 0 set sLight02 to 0 set sLight03 to 0 endif end I think that this should cause the lights to come on in the timed sequence that you want when the switch is activated and the lights are off. If the switch is activated again with all of the lights on, then they will all shut off at the same time. You could also use the same sort of timer to make them shut off in stages instead. If you don't want the switch to toggle the lights on and off but only come on once then just remove the last bit that disables them when doOnce == 1.
  23. Not sure if this will do the trick, but you can try it if you like: scn SCRIPTNAME float fTimer int iStage short doOnce begin gamemode if isininterior == 0 if iStage == 0 && doOnce == 0 set fTimer to 10 set doOnce to 1 showmessage SCRIPTMESSAGE if fTimer > 0 set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed elseif fTimer <= 0 set iStage to 1 placeatme SCRIPTEFFECT, 1 set doOnce to 0 endif endif endif end
  24. Actually I had no idea how you expected the first script to accomplish your stated goals, but you didn't ask about that before. So first of all, what sort of script are you writing, effect, object or quest? (Writing your script in a codebox that preserves indents would be helpful.) What will this script be applied to? At first glance, if you were to see any action from this script at all as written, I would guess that it would hit the player with the script effect and messagebox as soon as he enters an exterior cell and then they would both be continually applied endlessly, since there is nothing in the script to tell them to stop. I see nothing that would apply this effect to an enemy when struck. I do not understand why you write "int iStage" rather than "short iStage" if that is your DoOnce condition for the timer. In short, it makes no sense to me. More detail might help, but I can't tell if you are so much better at scripting than me that I cannot suss what you are doing, or if instead you are a novice and do not know what you are doing either. Rather than this script, it might be simpler to create a weapon enchantment that would strike the enemy with a script effect. Then create a script effect that includes a delay, an explosion, a command to show a messagebox, a command to make the messagebox go away, and a markfordelete on the placeatme explosion so that you don't bloat your savegames with their remnants. Cipscis always comes to mind when I think of FO3 uberscripters, but there are plenty of folks around here more skilled at it than me. Maybe someone will chime in.
  25. You would need a timer to add a delay. Cipscis has a tutorial on timers.
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