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About LordTenaim

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    United Kingdom
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    Oblivion, Morrowind, NWN2 + extensions, Skyrim etc
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  1. People are split some eat to live, some live to eat. I am the latter. The combinations of flavour, the different methods. Should I have Chinese, Thai or Indian. Should I cook myself, or go out and enjoy a take-away, or better still go up the Rose, with the atmosphere so grand. A welcoming staff and, food to make a gourmet weep! A fire is grand in the winter months. watching the flames, as they dance on the wood. The scent of the smoke the welcoming warmth. The flickering light on a winters night. A joy in life, To make anyone smile. Watching flames, mesmorising, wanting to touch, wanting to staire. Eyes unable to escape, pain as I touch, but the glow so great. Keep the matches away. Sister teases with a lighter. The mesmorising draw of Fire! And finally re-read post #85 for necromancy of threads.
  2. heh heh, Thanks. :laugh: Snow that beautiful thing, Snow that cold thing, Each flake amazing, Each flake unique. Snowball fights, Diving in to drifts, Taboganing down hills, What fun you can have. Winds whip up a blizzard, Icecicles Hang, Trees leaved in white, An awe inspiring sight. Snow that beautiful thing, Snow that cold thing, Each flake amazing, Each flake unique.
  3. Thanks, I am glad to be back and to have my muse back (somewhat). :dry: :ermm:
  4. Guns help protect? Guns cause death, Used they take life. Do we protect by having more, Do we protect by controlling more. Massicures happen, Famillies ripped apart, Parents bury children. Events that should not happen. Can we prevent more. Is it a mental case, Is it more? Will attitudes change? Will they not? I just hope this never happens again. My tribute to all who died at that American school, my heart goes out to their famillies.
  5. The dead are dead, the living are living. Is this thread dead, Is it alive? A necromancer could help, A priest could help, Or just the mad mind of a POET!
  6. If horses were sane could we ride? If horses are mad why do we ride? Watching someone jump on a horse is quite mad put jumping a horse is madder. Eventing on a horse is inviting injury dressage needs music, but music doesn't need dressage. If horses were sane could we ride?
  7. If that is insane, then so am I. But why not fun is madness dire is madness. but hey Who wants normal? Good poems you lot I have enjoyed reading them.
  8. A Merry Christmas to you and a good new Year. Alas working Christmas morning!!
  9. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
  10. Unseasonaly Hot o October, What heat it was. Yet cool has become This eighth month that was. Tenth just seem right does not. England is this your doing? Making the English Mad? Or ist it because we're mad? Hell, I just became STEREOTYPICAL! I'm english commenting on the weather what could cause this to be worse? DON'T say thread Necromancy!!! :sweat:
  11. For me it's getting irritating as I work outside at a livery stable and stud, we're continuously gritting and clearing snow and it's doing everyone's backs in. :(
  12. Ban pagan, bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! :devil:
  13. Thanks for letting us know this happened, also it is very pleasing to know how quickly and seriously this was taken. To Dark0ne and all the staff thank you for the hard work you put in to give us this most wonderful site/community. I did have problems loading the site earlier but nothing seems to be wrong.
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