Hi monganfinn, Many thanks for the pointer, very much appreciated. I downloaded a couple of the files and extracted the "Male Old" folder from each, then tried them in Skyrim one at a time. Unfortunately I couldn't see any difference whatsoever between the original old faces and the modded old faces. The reason that I am trying to find a less "intensely" lined face is because (like many people) I have used the Creation Kit to add in my own NPC's.....but as the game progressed they unconciously "grew" into an actual family, to the point where my character's household now contains a) the wife, b) the kids, C) the wife's two sisters and d) the mother-in-law! Yes, even the M-I-L lives with them...mind you she's REALLY impressive with a two-handed Ebony battle-axe! With that in mind you'd think that there would be no objection to her having quite a heavily-lined face....except that she is actually a full-blooded vampire (the wife took "the cure")....and what are female Vampires famous for? For not letting go of their good-looks for some considerable time..... ....which hopefully explains why I am looking for a "softer" lined face for his "darling" mother-in-law. I'd like to be able to portray her as 750 year-old vampire who still looks good but definitely older than her daughters. All rather long-winded and abit sad I suppose but hell, why not....it's my own version of "immersive"? Anyhow, I'll keep looking and thanks again for your help. All the best