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Everything posted by masoncravens

  1. every time i wait or sleep, it does the hour countdown then autosaves, and then i CTD, i have no idea what may be causeing this, no mods that i have should, or have ever, comflicted with the sleep amd wait system, any suggestioms?
  2. Im looking for someone to make an armor that is as close to or similar to this armor type from the assassins creed series Example: http://faqsmedia.ign.com/faqs/image/article/113/1136640/doctor_gear.jpg
  3. So ive been searching for a set of anims. that will make your character do more "Acrobatic" type attacks.. maybe like spin/jump attacks, that arent only power attacks like the dual power attack. If there are already some mods like this please tell me where to find them.
  4. So i was looking at the "Thrones" intro replacer for skyrim and when i was going to the nexus, with the link i was given directing me to it, it says that the file was not found, was it removed? Is there any other place to download it?
  5. Thanks :). But as u said since i am a bit new to the system, i should get NMM, does it support bain? Or are you saying i should just wait until i am comfortable with it then switch to bash?
  6. So im wanting to instal wyre bash, and i usually instal mods manually, so here is what i need help with: 1. Do i need to uninstall all my mods i have installed manually? 2. What should i download?: standalone?, python?, or Installer? 3. Is there any extra things i need to know? The reason behind me wanting wyre bash is because i needed a way to instal a "bain mod", like XP32 skeletons for FNIS, and wyre bash was way to do it. Any and all help is appreciated.
  7. Yes, i did that and still nothing, right out of helgen i tested it on the way to riverwood, but i didnt work.
  8. I need help with my FNIS Behavior, this is the log i recieve after running the Behavior Update, and consistence check. FNIS Behavior V5.0.2 5/27/2014 7:39:14 AM Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim (Steam) Generator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users Skeleton female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones) Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for 1H Weapon" Patch: * xp32's "Momo Acrobatic Jump" Reading FNIS V5.0.2 ... Reading FNISBase V5.0.2 ... Reading MomoAJ V?.? ... All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files ... 16 GENDER modifications for Animations\male\ 27 GENDER modifications for Animations\female\ Creature Pack not installed 375 animations for 3 mods successfully included (character) Missing AnimFile mt_jumpfallback.hkx for character, mod MomoAJ Duplicate AnimFile mt_JumpFastBack.hkx for character, mods MomoAJ and standard 2 possible consistence issues It seems i am missing two files from Momo Acrobatic jump, and also it isnt detecting the version of Momo acrobatic jump, but i installed the file correctly, and even downloaded it again to check if the files were even there and i had a corrupt download, sure enough the files listed above were not even in the mod folder. ive ran skyrim and it seems to be fine, but id like to get rid of the errors. Is there some reason i am missing files?
  9. In the dragonborn dlc, there is a sword you find, the Bloodskaal, i beleive is he exact name,it is a two handed sword, and when you use the power attacks it will emit a red wave that will harm enemies, i was looking to see if anyone could make several different variants of this including, fire, frost, and lightning. As well as the absorb spell effects so a minimum of at least 6 different types, each with different color based on the effect. I would like this to be in the form if an enchantment so i can apply to weapons as i see fit. Also if its not to much trouble, as spells. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to take the request.
  10. I have checked the top mods but i said i wanted mods that are for things OTHER than snow or water.. so frostfall and wet amd cold are both out.
  11. This goes great with frostfall, im going to go ahead and download, thanks :)
  12. So ive been doing some hunting, and i decided coming to the forums was the best place, im searching for some of the best immersion mods you guys have come across, i have weapons and armor already, but now im wanting gameplay/ environmental immersion, like ralistic weather that can be potentailly dangerous, like frostfall, but for other environments other than just snow. And Mods i should look for?
  13. Ive been doing a bit of reserch on any form of underwater combat, and all attempts have become fruitless.. is there any way that we can make this happen? Like new animations? And using a specific type of weapon, like daggers, maybe it will give me a reason to actually use them. I would really like to see this mod come to life, i can see that there would be an uproar if new mids afterwards for new dungeons,creatures, weapons, armors and many more things that could be made if only we were able to survive underwater attacks, while i know slaughterfish arent that hard in the first place but other aquatic creatures could be added as well.
  14. I already use SkyUI, but what i wanted was a new category, like you see for weapons, potions, ingredients, etc. But i wanted there to be a teir for Key items/Quest items. I would really like it to be compatible with SkyUI though.
  15. So ive been walking around skyrim alot latly looking at the weather, like rain, snow storms, and sand storms(Dragonborn DLC), and i notice thst they are lacking.. idk what to call it, power? Influence on the player, perhaps? And i would like if somehow someone could make it so the storms are heavier and certian storms like rain, snow or sand storms could hurt or weaken the player, maybe hail dealing little damage or lighting strikes, possibly. I know frostfall adds immersion to snow and water bjt what about other elements like heat? Or the air condition during sand storms or in mines or even the steam in dwemer ruins. I would really apreciate anybody lookig into it or if there are already a few mods that have these elements.
  16. I did have a mock up storyline involving a few characters from the story and a variant of the questline of Azura's Star but much longer, and possible spells, items, etc.
  17. I was thinking it would be like the civil war or dawnguard, allowing you to side with the necromancers somehow or wiping them out completly.. some plot/story would need to be created obviously, but i couldnt just pass up the idea.
  18. Any specific gods or relics you would like to see? Daedric or aedric?
  19. Kk ill start looking into it, hopefully i can scrape something together that suits your descripion.
  20. Would certianly be possible with a modified version of a circlet.
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