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Everything posted by WorldShaperDragon

  1. How do I run a script every time a savegame is loaded?
  2. Ok, I managed to bypass that issue by writing a small script of my own that checked for vampirism & being of my race & was able to toggle it back and forth, but then ran into another issue where when saving as a vampire, and then quitting skyrim (the glitch would NOT happen w/o quitting), then loading again resulted in the race being set to None, resulting in a missing head until I used setrace to the non-vampire version (and letting the other script change it back) manually (trying to do it in a script had no effect). Edited due to me being an idiot and forgetting to use Game.GetPlayer() :P The script to change it back works.
  3. Turns out I had been testing still with the racial compatibility esm enabled, but disabling it resulted in the exact same behavior for vampires (it caused a complete failure to transform for werewolves however)
  4. I poked around with using http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10165 , but both with or without that I couldn't get it to work right. So basically what happens is that upon the player becoming a vampire, they get the vampire powers & such, but there is no visual change that happens to the custom race from its normal version to the vampire version. However, using the 'setrace' console command works to visually change the player over. It seems that instead of properly changing the player's race, they simply remain the original race, and gain the vampire powers. The vanilla races still change over as normal, so the issue isn't something breaking scripts (at least not for them).
  5. Did you make sure that the 'vertex colored' or whatever that option name was had been set to true? If so: I recall a thread a while back about some guy who was making a sword and had the same issue. I can't recall off hand what the issue was though. Could also be that the game expects a texture set or something to be specified for it in the CK?
  6. Check for keyloggers first, then change your password, since otherwise its just going to get compromised again.
  7. I think its ok if the mod author changes the description (ie, they may have news) (though maybe it should be an opt-in thing, so that if you're fixing a grammar error or something like that, it won't trigger)
  8. It seems like a case of bad wording. I think it should read something like this "As you've chosen to manually review all friend requests, ..."
  9. Hi, I've noticed this issue occur a quite a bit, both to my chagrin as a user, and now concerning to me as a modder. Overall I love the nexus sites, but this issue has caused me (and I imagine quite a few others) quite some inconvenience in the past. It would be great if it could be taken into consideration, especially what with all the pending changes and upgrades to the sites that are being planned for. As a user, I browse through to see if any mods have had recent updates (IE, just out of curiosity to see what is being actively developed, who is actively developing, or looking for a mod in develop I didn't think to track the first time I saw it), maybe some content additions or patches, or maybe the modder putting up a notice about future development in the primary description or putting up their own images. However, the current behavior of the filter causes two issues with mods that recently had new user images uploaded. 1) They can cause large finished/permanently halted mods that get a lot of 'thank you!' images to stay stuck at the top and push mods with actual updates to get pushed down, and 2) they can cause false-positives. As a modder, it means that if I update my mod, even if its only a day old update, in a highly trafficked category (ie, armor mods), it could easily get pushed down by large completed mods with torrents of 'thank you' screens, thus making it harder for my users to see that I've made an update. After all, chances are if you're looking at the 'last update' filter sort, you're looking for recent news from the mod author, not from users of the mod. [edit] - forgot to get to the actual suggestion part, which was nothing more than 'exclude user-added images from the "last updated" mod view filter'
  10. IIRC, you can't have more than 253 mods loaded (skyrim.esm and update.esm take up slots 0x00 and 0x01, and mods can go all the way to slot 0xfe - 0xff is reserved for instance id's (ie, if you drop, say, an arrow, it will generate an instance id. These are generated at runtime, and are disposed of when nolonger used [a glitch in oblivion before its last patch caused this not to happen, resulting in things getting overwritten once 0xffffffff was used as it overflowed back to 0xff000000, which would kill saves]))
  11. I'm currently working on a race mod that I hope will branch into other things as well, ranging from a nice-looking digitigrade body mod to some minor armor mods, and (unlikely, due to technical and feasibility constraints) my pipe-dream expansion-sized mod featuring said race (and some others), in multiple worldspaces. As to more immediate goals, I'm working on rounding out the chargen content for the race (currently, only hair an face marks have no options yet), then adding in vampirism support (using the resource/script thing) and then finalizing textures and such. Pre-alpha in active development here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13561 I also need to get around to releasing my beast-race versions of the alduin armor which are designed to not clip with them, but I need to check with justice123 to figure out what he did end up doing in the time I got distracted working on my race mod instead of fixing the morph glitch so I don't release duplicate content.
  12. I'm not sure why, but after receiving a couple messages this morning, the message counter on skyrim nexus just stopped updating correctly, and I'm not sure why. The forum one still works though.
  13. derp, ok, I'm an idiot XD. Thanks for cleaning that up :thumbsup:
  14. I just noticed that my avatar doesn't show up in my profile, or under the friends list of another. Might it have something to do with being a png with transparency? It shows up just fine next to my posts. (For reference, I can see others' avatars in profile view)
  15. Oh wow, I remember this thread, from like, way back when skyrim came out (or maybe even before then) Anyways I've been working on my own race mod (you can follow development here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13561 ), though mostly my focus so far was "get it in game, get the head meshes working, make it playable" with things like textures being currently worked on (current textures are really early in development) - After I get things like textures and other stuff functional, I would love to take a stab at making a general digitigrade race bodymod so that my own race (and others') could then use that. Only problem is that I know utterly nothing about egm files and all that sort of stuff, and I would be inclined to think a new skeleton is necessary, is it not? Otherwise you could get anything from weird walking to outright extreme stretching of the mesh due to the bones pulling too far in plantigrade directions for vertex weighting to cover up. Also, in response to what drake was saying, it actually IS possible to have the meshes for armor & whatnot change by race, which is really cool :D (if someone else already said this, then nevermind XD) Actually I do need to add that to my list of to-do things.
  16. And now its up. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13561
  17. Pre-alpha should be out tomorrow. Stuff... came up today. [edit] - well, file upload process started at 11:59 pm in my timezone, so it /was/ still technically sort of 'tomorrow' for me when I said that XD
  18. Unemployed and educators also are eligible for free licenses (and you can renew the license after 3 years if you are still eligible, though they'd likely have newer versions out by then anyways...)
  19. ah ok, thats good to know... I managed to get away with no default hair though so far, so I would imagine only having something in the default eye slot is necessary
  20. Argh, sorry for the long response delay, but its finals week for me for this quarter right now. So yeah. Anyways, you'll need the egm & tri files for the char-gen menu to function right, though I don't know that much about them. --- In other news, I'm probably going to try to release a pre-alpha for my mod sometime this week since I won't be able to do much outside the CK next week while I'm at home & only have lower-powered computers with me.
  21. Nope, it certainly exists. Its located in one of the nordic ruins, though I forget which one; IIRC, there were 3 of them on a table-like protrusion from the ground, used to control a set of rotating doors. (center for not rotating, left for one direction, right for the other)
  22. @Gamerboy Hmmm no, it shouldn't be. The werewolf is playable via transformation, and using the console, you can play as theoretically any race, and they don't have first person capabilities at all. @DarkLylyth Have you exported it and tried to use it in-game?
  23. Thanks! I intentionally avoided altering the poly count in my meshes, not because of the UV maps, which I can handle easily, but because modifying the poly count results in the morphs breaking, meaning that I'd have to recreate the tri-files & morphs.
  24. Whoa, ok, long time no post, but I finally got some reportable progress in that I got the male head for my own race working now: Pics: To answer your question, no I wouldn't really know anyone off hand who isn't already working on something or not able to do anything at all. I can continue to provide some help, as I have over PM's in the past though.
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