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Everything posted by bombchu

  1. Hello :smile: The Mod Troubleshooting section looked to be more for trouble with mod installation, so I hope this is a good place for this. I'll admit, I'm only assuming this is an alpha channel problem. I'll leave it to the pros to decide. I'm having trouble with textures that I make being partially transparent. The intended transparency is there, but the rest of the texture has the opacity turned down on it as well. I'm using the Photoshop DDS Plugin from Nvidia, and man there are a ton of options when saving a DDS file. Anyway, I don't know what all info you would need to help me with my issue, so I'll just let you ask me about stuff rather than try to run through every little step I took. Hopefully someone can help. Thanks ^_^
  2. In case anyone is interested. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68589/? Thanks for all the help :)
  3. Well, that's not really me promoting it, but I get your meaning. Anyway, I posted a summary.
  4. Hello! :smile: Those who replied to my help topic have probably guessed that I'm working on a mod that brings back the poisoned apples from Oblivion. Not a unique idea, as there are several other mods that have already done this, but I'm hoping people will find my implementation of the idea unique and immersive. The mod is very simple at its core. It allows you to... 1. Craft Poisoned Apples at any cookpot. 2. Offer them to NPCs through a dialogue option, or... 3. Reverse pickpocket them to NPCs and have them find/eat them soon after. The apple WILL kill any non essential NPC when given to them in one of these two ways, and will also endanger the lives of any character in the immediate area (including the player's character), so take care where/when you decide to use it. It should be noted that I wasn't aware of the existence of the "poisoned" perk until a couple of days ago, so my mod works completely independent of it and does not require the player to have it. From my understanding of the perk, it wouldn't allow the apple to have the effect that I had in mind anyway, but I could be wrong about that. The idea behind the dialogue option is that you're using either idle chit chat or flattery to distract from the shadiness of your offer. The way your character phrases the offer will differ depending on who you're talking to. Additionally, the dialogue will not appear for characters who would decline the offer. The appearance of the dialogue is partially tied to you speechcraft skill level, which at the moment is set up like this: Speech Skill: 0-59 = The dialogue will appear for any NPC with which the PC has a relationship rank of 1 (friend) or higher. Speech Skill: 60-99 = Adds the dialogue to NPCs with a relationship rank of 0 (acquaintance) or higher. Speech Skill: 100+ = Drops the relationship rank requirement to -1 (enemy) or higher. *Note, I noticed that -1 ranked NPCs don't attack you, so it seemed like a player with a 100 speech skill should be able to flatter even someone who doesn't like them into taking the apple. Opinions or suggested changes to this formula are welcome. You'll need at least 1 poisoned apple in your inventory to get the dialogue. Also, you'll never see the dialogue for undead NPCs, nor will the pickpocket method have any effect on them. Thieve's Guild members are also not affected by the pickpocket method. In these cases the apple will stay in their inventory, and you're welcome to try to pickpocket it back if you want. There are certain occasions where the dialogue might result in unique effects or consequences. This is the area I would most like to expand upon in future updates, as I think it offers the biggest opportunity for immersion. There's also a tad more to the mod that I'm leaving for the player to discover. Also, I'm not sure about the title. The current title is mostly for attention grabbing purposes. Anyway, that covers it unless I'm forgetting something. Opinions or ideas for further immersion are most welcome. Thanks a lot for reading! :smile: edit: Much of the current dialogue is written from the perspective of someone who is attracted to females. It would be great if I could get help with writing lines to accommodate other player types. Thanks again! :smile: edit 2: If anyone is interested in play-testing, it would be a big help!
  5. Hello :) Would it be ok to promote a mod here, or would that be considered tacky? I'm almost finished with a mod that I really think people will dig, but since I'm not a known modder I'm afraid it will be looked over unless I try to get word out about it. Thanks! :)
  6. Haha, I thought the Interfaction Relations window was for setting the relationships between the members of that faction. Ok, I'll try that. Seems pretty fool proof. But, is there a way to add every faction at once? There are a LOT of factions, and adding them one at a time will take forever. I know I don't literally need them to hate everything, but there are many that I don't even know what they are, so I'll probably end up adding most of them anyway. I'm sure I'll just have to bite the bullet and do it, but I thought I'd ask.
  7. I've tried adding them to the BanditFaction along with raising their confidence and aggression to max with no result. Is there a different faction you'd recommend?
  8. I like to use this: http://host.conseiljedi.com/~nico/Skyrim/LOD%20PNG1/Tamriel.4.x.y.png
  9. I've actually gotten everything regarding the exchange of the apple working perfectly, but thanks :) Now I'm having a baffling issue. I want to send someone into a frenzy. Seems simple, yes? I can't get it working. I've tried default frenzy spells, custom spells, making a script that changes the actor faction/aggression/confidence... and nothing. With the default frenzy spells they have the visual effect, but they just continue sandboxing like everything is normal (I'm trying to do this for average citizens, by the way). I've made sure that the spells cover all possible levels. Though I admit, I am not very experienced with using magic, so I don't really know what conditions need to be met for this effect to be applied. Can anyone offer any insight? Thanks! :)
  10. When you switch ENBs, make sure that ALL of the files from the previous ENB are removed. Some of them use files and settings that others do not, so if you just drag, drop, and overwrite you're still left with the extra files that weren't overwritten from the previous ENB, and those are likely to make the new preset look vastly different than intended. When I first started using ENBs, I had some of the same issues as you, and it turned out that this was my problem. My advice would be to go through all of your presets and see what files they install and clean all of those out of your Skyrim installation, then reinstall enbseries and a preset and see if you have the same issues. I use a program called ENB Organizer (you can find it on the Nexus, I believe) and it removes all of the files automatically when you use it to install/uninstall an ENB. edit: Oh, and I recommend Natural Lighting and Atmospherics if you want a realistic look (don't forget to activate the esp!), and Grim and Somber if you want a more stylized look.
  11. Alright, some of that looks promising. The result I'm looking for is to have an effect added to any actor that I reverse pickpocket a certain item onto, and then have the item disappear. This effect should never be applied under any other circumstances. The item should be able to be freely moved to/from any container or actor inventory as if an average misc item. Right now I have the pickpocket check set up as a condition function on the spell, and it works nicely. But I want to script a 10 second delay to the effect, and I assume that would cause the condition to come back false unless i just happen to be targeting someone for a pickpocket 10 seconds later when the spell is supposed to go off. So I'd like to add the pickpocket action as an 'if' condition for 'Utility.Wait(10)' if at all possible. I don't know if I'm explaining it clearly, so apologies if it makes no sense :/ I appreciate the help :smile: edit: I suppose I could use 'IsSneaking' in conjunction with 'OnItemRemoved', but somehow I'd have to filter out the odd occasion where the player might transfer the item to a follower while sneaking. I guess I'd probably be better off rethinking using the delay.
  12. Thank you :) I don't suppose there's a way to register for a pickpocket action, is there? Either way, this is good to know.
  13. I thought that was just referring to the condition functions that you can put on things in the Creation Kit. I haven't been able to get it to work in a script. Is there more to it than just entering "IsPlayerActionActive int"? I tried setting it as a script property, but the "int" type only calls for numerical digits and not a reference to the condition itself. Thanks :)
  14. Ok, I got everything working again, and have yet another question. Is it possible to call a "IsPlayerActionActive" check in a papyrus script? If so, what would be correct way to enter it? Again, I've googled this, but can't seem to fins a clear answer. Thanks for the help! :)
  15. I personally can't play the game without Natural Lighting and Atmospherics ENB. It's hands down the most realistic ENB out there, in my opinion. And you wouldn't need any other lighting mod (like ELFX), so that's one less performance hit. If you're not really wanting a realistic feel, Grim and Somber is my favorite stylized ENB.
  16. Ok, got the eat sound working. For the dialogue method I decided to just set ITMFoodEat as the magic effect's 'on hit' sound. It's so simple, I don't know why I didn't think to do it before now. For the pickpocket method I'll need to use the script function because I don't want the sound to play at the same time the spell hits. Speaking of the pickpocket method... it was working beautifully until I changed all of my dialogue scripts to reference the 'misc' version of the apple (which has the pickpocket script on it) instead of the 'food' version. Is there a conflict here that would cause the script on the 'misc' version to stop working? I certainly hope not :/
  17. Ok, everything I know (not much) tells me that I need to add a property to my script that defines the "ITMFoodEat" sound so the script knows what I'm referencing. It looks like pretty much every sound in the game is listed in that dropdown menu except the one I need. I even extracted the two .wav files that ITMFoodEat uses and put them in their proper directories in the data folder, but that did nothing. I've googled it and found some results, but none of them seem to tell me what I need to know. I've tried a few things but couldn't get them to compile. I'm afraid I'll need a bit of clarification on how exactly that works, if you wouldn't mind. Thanks again.
  18. Hello! :) I'm making a mod that includes a single line spoken by the player's character, but that line is worded differently depending on who the player is talking to. Some of the lines I've written so far might seem awkward coming from a female character, and I really don't think I'm qualified to convincingly write their female counterparts. I'm looking for someone (preferably a female) to help rewrite the lines to be appropriate for female PC's. Don't worry, it's nothing vulgar. Mainly just flattery type dialogue when speaking to the opposite sex. There are 36 different lines covering the majority of the shared voice types, but not all of them need adapting. Just comment or pm me if you're interested. Thanks! :)
  19. Excellent :) I have the file name so I'm good to go on that. That "Utility.Wait" thing will be a huge help in executing everything the way I want to. Thanks a lot! As for the item description, it's something I can live without if I have to. It would be nice, though. As it stands now, the the functional part of the mod is just about finished thanks largely to the help I've gotten here. All that's left is to finish adding all of the presentation related stuff, which I already know how to do (aside from the item description). Thanks again! :)
  20. Yea, that's what I decided to do, and the script that cdcooley suggested is working beautifully. Thanks man ;) I do have a few questions though, if that's ok. I realize that this information is out there just waiting to be researched, but I have terrible trouble staying focused and I always end up with 15 browser tabs open, forgetting what I was even looking for. 1) What is the specific code for playing the "eat" sound and animation? 2) Is there a way to add a description to a misc item? 3) Is there a script function for delaying an event by a set number of seconds? I really appreciate the help here. You guys are awesome :)
  21. The apple is one of my own making, and shouldn't affect/be affected by the properties of any other apple in the game. For my own personal taste regarding presentation and immersion, I really like the idea of it being stored in the food pouch, and have been careful not to make any changes that would affect that. Also, even though there's no reason for the player to eat it (other than curiosity), I love the idea of them being able to if they choose, and have even made a separate effect for that event. But I definitely see the merit in making it a misc item, and will likely end up doing so before it's said and done. As for now, I'm playing with applying the effect with a player owned spell that only affects actors with the item in their inventory. I haven't been able to get the condition to work, however. On the page that Anikma linked me to earlier, it says this: "Once an object has been added to a container it is no longer valid to call functions on it. Functions on self will fail to run with an error." I would imagine this means that I can't reference items in actor inventories under conditions. If anyone knows a way do make this work please let me know. Thanks again :)
  22. Would it work if i put the script on the quest instead of the item?
  23. I think you are correct. I had to do a similar thing with the dialogue portion.
  24. Oh, I see. Stupid mistake thinking the containers had to have object references attached to them. But i can't seem to attach a script to my item :/ The dropdown menu is empty and the [...] button does nothing. It's an apple, if that helps. Is there something I'm missing?
  25. Alright, thanks. Yea, I know that player/actor inventories technically count as containers, but i saw no way to add them as script properties under the "container" type. I would imagine that the actor inventory "container" is especially tricky, since it could potentially be referencing almost any npc in the game. But then again, I still have a lot to learn :/
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