I would like an option to be able to edit my username in the settings. Also, how to a send feedback thru Vortex? I'd like to be able to send some suggestions for Vortex. For now though I just post it here. I think we should be able to search for mods with Vortex from sites that have been integrated. For example, I would like to be able to search the Nexus or Steam Workshop for mods with Vortex without having to use a "broswer." You could make it so when your trying to search the Nexus for mods it would be in a list within Vortex much like when you enable and disable mods. You could even add an option to download mods from steam workshop or other sites if available. Worest case scenario for workshop mods is it could open steam or the workshop in a broswer. Anyways, I'd love to see more support for games with steam workshops. This way people could get workshop mods thru Vortex as long as they owned the game.