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Everything posted by Yelang

  1. Wow! Thanks for the awesome video! :) Back to the topic, I think it require some serious change in combat, for starter the ability to fight in the air.
  2. And that's why they should be here to harass dovakiin! :laugh: BTW, I think re-texturing skeevers seems to be a good starting point huh? Though the animations should be changed as well as they walk (or waltz :tongue:) quite differently.
  3. So it seems there is no mod yet that introduces the honey badgers to the skyrim and I think that should be remedied! True, the cold weather of skyrim does not seem to be ideal for these creatures but they don't care do they? So if you -like me- fancy seeing a big sabre cat being chased by a small honey badger or a dragon fighting one on par, please help me! :teehee: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/259/f/6/tejon_de_la_miel_by_dat1234777-d7ze5bo.jpg
  4. Oh the problem is solved! For anyone with the similar problem, exit the game and start it again and then use phoenix charge on a character. The problem will be solved. :)
  5. Hi. I use the Forgotten Magic mod and recently after using the Phoenix Charge spell, the active effect that plays during the charge (The player is on fire and some kind of sound effect) became persistent. I tried reloading my game, "player.resurrect 1", "recycleplayer" console commands but they didn't do anything as well. Only "sexchange" or changing the race through "showracemenu" stops the sound effect but the visual effect (player being on fire) still remains. Disabling all mods also proved useless. Can anyone please help? :confused:
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