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Everything posted by nemesis6661

  1. Hi everyone, I have a mod in particular which was working fine, on my previous update, I didnt notice that the archives didnt upload, then today, I realize that, and I try to fix it, so I open the ESP, I upload... And the CK tell me that an archive is probably not needed, do I want to add files manually ? But, I dont care, I already have 2 BA2 files names correctly (triple checked), and, in the past, it was working fine, why now it doesnt work anymore ? I really dont understand, and now people start to complain that my mod doesnt work anymore... I really dont understand it's so bothering to not having a button "upload the file X/Y/Z"... This happen on the Xbox upload, and only on this one (I didnt check on PC because my previous update, last year, worked fine). Where is the damn button "force upload" or "force load BA2 files" ?
  2. I figured out that every sprites are inside SWF files... It's just... Crazy xD !!! I will extract them and publish them on The Spriter Resources
  3. I tried to open the DDS files with the Nvidia and Intel plugin on photoshop, and an other one on Paint.NET, but I cant read them. But none of them are called "card" or "perk" or "actionboy" or something... I dont understand... Maybe I didnt extract everything.
  4. Hi everyone ;) , I extracted every texture I found from every .BSA files (including "Interface" category), but I still didnt find anything about the perk cards. I found Black & White Flashs Animations, Quests Animations, the yellow booster (not sure if it's the one used for the animation, but it's not important). Any idea please ?
  5. I extracted everything : Meshes, Textures, Materials (BGSM), I checked the path and everything is targetting the right place :( ... I dont understand.
  6. I successfuly downloaded it, but I dont know the compression I need to use :'( . The file come from FO76 and must go in FO4 :o .
  7. I found the last "Texconv.exe", I tried on the Define Map, and... The texture is now all black : texconv.exe -y -f DXT5 tricentennialx1arm_d.dds pause But nothing ingame, maybe I have to do it on the normal map only ? EDIT : No, still nothing with the normal map in DXT5... But the texture is not all black this time, it didnt change of color, only in "shape" (cant explain or publish a screen, this forum is a bit limited about that :'( ...).
  8. I'm stuck at a point, I need a tool to convert BC7 to DXT5 inside the DDS. But I continued to make some experiments for fun : I took the original textures/meshes and materials BSA files and put them inside the FO4 directory. And... I see something ! I dont see the textures I'm looking for, but I see something. So, this mean something goes wrong : If I extract the datas and I put them inside the Data directory, nothing happens, but if I take the original BSA file, something appear... Where is the foq ?
  9. The base command is probably : texconv.exe -f DXT5 tricentennialx1arm_d.dds pause But... I have a doubt. All I need if this damned file >< ...
  10. Hi everyone :) . I dont find the button to download Texconv, and after downloading it, what will be the command to put ? Will we have to separate the mipmapthing ? Thx
  11. Hi, I successfully extracted the meshes, the materials and the textures from FallOut 76, and I'm trying to import them inside FallOut 4. I created the material file (ma_PA_X01_xxx), the constructible object (co_xxxx), and the paint (PA_X01_material_xxxx), linked everything together. I noticed that the BGSM files (opened with the "Material Editor") was differents, so I tried a lot of things : using the file without any change, converting it, using a base FallOut 4 file and putting the new datas inside, etc... I also tried to put something in the "Environment" case... But, nothing worked, the paints are still not available... All I see is that I have more paint from 76 and nothing to put inside "Smooth Spec" (no xxx_s.dds file if you prefer). But I dont think it's the issue, even when I put a random paint inside, nothing more appear. Any one have an issue ? I think it's just a basic issue of "how to create a paint", but, well... I dont know, sooo...
  12. There are a "tag" for VR only, but I loose the "Power Armor" tag... Hmmmm... Well... Dont have any other choice I guess...
  13. Found : it's the "vignette" or "portrait" option (depending of the language you are running the game xD ). But I must re-deactivate it everytime I launch the game...
  14. Hi everyone, I'm looking for removing the black circle (at borders of the screens) when moving in VR. Any idea ?
  15. Hi ! I tested some of my mods on FallOut 4 VR, and they are compatible for the HTC Vive, but, there are absolutly no tag or option for this, but there are a section for VR mods, how can I put my mod(s) here ? Thx
  16. Hi everyone, I would talk to you about my last mod on FallOut 4 : the Skin Armor Craft for FallOut 4 - Power Armor Edition - V3.1. It's a Transmogrification mod and, in a certain point of view, a FrameWork mod for Paints and Materials (with the last update : The PAMAD Update). We could talk and share experiences / points of view / others things about the mod and the philosophy behind it. The main issues I encounter for the moment is about advise/promotion of my mod, maybe some of you could help me about this point ? --- Link of the main mod : [PC Nexus : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24800? ] [PC BS : https://bethesda.net/fr/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4021193 ] [PS : https://bethesda.net/fr/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4021202 ] [XO : https://bethesda.net/fr/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4021201 ] Link of the official support thread and stats : https://bethesda.net/community/topic/61021/release-the-skin-armor-craft-for-fallout-4-power-armor-edition-a-transmogrification-mod-update-3-1
  17. I dont think it could be an interesting mod, because you dont think to all variables : for exemple, If you wear a Power Armor and Die, what happen to the Power Armor ? If your cadaver stay in place, you could recover the part, but the Frame will be destroyed and a Frame represent 3000 to 2400 caps. I dont think there are good anwser to this question. I play in survival mode, and dying is enougth frustrating like this to not add others.
  18. I thought I was in this particular Forum oO , what da fuk did I do :o !? Well, I found the solution of my problem so It's good, but I could be interested by an other solution but on Skyrim this time. I may create an other topic maybe, I dont know.
  19. Well, it's pretty dead here xD ! I took the problem in an other angle to finish my mod, you can see this at this address : Skin Armor Craft (PC/PS/XO) : https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4021193 I dont close this thread because I would like to know somes tips about theses issues, It's will be usefull.
  20. I try to do the same as you all, but on a Power Armor part. I created a Reddit on this subject but dont have any answer :'( ! ( https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutCK/comments/6ejwc4/creation_kit_how_create_a_mod_slot_for_armor_and/ ). Like I write : I didnt add an "AP_****" to the object modified, because, well, I think I cant, no ?
  21. You should ask on the dedicated section of the mod... But the autor already asked to your question in the description, I let you search...
  22. Hi, For the purpose of my mod, I need to replace or create a new Lining of Power Armor (For exemple, I speak about the "T-60b Helmet" or "T-45d Torso"). So, I tried to "add" a model, for exemple, to the T-45a Helmet, but, It was pretty... Awkward : https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsibisg5o18wx7p/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202017-05-31%2021.44.06.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/5gys4zzwli8cdxs/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202017-05-31%2021.44.33.png?dl=0 Any idea how I can change the model of an Item like this ? Or by an other way. EDIT : Ho ! And I also tried to delete the model from the T-45 Helm object, but it still appears, and I dont know why because there are now no one reference to this model, no ? EDIT2 : I found an other reference to the model in "PA_T45_Helmet", for testing I deleted the model reference, and, In game, the helmet dont appear anymore, but, the Lining A not appear too !!!! It's a little problematic... And the X01 Helmet is no more here too, by the was... EDIT3 : The Lining A was disapear because I changed the Attach Point to an other, he re-appear, but the helmet still invisible.
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