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  1. You have nothing to apologise to me for, my friend! I was replying to showler
  2. Both, though mainly mod posts as I don't visit the forums much. I can live with it and for the most part Nexus has a decent community. But my eyes have definitely gotten tired a few times from them rolling so hard!
  3. Thank you for the update! It really is an invaluable tool. I'm not totally against the new design, been here since 2009 and seen a few of them in that time. I quite like the new filters on the left hand side, though it would be nice if they scrolled separately from the main page. Probably not the correct topic for this, but I do wish the 'block user' feature stopped me from seeing peoples posts. I don't block many people at all, but there are definitely the odd bigot or two I'd rather just not see.
  4. Definitely feels like a step back. The pages are less condensed with lots of empty space, so you have to scroll more. We're also missing the feature to search for mods within a range of dates (eg 1/1/20 to current date) which was extremely useful, especially for games which are years old like SSE and FNV. Choosing between "one year" and "all time" is functionally useless when you're modding a game that's over 15 years old. Especially true for games that have had mini-renaissance moments like FNV did in 2018/2019. Notifications seem broken too, I have to mark all as read at least twice just for it to count.
  5. Not a "new" feature, but one that seems to be missing since the new UI update? You used to be able to sort mods by say, Endorsements within a range of dates (eg 1/1/2020 to today). This was very useful, especially for games that have been out for a long time such as SE and FNV. Unless I'm blind and can't find it?
  6. The only thing that I can think of, in regards to being "Levelled" is if the mod is incorporated into the levelled lists, such as the weapons from Immersive Weapons being found around the world and on enemies. Not sure what else there could be! -JC
  7. From my understanding, the only real way to get past the 255 limit is by merging your mods together to stay as far away from the limit as possible. Mods which add a lot of plugins (Such as SkyRe) you could in theory Merge down into a single ESP. (The tricky bit I could see happening is defining new Masters if those EPS's have multiple) That's my knowledge on the subject, I'm sure someone else may have a better explanation or even possibly a work around. :smile: -JC
  8. The problem might be with some other mods you have? SkyRe has a lot of compatibility patches for use with other mods (Mostly re-assessing stats) so if you had a mod installed that could have conflicted with it, that would have been a problem. I'd recommend taking a look at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29375/? Qotsafan's SkyRe ReProccer Patches and recently http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37605/? Unofficial Skyrim ReDone Patch by ExlmleR (Balbor has patches too, but may be outdated and he's taking the summer off) Hope it works out for you! -JC EDIT - BB Code Fail
  9. Thanks, there was some good information in the link but unfortunately not what I was looking for. I'll make a job of playing around and see what I come up with. :)
  10. Bump? I guess I should clarify, I have searched on the topic quite extensively but keep coming up short apart from one thread that I was pointed to (thanks vinniewryan) but it's not the most coherent or descriptive.
  11. Hi all, new to the forums but no stranger to the Nexus and was wondering if I could get some help on something. Thanks to all the brilliant work that gets put on the Nexus and some Inspirational words, I've decided to crack open the CK and get to work on my own mod. I won't go into specifics, but I aim to edit an existing NPC mesh (already exported) and then import it back into the CK to be used for an NPC/Follower, the trouble is, I've found plentiful amount of tutorials on Weapon and Armour editing/importing but nothing specifically on Character editing. Thanks, and very much appreciated! -JC (I apologise if this is in the wrong section!) -EDIT- Or if anyone is willing to lend a hand, no matter how small, feel free to message me! I will give you the details if you so wish.
  12. Nice work guys, good to see the site getting continuous updates and features, Keep it up! One feature I've noticed that has disappeared is the ability to middle-click on an image to open it up in a new tab and it instead loads on the page in the preview pane. Not something major but I use it a lot to view the images on Mods, especially for comparisons, and was a bit jarring not being able to use it.
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