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Everything posted by Saraane

  1. Sooo... are they gonna sue Israel for the Dead Sea Scrolls next? Cause it's looking like they are trying to copyright the word, scroll. Dead Sea Papers coming your way...
  2. Two weeks!? :wallbash: :teehee: :facepalm: :rolleyes: :woot: :wallbash: To find a job? What world do you live in? The average around here is 6 months to a year. Some of us have been out of work for literally, years! And I know the my friends (and I) are looking! I do temp work and work odd jobs for my (rich lol) friends to get by! Forget the "world economy" I say we levy horrible tariffs on foreign goods coming in to the country. It would keep business here from leaving and penalize the ones that already left!
  3. I'm gonna be honest here, what will probably happen is that Mexico will get Texas (or it will be an independent country) and California (They can HAVE it!) and the South and Midwest will probably split off from the North and let all the Yank Yuppies on Wallstreet take care of/feed themselves. I'm thinking that all the countries will be closely allied and would fight as one country - but failing countries don't tend to hang on to all of their land.
  4. I definitely want children. I'm thirty, married, and my hubby has a good job. I'm getting by doing odd jobs for friends since I was laid off and temp work has dried up. But we have enough, especially if we use cloth diapers and make our own baby food. Our city just started doing a cloth diaper service and I'm excited about it! Feeding an extra person doesn't cost that much, really and the public schools are good here (yay!) As for being a parent, I'm going into it with my eyes wide open. I know it will be hard, the hardest thing I've ever done, really, but we will have our families support and our friends and, with everything we have both been through, I don't think we would screw up the kid too badly lol. We learn from what we've been through. Being a parent is the biggest, most painful and rewarding responsibility a human being can tackle. Not everyone is right for the job and honestly, I wish teen girls had to take contraceptives until they were 21, at least. But... I don't make the rules. I just do my best with what I have. It's all any of us can do.
  5. I never did like this particular right-wing plank. Probably because it simply isn't true. Taxes for the upper brackets are the lowest they've been in years already. Corporate profits are at an all-time high. Trickle-down economics simply doesn't work. The focus should be on the middle and lower classes. Unemployment checks, welfare, social security, medicare and medicaid all do more to stimulate the economy than tax cuts for the rich. Yeah, entitlements. I just went there. And you know what? That bailout thing? Worked. A Good Thing. Stimulus? Worked too. Brought jobs. Both parties are obviously nuts. Currently at least the Dems are the lesser of the two evils, but can we get a decent third pary in here? I hate to be a pessimist, but I firmly believe that most, (not all, some do have souls) rich people would just A: raise prices, B: fire people so they can still make the amount of money they are making now. I've seen it happen. It happened to me, and to my father. Just look around. Why do you think so many people don't have jobs right now if profits are at an all time high? The fact is, people are afraid. I admit, Glen Beck didn't help but the White House and congress has done it's share of fear mongering also. When people are afraid, they want to just sit on what they have or get more. It's human nature. The crazy/scary weather hasn't helped, we are at war with WAY too many places right now... I asked some people that were paying attention during the cold war if that time or this time was worse? 10 out of 10 said this time was way worse. I wish we could get someone into office that didn't owe their soul to 10 or more interest groups. Then something constructive might get done. I'm not going to argue with you about the stimulus and the bail outs. We just see things differently. I'm thinking that had these two things worked, we wouldn't be in the hole we are in now. Of course, if Freddy and Fannie hadn't been allowed to do as they pleased, we would not have fallen so far, so fast. I think they should have been allowed to fail and replaced with people who had scruples. But that's just me. I'll tell you where to find all the money you ever needed - without raising taxes a cent. Welfare and Medicade and all those government relief programs. I'm not talking about the people who can't work and truly need it, I'm talking about that Jack @ss who broke his leg 20 years ago and STILL is on welfare, I'm talking about fully able bodied mothers who just have babies... and get paid for them (the more you put out, the more paid out!!!) There also needs to be a rule put into unemployment that allows you to work temp for a little while and when that work runs out, go back to unemployment. And if that person doesn't work for six months, at all, ever, not once. They are cut off. That might solve the dead-beat on unemployment problem. And S&P downgraded us because the interest of our loans is now equal to the gross national product. In our current state, that is unsustainable! And I don't blame them!
  6. According to what I've read, during Bush Jr.'s admin, the debt ceiling was raised seven times. I don't remember hearing about any of those times. *lol* I wonder how much of a fuss was raised when Clinton did it (5 times) , or Reagan (18 times), and I think it's been raised a couple of times already since Obama became president. *sigh* True, but back then we also weren't about to lose our AAA credit rating or go over the rate of interest in a year that we make in a year. THAT is what makes it dangerous. We have to stop spending so much money! A household (unless it contains a bunch of idiots) realizes this and cuts the budget. I would be fine with things like Obama care and expensive researches... if we were not about to run out of money... Oh, and the whole print it out of thin air... isn't going to work much longer.
  7. Well, I'm going through the mediafire links that I have and I haven't found it yet. But I have found one that I haven't seen before she's got sparkly barrets in her hair. It's cute! I'll just keep looking and thanks for the info!
  8. Well, I think we got the answer to their "debt ceiling solution" today/yesterday in the stock markets. What was it, biggest drop since sometime in 2009? NIIIICE. There are two problems here. Number one is by the time ANYone gets to a powerful position, they have been bought and sold at least 100 times by various interest groups. If we just killed all the lobbiest many of our problems would go away. Number two (and I may be a bit bias here) Is that no one KNOWS how to fix this and everyone has their own ideas. The main force of the Democrats a year ago thought playing Santa all year long would be the solution and they could just tax everyone (especially those hated rich *that weren't them or their friends* to death) to pay it off later. Problem there was, someone realized that if the rich, IE employers started losing their money it would trickle alll the way down to the poorest of the poor. The Republican plan is to just stop spending money and just not add any taxes to anyone. But the Democrats (and some Republicans) LIKE playing Santa (especially to those groups they owe their SOULS to) and don't want to let those groups down. So they fight... and nothing gets done. And today... the economy crashes and burns... AGAIN because of it. And one thing that bothers me... THIS ECONOMY IS NO ONE ADMINISTRATIONS FAULT!!! (starting when I paid attention) Clinton made those trade deals for the "World Economy"... which lowered tarrifs on foreign goods and made even MORE American companies "run for the border", shall we say. Lower taxes, lower worker pay... WHY NOT!!! Clinton also allowed "Freddie and Fanny" to do whatever they wanted... including many sliding scale loans to people who THEY KNEW COULD. NOT. PAY. Bush did do the handouts (IE refunds) and did get us involved in some expensive wars... but this is the reign of Nancy Pelossi as the speaker of the house. In my humble opinion, Bush didn't VETO enough... Bush also did nothing to correct the mistakes of the past... IE Freddy and Fanny Then the toilet that is our economy begins to over flow... Bush does start the bailout trend, granted. Obama is President. Bailouts Trying their darnedest to pass that moronic EPA bill which would have killed the economy dead should it have passed Obama care More wars (including the "not war") Scaring Businessmen to death with threatened taxes, not knowing WHAT they would be taxed and NO INSENTIVES TO HIRE PEOPLE... say it with me... IDIOTS!!!! As for stuff before Clinton... I'm sure older and wiser folks than I would be happy to tell you how the Presidents (and congress) of their time screwed up.
  9. After gathering any relatives/loved ones that I was sure was NOT going to eat my brains... I would first get as far from the cities as I could. (And use zombies for target practice on my way out XD) Then I would go raid the country bumkin grocery for food and an initial water supply. Then I would go to the nearest old neighborhood. Trust me, in my state, we have tornado shelters fit to survive a nuke. I would try my level best to find a house with a fresh water well. (There are plenty in the country out here) I would then raid a fireworks store and load up. If I had not found a place to hunker that had water I would also stock up on purification pills. I would then set it up that I could blow up any zombies that came near. But odds are, we would never see more than four or five zombies at a time cause we got the hell out of dodge. Then I would visit a pharmacy... We would also be well armed. We like our guns out here. After the initial panic, we would plant gardens and live off the land... and sell drugs as that will be the new currency. An antibiotic will be worth 50 time it's weight in other trade-able goods.
  10. ..it seems like the Vegabond Katana from Homura Outfit lol this is the most re-used picture in a while. I'd like the hair, please. If you need to PM me for it, do so. Also both the hairs here and the brown armor, http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/371616-1310945426.jpg The coat here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/6615-1-1278744466.jpg And I have a bunch of (mostly foreign) links that I'm sharing, including, if asked for, an armor that is hard to find and much sought for. Just PM me and I will be happy to share!
  11. How about Beautiful Stars ? Beautiful stars is what I'm using now and I don't like it nearly as much. I know it was either on the nexus or planet elder scrolls.
  12. I used to have a mod called (i think) colorful stars. It replaced the star maps with brighter, more beautiful, twinkling stars. Anyone know where to find this?
  13. Doubt it but the feathers very well may have been edited in. I remember seeing a mod that allowed you to set clothing choices for your companions and switch between them with a spell but I can't find it now. Please help!
  14. The scarf - Tona's mod store The cat kittens!!! Enjoy!
  15. That was the one with all the ren hairs. This is a new version with new hairs and I've seen some pictures of some really great guy hairs from that. Actually... from what I've seen, they update every couple of months lol. True, there aren't AS MANY guy hairs as girls (and the girl hairs get more attention) but all you have to do is go into the CS and mark any hair you don't like as nonplayable. easy. Side note - download it from the mirror. It's way more stable for a download that huge. Is TES still getting attacked? Things have been more stable the last month or so...
  16. I don't play males... but I think modular beautiful people ++ has some good ones.
  17. I know that some of the goddess store armors and I think they may be stand alone. Also check out the hero store.
  18. I'm looking for two things specifically, one would be a coat for a female body that I can wear over other clothing. Does anyone know if these coats work on a female? I'd love a fur coat for running around in bruma and the northern parts. The other thing I'm looking for is some period appropriate sleepwear. I DO NOT WANT bra and panty sets or come and sex me up lounge-wear. I want pretty, lacy possibly semi sheer nightgowns and pajamas. The only thing I have found so far is the dancer dress from the goddess store. I don't mind it being a little sexy, what fun sleepwear isn't? But I want it to be sleep appropriate also. the second one from the left is the dancer dress Please help me!
  19. I'll try reinstalling. It's weird though... Bash still works as does the CS and mod manager. *shrug*
  20. Can anyone tell me where the room environments come from? Those would both be from Hentai's lovely house here
  21. lol I wanna know where that outfit came from! So pretty!
  22. I'm having huge problems getting this to work! I've made sure that I have the correct version of Java, I moved everything over to C:\ oblivion just to try and prevent machine confusion but I am still getting an invalidation message that says it can't find the Oblivion directory. Please help!
  23. Thanks for the help! Actually, I found a vender resource mod that all you have to do is pop everything in the chest. I'm HOPING to be able to put everything with her.
  24. Has anyone downloaded clothes combined off site? It seems to contain clothing from a LOT of sources, Mystery of Mosolem, Colorwheel, speedbuster, Otherworld and many others. There is no read me and I'm wondering if the quests are included where there were quest originally... I hope not cause I heard many were buggy. Also... where the clothing would be located... testing room meeby? If someone could help me with this I would appreciate. Thanks! Note: I have found THE best source of foreign mod links. PM me if you want the resource!
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