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David Brasher

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Everything posted by David Brasher

  1. What do they think this is? An arcade hack and slash for kids with Attention Deficit Disorder? I do not see how having achievements makes Skyrim better than Morrowind or Oblivion which did not have them. I think that it is immersion breaking to have a stupid message pop up on my screen to tell me I accomplished one of two kinds of things: (1) Something I know that I have accomplished because it is exactly what I have been working on. (2) Something I don't care about accomplishing because it is something that I would do by accident in the course of playing the game. (Example: Sideways - complete 10 sidequests.) The achievements aren't even much of a gauge for how much you have played the game: Many people play in offline mode because they don't care for Steam, and don't want to be connected to the Internet while playing. So if they unlock one of these wonderful achievements while in offline mod, it will not be permanently recorded. Many people use a certain play style. Like if they were to always play a light character, they would never unlock the achievements related to the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. I looked in the CK once and it appears that it would require about 2000 edits to make a mod to remove the achievements from the game, but then the stupid achievement box would still be there leering at you whenever you went to the Steam window where you launch Skyrim. I think achievements are part of the dumbing-down of role-playing games and part of a sinister plot to have Steam insinuate itself into our lives. [/ END RANT]
  2. If you make a custom vendor with a custom voice type, you are going to need to make a bunch of new dialog infos either in a new quest or in an original one. You are going to need to voice-act all of those new lines of dialog.
  3. In this mod, you can get a job as a blacksmith and do an unlimited number of smithing jobs for pay: Work a Steady Job as a Blacksmith.
  4. Building mods for Skyrim is more interesting than playing Skyrim. Sometimes I am in the middle of a play-test and I start thinking, "This play-test is taking forever! I wish I could hurry up and accomplish my mission objectives and get back to modding." I do not know how I got lost like this. It is a video game. I am supposed to enjoy playing it.
  5. You could build another worldspace with the deck and interior of the ship. You would name this worldspace with the name of your ship.
  6. "Title says enough?" There are two typos in your title. Which race of boss were you looking for? The title mentions three of them: dwermer dwerem dwemer In Skyrim modding terminology, a "tank" is an NPC who wears heavy armor and fights with melee weapons. Is this what you are asking for? Or are you asking for a tank with caterpiller tracks, grenade and bullet-proof armor plating, and a turret mounted flat trajectory cannon?
  7. This part of Fallout 3 was not fully implemented for Skyrim. The only part of this that remains is decapitation. There would be no way to work within the system and do this.
  8. Did you save while all your mods were deactivated? That would be a bad thing unless it was a premeditated action.
  9. Had you installed Skyrim 1.6 before you lost everything? If you had not done this, then your problem could be the incompatibility with Skyrim 1.6 and a lot of old mods.
  10. If you can't get the mods to work with NMM, you could install them and activate them manually.
  11. I would assume that English is your second language, otherwise I would recommend that you look to your proofreading. It is important to communicate clearly what it is that you would like and to try to make the best impression that you can when asking people for things.
  12. If your computer crashes when using mods with large numbers of actors loaded into memory all at once, then it won't matter which NPC mod you use because you will still get the overload that causes CTDs. Or have you traced it down to some other NPC-related cause such as missing meshes and textures, faulty AI packages, or bad .kf files?
  13. Here is another page in the wiki: Creating Custom Master Files.
  14. Here is a script to have stuff happen when you kill a bandit in the official quest tutorial: Scriptname GSQThiefScript extends ObjectReference Quest Property TutorialQuest Auto Event OnDeath(Actor killer) TutorialQuest.SetObjectiveDisplayed(20) TutorialQuest.SetStage(20) EndEvent Source: Tutorial Basis Quest Scripting For the quest giver dying, it might work best to have two copies of this actor, a dead one and a live one. You would keep one disabled and the other enabled and switch off at the proper time. This way you could place the dead one in some dramatic death position. The code to do stuff like that is like: AAMyActor.enable() AAMyActor2.disable To derail the follower dialog for the daughter, the easiest way would be to have it dependent on a certain quest stage. You would have conditions on the dialog like: GetStage AAMyQuest >= 80 AND You would raise the quest stage in a dialog info result script while talking to the daughter. Sort of like: GetOwningQuest().SetStage(80)
  15. It is pretty sad, but many of the screenshots are taken from unplayable games. There are so many cool mods installed and the settings are turned so high that the lag and stuttering make it unsuitable for actually playing. These people actually set things up for the purpose of taking screenshots and do not intend to play Skyrim while those mods and settings are active. The lag and stuttering can be so bad that it can be hard for them to get the actor into position to push the button and take the screenshot. Aiming the camera can be hard because the screen jerks from view to view rather than smoothly panning or strafing. I imagine they take screen shots in god mode, because if they were attacked by a mudcrab while the game was so unresponsive, then they would get killed.
  16. It depends on what other mods are going to be used at the same time. Some overhaul mods edit lots of leveled lists. Some overhaul mods edit the inventories of lots of containers. So you would want to edit the thing that is not being edited by the other mods that you or your downloaders are using. If you wanted your mod to never conflict with any leveled list overhaul mods, one approach would be to create a custom chest item for your new gear and place one copy of it in each dungeon or location you wanted to. But that is an awful lot of work, and there would be other smaller conflicts, such as object placement clipping issues or levitating object issues and navmeshing problems. Editing leveled lists or container inventories might not be too bad. In many cases, someone who downloaded your mod could just place it after their overhaul mod and have your loot changes override the ones from the other mod.
  17. It would be great if there were more quests. Unfortunately, Skyrim is the pits to build quest mods for. I have built a number of them and and can state this from experience. Oblivion was easy to build quests for compared to Skyrim. But the worst part is not the difficulty of building them, but their unreliability once built. If a modder builds and uploads a quest mod, he or she will live to regret that incontinent action for a long time to come. After the mod is built and play-tested and polished, it will work perfectly on the computer it was built on, but good luck on getting it to work on all the computers of other people. I don't have any real figures to consult, but I would guess that if a quest mod is built, it will only work on between 80% and 95% of the computers it is used on, assuming that the mod builder is highly skilled, conscientious, and uses all the best practices that people write about.
  18. Congratulation on your purchase of another fine Bethesda product! Bethesda is not good at optimization and at living within its means. It always builds games that require computers of the future. Computers that the average gamer does not have yet. Perhaps even computers that nobody has yet. This was the case with Morrowind, with Oblivion, and with Skyrim. Oblivion used a very lag-prone game-engine, but had less CTDs than Skyrim. Skyrim uses the Fallout game engine and has a much faster and smoother framerate than Oblivion if a powerful enough computer is used. Unfortunately the game engine is very unstable and things like quests, scripting, and mods don't work so well. In this department, Oblivion was superior. So to enjoy playing Skyrim, you may need to buy the most powerful computer you can afford, maintain it well, shut down unnecessary background processes while playing, carefully limit your mod usage to things that don't cause lag and CTDs, and turn your graphics settings down so low that your game is a little ugly and doesn't look like the screenshots people post.
  19. It sounds like you are in the right place. Examine the lists more closely and look at the hundreds of containers of various types to see where they are used, and which ones would be best for putting your weapons and armor into. For example, TreasBanditChest is used more than 300 times. If you edited it, then you would quickly distribute your items over a large part of the game world. One thing you might look at is editing vanilla leveled lists instead of vanilla containers. Both approaches cause mod conflicts and have advantages and disadvantages.
  20. I generally use 0-1 followers. Follower combat AI is bad. They are foolishly bold. They would all get killed except for the fact that they just enter bleedout mode and don't die. If followers were set to die instead, then you would have to jack up their health to like 3000 and then they would still die quite often. Followers also block narrow hallways. If I have too many followers, I can't get a clear shot at an enemy, and the followers have to fight the whole battle themselves.
  21. Here is a script from the mod Mercy: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 1 Scriptname TIF__00039B96 Extends TopicInfo Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef) Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor ;BEGIN CODE akSpeaker.SetAV ("Aggression", 0) akSpeaker.SetFactionRank(PlayerFaction0, 0) akSpeaker.StopCombat () ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Faction Property PlayerFaction0 Auto This result script on a dialog info makes the actor unaggressive toward the player.
  22. This mod makes it so that many hostile NPCs will yield to you and stop fighting if you wound them nearly to death: Mercy.
  23. It sounds like you have a mod that edits the quests with vendor and shopkeeper dialog. It sounds like there is an alias fill failure which breaks the mods and makes it so all the dialog in the broken quests is unavailable and so these tradespeople can no longer sell stuff. If this clue does not bring to mind any of the mods on your list, you may need to do lots of testing with turning off mods and testing repeatedly until you can isolate the bad mod and can terminate it with extreme prejudice.
  24. It depends on what sort of a mod you are trying to remove. Some can easily be completely removed. Some can't really be removed at all. But as you imply, it is good to have a lot of old savegames of various ages for a character in case something goes wrong and you want to revert to an old savegame.
  25. I have built this mod and uploaded it here: Merciless Beginning - No Handouts.
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