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David Brasher

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Everything posted by David Brasher

  1. (1) To fix the first problem here is the wiki page: Dark Face Bug. (2) NPCs like to wear outfits rather than loose items like the player character does. You will need to set the outfit to what you want the follower to wear when not following, and have it contain cheap enough gear that the follower will prefer to wear good items you give him rather than wearing his outfit. (He will still wear his outfit when off duty.) (3) Actors are often given powers and abilities as well as spells and diseases from the Items > Magic > Spells menu.
  2. The first two characters of the id number are generated by position in load order: XX164898 XX = position in load order 164898 = last six digits of the ID number So what you do is look up the id number in the CK and write it down. Then you look up the position of that mod in Wrye Bash and combine the two numbers for the console code that you use in-game. Maybe what you need to do is edit your copy of Skyre by modcleaning out all of its edits to perks.
  3. Male and female reptiles and amphibians have the same body shape to human eyes. For most species, It would take sort of an expert to be able to tell a male from a female. Reptiles and amphibians do not give milk. This means that they do not have mammillary glands. This means they do not have breasts in their chest or anterior ventral area.
  4. The vestigial Fallout 3 favor point system is not operative in Skyrim. If you want favor points, you will need to build your own system with a new variable to record your favor point number.
  5. The Construction Kit (The CK) is the tool used to edit .esp files. You can make .esm files by creating an .esp file in the CK and turning it into an .esm file with tools like Wrye Bash, Windows Explorer and the CK. Here is a link to the wiki on how to use the CK: Creation Kit Wiki.
  6. It is my understanding that quest stages only go higher and never go lower. (I am not absolutely sure about this because Skyrim has a console code to restart a quest and zero the quest stage, something which Oblivion did not have.) Checking the repeatable quest box just seems to mean that the result script on a quest stage can execute as many times as you set that stage. I believe that the actual stage will be higher than that. So if the quest has progressed to stage 100 and you call stage 50, then the code for stage 50 will execute, but it is still stage 100. If you query the computer what stage you are on, it will respond 100. So what I would recommend that you do is not use quest stages for dialog conditions and things. You could set up a variable that changes according to what happens in the game and you would use that for conditions. (The variable could go down in value as well as up, unlike the quest stages.) If you tell a quest to complete, then you will be disabling it so that the scripts don't function and new dialog from it can't be used. So you never want to complete a quest until you are absolutely finished with it and will never need it again.
  7. Result Scripts could be placed on dialog infos that comment on your nudity. The result scripts would increase your bounty. You would be arrested if your bounty got too high or if you talked to a guard. I do not know how you would make loitering a crime. It might be possible to have the act of waiting while in a city worldspace trigger a script that would raise your bounty.
  8. A shotgun is a distinctly different type of firearm than a heavy machine gun. Which one of the two are you inquiring about?
  9. Absolutely. Skyrim is very unreliable. If someone takes the trouble to build a quest mod, then it is almost certain to only work on like 85% to 95% percent of the computers. Nobody has adequately been able to explain why this is so. The dungeon modders and house modders as well as the guild and faction modders were seriously troubled by the navmesh bug. This bug has since been fixed, but I think many of the modders left and quit modding Skyrim because of it. The dark face design flaw is still here, and annoys people who build mods with NPCs. The .wav + .lip file bug and the rarer .fuz file bug cause serious problems for anyone who wants to build or play a mod with voiced dialog in it. The bug with the worldspace creation software is inhibiting the construction of mods with new worldspaces. The bug with Skyrim 1_6 and TESVSnip destroyed the functionality of many really good existing mods and makes it so no one can safely use TESVSnip anymore for building new mods. There is really no other tool available that can do the job as well, and this pretty much stops most people from doing any mod merging. The learning curve for Papyrus is so steep that most modders cannot come to grips with it and will never be able to script as well as they could in Oblivion. There are no Begin GameMode blocks! Oblivion quests were built almost entirely on Begin GameMode blocks and adequate triggers for Skyrim are just not available. The base game has serious design issues. The game mechanics just aren't as good as those of Morrowind and Oblivion. it is sort of a dumbed-down arcade hack and slash instead of a robust RPG experience. (I just had to throw in the word "robust." The unnaturally optimistic and cheerly wiki is very fond of the word and delights in using it as it tells lies and does spin control.) So I fear that Skyrim modding will mostly just be a parade of new weapon and armor mods and companions and small tweaks.
  10. Lower your expectations. Ditch your mods. Turn down your graphics settings. Sorry dude.
  11. Creating a Mannequin Tutorial - Bookshelves
  12. You can rename, move, or delete the texture file you don't like. That way it either won't be there, or it will be in a spot where the computer won't be able to find it. So then it will have to use the original texture that is packed in the original .bsa file, which is what you want. If you are good with the CK and Nifskope, you can go see exactly what the name of the texture you don't like is. Otherwise, you might examine the files from a downloaded replacer mod that edits this armor to get the name. If that still doesn't work, you could try process of elimination and try renaming folders that you think contain the Nightingale armor texture until you find the right one.
  13. You have to download and install the entire mod, but you can also download patches to remove some kinds of creatures you don't want: Skyrim Monster Mod Replacers - Lore Friendly and Others
  14. The thing you will edit is the armor itself. Outfits are worn by NPCs. The player does not wear outfits, but just equips individual items. There are two approaches to making a mod like this: (1) You could do a replacer sort of mod that edits the existing arch mage robes wherever they are found. This causes mod conflicts, but if it is a change that you want to override everything in the world, then that is acceptable. (The arch mages robes are not a good example for this type of conflict because there is like only one set in the world. But if you were to edit a piece of armor that bandits commonly wear, then this would be a bad conflict because suddenly most of the bandits in the world would be more powerful and it would throw off game balance. (2) You could create a custom set of arch mage robes to exist in the game alongside the new ones. This would not cause any conflicts with other mods people build, but you would have to mod in a plan for the player to get the robes. Something like laying them loose in the world, having a script to give them to you, having a quest to give them to you, or failing that, use a console code to get them. But for changing the stats on what is pretty much a unique set of robes, you would probably just want to edit the existing robes, and probably build a brand new enchantment to put on them.
  15. This statement is a bunch of nonsense. The CK really stinks to try to use. I can think of about three things I like about the CK: (1) The function to change your file description is not not broken like it was in the CS. (2) You can open multiple object windows or quest windows all at once. (3) It doesn't crash when you try to view a preview of an NPC's face. On my computer, the file paths are like this: C:\Games\Skyrim\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Meshes\weapons\iron\MyNiftyIronSword.nif C:\Games\Skyrim\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\textures\weapons\CheapskateBlades\MyRustyPittedIronTexture.dds You don't need daily Internet access to play Skyrim or do modding work. You only need Internet access to install the game, update it, or to download and upload mods. I keep Steam in offline mod for weeks at a time until I decide I ought to check for updates. Your mod that you are building is safely stored on your computer and not on the Steam cloud. I think you will find that the process of building Skyrim mesh and texture mods is very much like it was for Oblivion.
  16. Contrary to what the tutorial says and what people on the forums say, it is not easy to get objective markers to display in a custom quest that you build. If you mess things up a little bit, the markers won't display. If you mess up an alias so badly that it won't fill, then it will entirely break the whole quest and none of your dialog will be available. There is also the savegame memory issue. Let's say you run a play-test and find out your mod is broken and your objective markers don't work. You fix the problem in the CK. If you continue your play-test, the markers often will still not work. You would have to get a clean save or back up to an old savegame to actually see the objective markers working. You have to be very careful with what kinds of things you point your objective markers at. Some of the possible things just don't work.
  17. This task is quite easy to do in the CK and would be a good project for you if you are just learning to mod. Here is a tutorial that touches on enchantments: Tutorial Customizing Weapons & Armor. You could either put different vanilla Skyrim enchantments on the weapons, edit the strength of the existing enchantments, or build custom enchantments and apply them to the weapons.
  18. Patient: "Doctor! It hurts when I move my arm like this!" Doctor: "Then don't move your arm like that." Mods can cause lag by improving graphics, having lots of lights, actors, and objects in one small area, or by putting a heavy scripting load on the game. I suggest that you try systematically deactivating and activating groups of mods over and over and testing your framerate until you can isolate the problem mod. Then you deal harshly with it.
  19. Open your new armor object in the CK. Go to the boxes that say "Male" and "Female." Click the "Edit" boxes next to the text fields labeled "World Model." Choose your new .nif. When you have everything set up right, click the "OK" Button. Save the mod.
  20. You can manually merge portions of your mods in the CK. It sounds like you want to put the contents of one interior cell into an existing cell and connect the contents. You can open both mods at once in the CK with the one you want to merge things into as the "Active" file. You can make a big square around the contents of the cell you want to copy to select everything in the cell. You can press CTRL + C to copy it. Go to the cell you want to add your content to. Press CTRL + V. Position everything where you want it and add any connecting material you need to. Make sure that if there are any custom objects, meshes, textures, scripts, etc used by the things you copy, that you also copy them into the mod. Save the mod. Your new content will now exist in both mods.
  21. What are you trying to kill that has more than 65535 hit points? How many times are you going to have to hit it? How many hits will it take this enemy take to kill you?
  22. This is the procedure that is supposed to be followed when uploading. When your files, your screenshots, your readme, tags, and file description are all set up right and you have double checked them, then you set your file to visible.
  23. I live in a desert and it almost never snows. We are totally unprepared when it does. I was about to try to drive my car up a steep slippery snowy hill to get home from work, and I thought, "I better save my game before I attempt this."
  24. I know that it is not a good thing to put a normal dragon inside a building. It will try to fly right through the walls and ceiling. A video game is just a rough simulation of the real world. As advanced as the game is, the collision is rather rudimentary. If the clothing and armor items all clip, and the solid pieces of metal armor stretch and bend, what would you expect to happen when a dragon flies into a mountainside? I think that dragons behave as they do because of their animations, their AI packages, and the positions of the idle markers on a dragon battle location. Due to time, money, and technological constraints, the programmers at Bethesda built the dragons this way. They look pretty darn good 90% of the time. And the 10% was a formidable case of diminishing returns that was pushed no further. So 90% was declared to be good enough.
  25. Some modders are insane masochists. (Like myself for instance.) Modding can be pretty brutal. Blood, sweat, and tears to build the mod. Then you might find out that there are certain computers it doesn't work on. You might find out that it conflicts with a really popular mod and no one will want to use your mod because they want the popular one to work. On the computers your mod does work on, the gamers may not be able to figure out how to install it even though the readme clearly tells them how to. The gamers may not understand how they are supposed to use the mod and say that it is broken or they don't like it. (And this is all because they did not read the readme and learn what it does and how to use it.) The gamers may say things like, "Yes, your mod does work on my computer, and I can see that you put a lot of effort into building it, but why did you build it this way? You should have built it like this: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX... " But some modders are not masochists, have some other mental illnesses, or are not insane. A sane modder would be likely to quit modding or else go insane. Many sane modders have nervous breakdowns or otherwise go temporarily or permanently insane. They are likely to disappear as you describe at this point. Some of the narcissistic, solipsistic, anti-social, misanthropic, or zealot behaviors you may have witnessed by various modders are the results of various mental infirmities common in the group. If you want to really understand the state of mind of a modder, take a dance with Sheogorath and build a mod. But here I go with the logorrhea. No one really wants to read the rambling words of a madman, much less trust them.
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