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David Brasher

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Everything posted by David Brasher

  1. I know that you could have a static model displayed that was like a flat piece of parchment with a picture and words on it. you could make it so large that you could not see the black background. But there would still be fog at the bottom of the screen. I am not sure if you can rig it so that the static model is not moved around. it might be hard to read the words if it was moving.
  2. Using the console to cheat only robs yourself. It takes away the challenge and makes the game too easy. But if you like to play the game that way, then that is your prerogative. The game is meant to be enjoyed, and if you enjoy it that way, then play it that way. There are legitimate uses for the console. When the game glitches out and quests break, you can often fix them. When play-testing mods that you are building, console codes can be invaluable in helping you thoroughly test things out and make sure that they are working right.
  3. I had the same experience as AnkhAscendant. This is a comparatively recent bug with Nexus. It did not occur with any mods I uploaded except for the newest ones.
  4. Skyrim was broken by the 1_6 update and not fixed since then. So you can't build quests with custom dialog anymore. (Well. I guess you can if you really want to. The current workaround for the problem is that gamers must install the mod, load Skyrim, load a character to play the mod with, save the game, exit Skyrim, load Skyrim, load the savegame, and then hopefully have the custom quest dialog work.) Bethesda Rocks!
  5. I think your blade looks nice, but all those pieces to the right probably don't have enough texturing and a good enough normal map. They might look smooth and shiny like plastic.
  6. I use Wrye Bash to adjust my load order, but do not use a bashed patch. Wrye Bash is great for esmification and espification while doing mod building. In my eyes, that is Wrye Bash's very best feature.
  7. So you want to go into a tomb and be ruthlessly killed by cute little bears?
  8. Lots of people have lots of lag with the way things currently are. If you eliminated load screens, then the game could sometimes lag so bad that it could not be played. Here is a test you can perform on your computer: Enter a load door and note how long it takes to load a new area. If it loads in a split second, then your computer is powerful enough that you can think about using something like an open cities mod. If the load screen stays there long enough to annoy you, then your computer is not fast and powerful enough for something like an open cities mod. There is another problem with load screens in interiors. The contents of cells don't match up. Like there might be a small building in the Tamriel worldspace, and you go in and discover that it is quite spacious inside and would not actually fit inside the model used for the outside of the building. Maze-like dungeons may have passages clip and interfere if the doors from all the cells were hooked up and all the content was in one cell. There are also lighting problems. If you put all the house interiors and dungeon interiors in the Tamriel exterior worldspace, then they would be too bright in the day and perhaps too dark at night.
  9. He will need to be of the race, gender, and voice type of an existing merchant if you want to use the vanilla voiced dialog.
  10. Beware of TESVSnip. It breaks a lot of mods and is not fully compatible with the latest versions of Skyrim. Use the CK instead. If you do not intend for anyone to ever craft or temper particular armors, then you do not need to include the crafting stuff.
  11. In the CK, go to World > Region > Tamriel > BorderRegionSkyrim and uncheck the "Border Region" box. You will need to also do the same thing with Dawnguard's DLC1BorderRegionSkyrim. This will decisively deal with the issue so that inexperienced gamers will not need to figure out how to modify their .ini files.
  12. Skyrim can bring any computer to its knees if you install enough graphics mods and turn your graphics settings high enough. I think you need to do testing where you remove a bunch of graphics mods and lower your settings way down until your game performs great, then you can start adding things back in in different combinations and turning up settings. After trying various things, you will be able to figure out how much of which stuff you can add and still have acceptable performance.
  13. Nobody can agree on which mods are the good mods. There are really popular mods that I don't like and won't use just as there are really popular mods that you don't like and won't use. So if I say I don't like a mod and won't use it, does that make it a bad mod? Probably not. It made the top 100 list, has a ton of downloads, and a ton of endorsements. Different people have different tastes, and most people really like this mod, so that makes it a good mod. So if you are looking for mods that are tagged as "good" mods, try looking at the mods on the top 100 list, the mods with lots of endorsements, and the mods with high download counts. These are the things that Nexus has in place to help you locate good mods. Just be aware that not every mod that meets these criteria will be one you will want to use. For example there could be an extremely popular axe mod available. But maybe you hate weapon mods and never use them. The majority of people view this as a good mod. So you might not want to speak too loudly when you talk about this axe mod being a bad mod.
  14. To reliably see your changes in-game, you will often need to play-test with a new character, or with a character who has never visited the location you are editing. Depending on what you are editing, in some cases you can view your changes by getting a clean save or waiting in a different cell until the place you edited respawns.
  15. The CK is a tool that adds content to Skyrim very much like the content that is already there. Like if you want more quests, more dungeons, more houses, more NPCs, .etc, then it is quite doable. On the other hand, when people try to make changes to things like basic game mechanics, there is often not much that can be done.
  16. Peeking through a keyhole in a load door is not really supported by the Skyrim game engine.
  17. People have no reason to freak out if your mod has no .esm. They are being foolish. Ignore them. Most mods have no .esm. Before they fixed the navmesh bug, things like dungeon and house mods needed to have .esms for their navmesh data. But new mods in these genres no longer need .esms. If you are building certain kinds of modders resources and you use an .esm, they will be easier for other modders to use, and your work will be spread more widely. If you update your mod a lot, then it might be easier for you to have the portion you never update be in an .esm. You usually don't need an .esm. What kind of a mod do you have? That might give us an idea of whether or not there would be any advantages to having an .esm for that mod. But if you have researched the matter and can't think of any advantages for your particular mod, then I bet there aren't any.
  18. You can download mods in any order you like and store them as long as you care to. Now when it comes to installing these mods that might conflict, you will want to carefully read the installation instructions to see about compatibility, load orders, and installation orders if mesh and texture files are overwriting files.
  19. One of the files from the overhaul mod Skyrim Scaling Stopper attempts to do this: Skyrim Scaling Stopper - Misc Edits. It still needs more testing. There seems to still be a problem with the one called Elder Scroll (Dragon.) This particular file does not require any other Skyrim Scaling Stopper files.
  20. You can easily remove a master if your mod uses nothing from it. Here is how the wiki says to do it: "To remove an unused master file from a plugin using the CK, follow these steps: Launch the Creation Kit. Navigate to File >Data Select any required plugins as normal. Select the plugin from the list and notice the list of parent masters on right. Select the master file to remove on the right and press Ctrl+Delete. If you receive an error regarding the ID, select "Yes." Click "OK." After the plugin is finished loading, save the changes." Source: Creating Custom Master Files The only real problem would be if you have several masters beyond Skyrim.esm and Update.esm. If you remove one, the masters that used to load after it will have to change their master list load order and land in new positions and all the content in your mod that referred to them may get disconnected. It is a royal pain reconnecting everything. But this is only an issue if you have really complicated mods with tons of masters.
  21. This topic had been dead for more than three months when you came back and said: DG is what everyone was waiting for. Buy DG and you can have crossbows. But your statement indicated that you were aware of the release. I would assume that you know that if you buy Dawnguard you can have crossbows. Did you buy Dawnguard? Do you have your Dawnguard crossbows now? Then you made this really Delphic comment worthy of an oracle: There are a lot of what? Crossbows I would assume? If there are a lot of them already, then why are you requesting them? This makes it sound like you are requesting one more crossbow. This makes it sound like you wish one of the crossbow mods had never been made. Perhaps you are requesting a patch to disable that mod so that it no longer works. Maybe you are requesting a patch to disable part of Dawnguard. I seriously don't know for sure what it is that you are requesting on your request thread. Here are links to a couple of the more popular crossbow mods: Crossbows Basic Collection Crossbows Revamped
  22. You are not being particularly lucid and explicit. What are you trying to say? If you don't have it yet, then I recommend you buy Dawnguard. Then you will be able to use the vanilla Dawnguard crossbows and all the crossbow mods that people have made which depend on Dawnguard as a master.
  23. TESVSnip is not safe to use. Just ask Arthmoor. People cannot predict very well when TESVSnip is going to break a mod it touches. You might get lucky, you might not. So you would be safest to not use TESVSnip for things like making a new .esm. Here is the procedure the wiki gives: Creating Custom Master Files. You just need Windows Explorer and the CK.
  24. On Skyrim Nexus, a lot of people upload savegames with different types of characters at different stages of the game. If you shop around, you may find something that you like.
  25. @ rapcoa Be my guest, go ahead and build this mod for us since you are so confident and so highly skilled. It may be that you are not familiar with the concept of hardcoding. The CK is a tool that is designed to deliver more of the same as what you already have. It adds things into the game that are like the things that are already there. So you can build more houses, more dungeons, more NPCs, more quests, etc. In other words, the CK is quite limited on what it can do and cannot do. It adds content. It does not change the most basic of game mechanics. It is sort of like a mechanical typewriter with English characters. This device is great at making letters and numbers in English on paper. You can make as many letters and numbers as you want in any order you like. But then what if you want to type with Chinese characters? How are you going to get this machine to type Chinese? You are sunk. This machine will not type Chinese. The CK is like this. Bethesda has only given modders the ability to change certain things. The source code is not available to build a new version of Skyrim, and it would violate copyright laws. Bethesda has not authorized modders to do this. To have a game that is like Dragon Age and Skyrim, you would basically need to program your own video game. I am quite skeptical that you would be able to bend Skyrim to your will in this instance.
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