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David Brasher

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Everything posted by David Brasher

  1. TESVSnip is out of favor and many people do not trust it. They put warning labels on all the files associated with it on TES Nexus, and pulled down all the documentation on how to use it that had been added to the Wiki. So until TES5Gecko is ready, and unless TESVSnip gets fixed, the approved way to merge mods would be with the CK or with Version Control. To do a small mod merge in the CK, you do what SuperNussie described.
  2. You will need to effectively stop the player from leveling up, so that they will remain at level one for a long long time. A level 50 player would totally trash on your level 1 bandits, so you will need to prevent the player from becoming level 50. You will encounter many vanilla actors which are not leveled. They are locked to a particular health level. You will need to set them to the level and stats that you choose. Like if the base game has an actor always be level 10, but you are making all your actors level 1, then you will need to change the stats to make this level 10 actor be level 1. You will need to work with the leveled lists or else with every individual actor on the leveled lists. Like a bandit leveled list might have 5 levels of bandits on it. you will need to either make all the bandit NPCs be the same level, or else edit the leveled lists so that certain bandits of the wrong level can never spawn. My recommendation would be to set the game world to level 1. But I am not really sure how things like dragons figure into this. The weakest dragons are level 10. Maybe in this scenario, you would set all the dragons in the world to level 10.
  3. Maybe you could copy an ordinary door and have it use the boat model. This way you would have a door that looked like a boat, but did not use any scripting. We will not be able to access Dawnguard scripts until the updated CK is released.
  4. When I lose my follower, I usually fast travel to a place that is right by where I am. (I avoid fast travel when playing because it is unrealistic and immersion breaking.)
  5. This is the official lore: The suffix -mer in Orsimer is not very conclusive because there are also the Dwemer. I for one would argue that Dwarves are a different thing than Elves. In the Lord of the Rings books there is a place that made it sound as if Orcs were breed from Elves that had been twisted by evil magic. In most games, Orcs are usually a larger more dangerous species of goblin.
  6. What is the nature of your mod? What does it do? What files did you create for it? Your mod could have tons of files to package, or it could have almost none, depending on what your mod is. If you add new meshes and textures then you will have to package those. If you add new dialog, you will have to package that. If your mod uses scripts, you will have to package them. There may be odd things like sounds and LOD. If your mod does not add things like those listed above, then maybe you will package nothing but an .esp and you don't need a .bsa file. The .thd, and .bsl files are not anything you need to worry about. Gamers don't use them when manually installing mods. You never need to lift a finger to manually package those file types. They are something to do with Steam Workshop's auto packaging and uploading system.
  7. I liked how it was in the Shivering Isles where if one of the townspeople got killed, then their grave and headstone with an appropriate epitaph would automatically appear in the cemetery.
  8. Your request is rather odd. This is a medieval fantasy game, and you are asking for anachronisms to be introduced into it. You are utterly amazed and flabbergasted that others are not sick of medieval fantasy gear and seeking anachronisms. I have nothing against mods that are not lore-friendly and that are anachronistic. Some of them are quite neat. But your tone is odd in that you think most people are out of line for being mainsteam rather than deviant, where lore friendliness is mainstream and seeking anachronisms is deviant.
  9. This mod uses resources from Skyrim Monster Mod to put daedra into the dungeons where conjurers hang out: Daedra in Conjurer Dungeons
  10. In the vanilla game, some of the merchants that belong to the Dawnguard sell bolts. I think that lots of merchants sell bolts if you use Crossbows Revamped or Crossbows Basic Collection. If you use the overhaul mod Skyrim Scaling Stopper you can buy bolts from lots of vendors.
  11. People request this over and over. The reason nobody makes this mod is that Skyrim is not built to do this. The reason Dragon Age does multiple party members you can control that is because it was built to do it.
  12. Are you sure you are play-testing in the correct cell and not the original which you did not edit? What is your procedure for renaming a cell and changing the ambient lighting? I would assume that you right click on the FormID of the cell in the Cell View window and select "edit?" I assume you properly click "OK" when you are finished? Have you tried unpacking the .bsa file in question that contains your source scripts? Have you verified that your source script files are in the proper directory? Some of your issues may be the result of savegame memory throwing off test results. Changes you make right now in the CK may not always show up in your current game. Sometimes you have to do things like playtest with a character who has never been to that cell before, wait in a different cell for things to respawn, or even start a new character. A savegame stores a lot of information about your game. it often remembers a lot about how the game used to be rather than referring to how the mods are supposed to be making the game be right now.
  13. There is practically no market for writers for Skyrim mods, because ideas are a dime a dozen and people can think up ideas and write stories more than a hundred times as fast as they can be coded into the game. But on the other hand, if you learn to use the CK well and do the quest-coding and scripting, you will be able to insert the stories you write into the game and dozens of mod teams would love to recruit you to their projects.
  14. Many armor mod compilations add the armor to the leveled lists so that bandits and other NPCs wear the items, and they can be found in treasure chests, and for sale at shops. This makes it much more immersive than only being able to craft the new items and being the only person in the world who has them, but unfortunately, any armor mod that does this will conflict with any other armor mod that does this, so you have to do a lot of stuff with rearranging load order, downloading and installing patches, and rebuilding your bashed patch.
  15. File uploaded: Tougher Armored Trolls. The download comes with two versions. One where the armored trolls go into bleedout like standard followers and do not die, and one where the armored trolls have a large number of health points.
  16. I decided to build this mod. It is most of the way complete. I mainly just need to test and package and upload. I should have it finished and uploaded later today.
  17. You may wish to elaborate on your mod request. As it stands, it is rather terse, telegraphic, and ambiguous. You want people to walk more gracefully? You want a minigame of the sport known as curling? You want to change the dragon or the bird flying animations? You want characters to be able to use high quality dental floss in-game? You want to revive the Morrowind levitation spell? You want to to do World War II style airborne assault? You want a hangglider to use in windy areas with hills?
  18. MECR Classic Nord Shields has teardrop shields as well as shields in a variety of other shapes.
  19. It would seem that your computer cannot handle the high def texture pack. You should remove it. Your game was just fine until you installed it. This is the cause of your slow loading. Dawnguard is not. On my computer, Dawnguard was all bugged up. Missing meshes and textures, quests that would not start, weird AI. I finally had to use BSAOpt to unpack the .bsa. (I am not sure what else helped the situation, but Dawnguard finally started working on my forth attempt.) So I am able to play Dawnguard just fine with all 40 of my mods installed. I didn't have to remove anything for the sake of Dawnguard. I didn't have to start any new characters or get any clean saves to play Dawnguard.
  20. If you are skilled with the CK and Version Control, you could start merging some of your mods that are too complex for Wrye Bash to do. In a few weeks or months, I expect that TES5Gecko will be released and have merging capabilities usable by people of any skill level.
  21. One example would be quest BQ01 which deals with radiant bandit killing quests assigned by jarls.
  22. Dawnguard is so buggy that perhaps half the users have really serious problems with it at one time or another. Many of those people are liable to think they wasted their money. I myself had so many problems that I could not play it until my fourth attempt. I had pretty much given up on it at that point and was thinking about building a patch to disable most of Dawnguard except for the crossbows. But then it started working and has worked beautifully ever since. It is quite big and impressive in ways. It approaches the caliber of Shivering Isles, only the content is dissipated all over Skyrim rather than being concentrated in one amazing place, and the new content is very similar to the existing content rather than being wildly different.
  23. It sounds like you used a console code to get another Lydia. This is likely to foul up the scripting and variable values and give you general weirdness. Maybe you need to take away the good gear you gave Lydia, disable her, and create a third Lydia when you need another one. (You can give here the gear from the second Lydia.)
  24. Have you reinstalled Skyrim to a new directory but not reinstalled the CK since then? That action could result in a situation sort of like your describe. I am thinking that if you did a more extensive search, you would find your lost .esp. You can just type in the name of the file and let the computer do the searching. Perhaps the CK is installed in an odd location and is saving the files to the wrong place. Perhaps you have Skyrim installed or partially installed twice on your machine.
  25. There is no requirement to save during a diagnostic play-test. In fact. It is inadvisable. You only do that it you have a carefully thought-out plan and want to permanently lock in the changes to a particular copy of your savegame. So when you deactivate all of your mods at once and then play-test, you generally do NOT save. You look at the results of the play-test, exit the game, make some more changes to the load order, and play-test again. So if I deactivate 100 mods and run a diagnostic play-test, and then leave without saving, there is absolutely no damage to my savegame.
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