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Status Updates posted by MizerD

  1. No, lol havent started i' have all my components lined up and ready to be bought, but im torn between the added extra to just have someone else do it n then send it to me lol
  2. i am yes :D well... im torn between doing it myself or paying that bit extra n have that done for me lol
  3. Welcom to the Forum!
  4. OMG i'm so hungry!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MizerD


      haha i would love to train my body to not need food, but only if they stop making food taste so frickin good! lol
    3. chikawowwow


      There is, mushrooms!
    4. chikawowwow


      There is, mushrooms!
  5. haha no worries CBR 125 Rw-7
  6. I am ridiculously exited about Skyrim.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MizerD


      lol you say only! Ha! its a bloody life time!
    3. x722ism
    4. MizerD


      must be less than 56 days now i hope!
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