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Everything posted by lilgamefreek

  1. It's not that much. To get this reputation, just do the deed 10 times. I'm sorry I didn't count the number of times I had sex with a prostitute when I was playing FO2. Didn't cross my mind that it'd be something I needed in the future. :P
  2. I remember for sexpert, I got made man, went to the brothel in new reno, and just kept sleeping with prostitutes over and over and over. I swear it must have been like 30 goes before I got it. Insane.
  3. I would actually say go with Vista. While it has a bad reputation, when push comes to shove it isn't AWFUL. Installing it on the laptop will likely save you a bit of trouble. IF it does prove unstable, go ahead and change to the external drive. Transferring save games and mods over is a snap so I wouldn't worry at all about that.
  4. There is so much booze in Fallout 3 it isn't even funny. Okay, maybe a little. :P Aside from that, I used to be like that until I realized it was really ruining my fun. Have no idea why. At first I was like "I have to collect everything", but it started to bog down my game so I went cold turkey. It was hard at first, that itch in your hand, but eventually, I got used to it.
  5. Hey, is this sig too gratuitous? I know there are sigs out there bigger than mine, but I still want to make sure I'm within the rules. Plus, I want to know whether it's aesthetically jarring?
  6. You should be able to blow up megaton. Again.
  7. I think it gives you +5 to speech. :P But fluffer comes from working menial jobs at golden globes pornography studio. And yeah Child Killer exists too. Got it for punching one of those brats in The Den in the face. With a powerfist. ... :unsure:
  8. Titles were a strange mix between achievement and karma ranking. You earned them by doing something, usually the affected your character's stats in no significant way. But they caused you to command respect/envy from the local populace and affected the interactions you could have with them. Plus the titles themselves were a nice touch. It's just a way of the game telling you how society sees you. You are now labeled as a heavy weight champion, or a porn star, or a made man, you know? It'd be like receiving the title of "Reilly's Ranger" and having people actually react to that. Like you go to underworld and the shopkeeper would go "Hey there ranger, what do you need?".
  9. I guess I'm the only one who tried to blow up rivet city first.
  10. Shameless self promotion ahead. Testing out my fire rebalance mod, I loaded my usual test save where I used the raiders at Fairfax as target practice. It'd been frustrating as nothing was working out quite right. The fire graphics were glitching, the effects weren't showing up right, and worst of all my damn script that was supposed to cause burning enemies to run away wasn't working right. I pull out the zhurong, run up the slope and fire away. And every single guy goes running for their mama. That made me smile.
  11. Deathclaw Gauntlet. This plus proper perks makes cutting through people like a laser through butter.
  12. Play a different style character. And no I mean don't play an evil character. The difference between the two is choosing between yes or no every 50 minutes. I mean play characters with unique traits. Intentionally handicap yourself if you have to. Play a melee oriented character, or a completely diplomatic one. Or play a guy with a stimpack allergy. How about a character who's a complete tool and says yes to anyone? Maybe play a naked guy. Use nothing but grenades. Or you can run an ironman mode where, if you die, you have to delete your savegame and start again. That'll really change the way you play the game. Just play a character that requires special consideration. Entertainment derived from surmounting obstacles is usually fun.
  13. Didn't realize what activate toilet meant. :whistling: Also pipboy light. Like everyone else.
  14. Pretty much. Since my goal was to make a pyro player class interesting to play, what better way to test it other than to make a pyro player! Is snooky a good shot? He likes like he's right at home with that .44. :P
  15. This is the closest thing I can find, though it seems MUCH more cheatier than you described. http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1770
  16. I too am disappointed at your lack of nuclear grenades. :P Try not to judge my character's psychological issues. He has a drinking problem. I know http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v217/lilgamefreek/Inventory.jpg
  17. Yeah. You can't mod other people's mods and than save it as a new mod. Any changes you make to someone else's mod must be made in the same file, or you have to go through the process of turning the mod into a master file before modding it. Don't worry, for your purposes, it should be fine just to mod Jaysus's mod directly. In geck, just set Jaysus's mod as the active file and mod away! It'll save the changes directly into the old file.
  18. AND THEN JOHN FREEMAN DROVE REAL FAST AND DID BACKFLIP! Do it. And make it shout out "bang bang bang" when it fires. :P
  19. Hope you like missing a piece of your brain. :thumbsup:
  20. Just a random encounter. The waste disposal isn't any established settlement. It's just a place. It just so happens the game decided to spawn a group of ghoul wastelanders there. Don't know why they turned hostile. They might have been fighting over water. When I went there, all I found was a druggie looking to sell me some major dope. edit: Unless you mean a place close to the jalbert waste place. Yeah, I remember a settlement a small distance away where the ghouls attacked me automatically. Had some mini nukes, skill books, and guns as loot, right?
  21. Through microsoft windows live service. It sucks, but it's the only way.
  22. I absolutely detest the perks that come with broken steel. Some of them are good, the the majority either: a.) work to homogenize player characters b.) are useless/do not suit the level c.) both So I've planned to replace them with more interesting perks for sometime. I've never had the time to actually do anything about it though, but a glut of free time has made me start working on my old fire mod and also start brainstorming about this mod. The general aim is either to make the perk worth getting at level 30, or be so character defining that players will get them to spice things up. The problem is I can't think of anything. I've come up with decent modifications to the ones that are useless but sort of interesting. I plan on replacing all the karma changers to a single perk called "karmic rollercoaster" that causes your karma level to change with any action you do. Deep Sleep, I plan to just buff the hell out of it by also causing the well rested perk to give a bunch of other benefits. Party Boy I want to give alcohol some added benefits as well. And warmonger will be replaced with a perk I call Rad Eater, which causes you to constantly gain health depending on how much radiation you're body has been exposed too. But I want to completely remove almost perfect as well as add a couple more perks in just to pad it up a little. Not to mention I need to replace the holes the karma perks leave behind. Does anyone have any suitable ideas they'd like to see implemented?
  23. Obviously he's saying you shouldn't have. :rolleyes: But seriously, my tip is don't do the main quest. It's generally not as fulfilling as exploring and doing the side quests. You can try if you want, but if you're like most people you'll find the side quests more enjoyable and intriguing.
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