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Posts posted by LivingSamosa

  1. This looks a lot like the prism spell from the Midas Magic mod, do you have it? Perhaps it glitched out. Try to clean your master files using TES 5 Edit, that fixes countless bugs.

  2. Edit: This issue has been resolved, look below for the solution if you're wondering how to fix it


    This problem is occurring in all my steam games, I tried it in Civilization V, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Terraria. It's a big setback, I can't attack properly, if I double click too fast it ignores it completely. This isn't occurring in games I bought from other clients like on The Sims 4.

    Basically the issue is that I have to click my left mouse button multiple times in order to use it during a Steam game.


    If anyone knows what's going on help is much appreciated, thanks.


    Solution [Win 8.1]

    1. Press the windows key and "C" to open charms

    2. Press settings

    3. Press Change PC settings

    4. Press PC and Devices

    5. Go to Mouse and Touchpad

    6. Set typing delay to none

    7. You're set.

  3. His specs seem good to go.


    However his laptop/PC is not good enough to support ENB (Basically make Skyrim look better) as a great ENB alternative I recommend the mod imaginator.


    Imaginator: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049/?


    Since he's new to modding I'm taking the liberty of giving him a list of mods I consider essential:

    Grades: Red - Importance over 9000

    Blue - Very Important

    Green - Somewhat Important


    SKSE - Used to run 90% of the larger mods especially mods that need scripting

    SkyUI - Offers Control to users over mods, used by most mods

    FNIS - Any mod that alters animations requires this

    RaceMenu - Better control when making your character, you can add plugins for extreme detail

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Fixes a lot of the Bugs in Skyrim

    ShowRaceMenu PrecacheKiller - Prevents crashes when running the command "showracemenu"

    SMIM - Gives everything a better and realistic shape, Prevents Skyrim from looking "blocky"

    XP32 - Required for animation mods and mods that edit the payer skeleton in any way such as CBBE

    A Quality World Map - Makes Skryim's map look beautiful, adds roads so it's easier to find your way.

    HDT Physics Extension - A lot of physics mods depend on it

    Enhanced Blood Textures - Makes Blood 2K so it's 10x Clearer

    Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul - Makes NPC's smarter

  4. I plan to hold off for a while to let the major bugs be resolved first. And as with every new OS there will be bugs that need resolving. If you wish to help find those bugs, then by all means jump in with both feet. :thumbsup:


    I read that you have until July 9th to install it so...


    I really like the new look but there's one thing that's bugging me.


    Because Windows 10 is so new; games, mods, programs, etc. might not (at least at the moment) be compatible with it. I'd hate to install

    Windows 10 and find that I can't run Fallout 3 or other games that I love because a patch or workaround hasn't been released. Many people

    have reported that Fallout 3 only works seamlessly on Windows Vista/Windows 7 but isn't compatible with anything higher however, I play the

    game perfectly and I run on Windows 8.1.

    I'm just wondering if it'd be wise to leave it for a few months so that the guys at Microsoft or even some of you guys can iron out the creases

    aka. any bugs or incompatibilities it may have with older games/software. Let me know what you think... If it's worth the risk or not really atm.




    I haven't installed it yet mainly because all Microsoft programs and OS's are extremely crappy at first launch, bug ridden. I mean, Win 93 crashed on it's orientation. My friend has it and he's getting around 80 updates a day.


    The red stuff is important.


    I used my dad's laptop which has Win 10:

    Driver support: Amazing, installed all the Nvidia drivers along with the necessary realtek and dell touchscreen and touchpad drivers.

    Security: Same stuff, useless antivirus/firewall

    UI: Nice, not on par with OS X or IOS (If you're considering mobile)

    Privacy: If you're one of those guys obsessed with privacy e.g. you don't want them selling your data to your respective government then don't install it. Windows 10 takes information stealing to another level

    Start Menu: Better than windows 8 because it doesn't have the start menu that shifts you to another page but I prefer the good o'l start menu.

    Glitches: I experienced one crash, it has lag spikes occasionally

    Gaming Optimization: DirectX 12 support means better 3D support, it supports all games that run on Windows 7, 8, Vista so yeah it is better for gaming, except Windows 10 uses slightly more RAM than 8

  5. While it's true that they're spying on us, selling our data, etc., you should know almost all large tech companies and sites do this, the NSA's "Project Prism" buys off all our Facebook messages, Gmail E-mail's, Outlook email's, messages, IM's like whatsapp, LINE etc.


    Just a few months ago the UK's GCHQ and the US's CIA attempted to hack 19 Indian Mobile services and 5 Pakistani Telecommunications services along with several ISP's. Luckily the Pakistani company called Ufone traced the hack back to their office after which they gave a public apology. The ISI, CIA, FBI, RAW, GCHQ, they all have our mobiles tapped they monitor our lives. Few people are able to resist this and those people get 20 years.

    We have no private moments, unless you completely cut yourself off from the world you're every step is monitored. London has an estimated 4.6 - 6 million security camera's placed in it.


    In my opinion I have nothing to hide, I do nothing illegal, my information isn't being sold to corporations so I'm pretty much okay with it.


    Welcome to planet Earth.

  6. How you can fix your issue:


    Most of the time when NMM crashes it's because of an antivirus software or firewall or security UAC's. If you're using trend micro follow this guide: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1007729-how-to-fix-nexus-mod-manager-with-trend-micro/

    I just turn off any security software and preform weekly scans while making it ignore the NMM folders.


    ^This is from duskdweller's post




    This will be of help if I wasn't: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/721054-problems-read-here-first-nexus-mod-manager-frequent-issues/


    I think you also posted this on the incorrect thread, it should be posted on: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/439-open-beta-feedback/


    Hope I helped.


    PS. If you give me the tracelog I can help you out a little, Tracelog is not the error, the tracelog file is where NMM logs what it was doing before crashing.

    Please, open the tracelog file reported in the crash popup window (usually found in your Documents/NexusModManager folder),
    compare the last part of the file with the common issues shown below, if you can't find your case, then, and only then,
    post in the Bug reports forum and attach your tracelog file to your report.

  7. An old 3D Tarzan game, you started off as kid Tarzan, you had to collect fruits and hit the baddies with sticks, pebbles and fruits. Eventually Tarzan grew up and then you had to preform hand to hand combat with gorillas. It wasn't open world but it was adventure. Another game that I played at a young age was Lilo & Stich.
  8. This happened to me in Skyrim.


    Press the tilde button "~"

    Type "player.setscale 1"


    May work for you but it only helped me get tall, I still couldn't move, after this press tilde again to open the console and type "showracemenu" and design your character. This happened to me after I deleted the ultimate race mod while my character was from that race. However since fallout doesn't have races I have no idea what's wrong.


    I'm really sorry if this didn't work for you but it should since I speak from experience.

  9. I'm no moderator, or an expert but something similar happened to me, from what I can guess about what was going on nothing's fixing your issue either?

    One question:

    Did your LOOT crash during the plugin setting up? Assuming you have LOOT that is.


    I tried for 3 days to fix it but nothing helped so I had it uninstall Skyrim, some mod probably corrupted your one of your important files.


    Here's how you can preform a full uninstall:

    1. Launch Steam

    2. Go to your library

    3. Right click on Skyrim

    4. Press "delete local content".

    5. Now go to where your "SteamLibrary" folder is, probably in "C:\Program Files (x86)".

    6. Open it open the folder inside it called "steamapps"

    7. Open the folder called "common"

    8. You'll find a folder called Skyrim in there probably with a few residual config and mod files inside, completely delete this folder.

    9. Launch Steam and go to your library again

    10. Install Skyrim


    Hope I helped!


    If you have any more problems contact me or preferably Bethesda's support team at http://help.bethsoft.com/app/ask


    Well if it's DDoSing, aren't those kids technically smart? ;3



    Not really, preforming a DDoS (DoS if it's from a single PC) is extreme simple, once you know a little about batch files you can easily make one, I've made several (to help my minecraft server test for attacks). Other than that there's a simple 12 Kb program called LOIC in which you enter the URL or preferably the IP of the website you want to DoS, you can control the number of packets to send per second, weather you want replies to your packets and much more. A crude term for people who use LOIC and other programs is 'Script Kiddie' as in someone who does no hard work and uses scripts made by professional penetration testers or black/grey hats.

    It's people like these guys who basically destroyed the name of hackers and hacking. I have respect for hacktivists but for blackhats who use their skill for the 'lulz' or to steal money etc. that's just wrong.

  11. What are the pros and cons of Windows 10?

    Were there any issues during the upgrade? No it updated perfectly, No errors, nothing.

    What new features did you enjoy? The new start menu is my favorite, and the browser.

    What platform did you install Windows 10 on? (desktop, laptop, tablet, etc) Laptop

    How is the driver support? Amazing, automatically detected all my driver, even my touchscreen driver and my NVIDIA driver, installed them all without hassle

    How is the security? The same I think, but I haven't really tested it in any way.

    How is the privacy? The same I think, but I haven't really tested it in any way.

    How is directx12? (3D applications that actually support it) untested

    How is the multi-gpu experience? untested

    How is the multi-monitor experience? untested

    How is windowed gaming? untested

    What games have you tried and how well do they perform? Skyrim + 140 mods: Good

    Fallout NV: Excellent

    Fallout 3: Excellent

    GTA V: Lags because of crap computer

    How well does Cortana perform as a digital assistant?

    Voice recognition: 8/10

    How well it preforms to help me out: better than google now which is the best in my eyes but with less voice recognition prowess, I have a heavy accent so..

    Chatting: N/A - the only AI assistant that can do that is Siri but it has extremely bad voice recognition.

    How is the new Edge browser? Much much better than IE but not as good as chrome or safari.

    How well does Windows 10 manage heavy CPU and RAM usage in comparison to Windows 7/8? Not any better not any worse

    Is Windows 10 worth it, for a pc gamer? Not yet. 8 still might have better support, also 10 is rolling out 150 updates an hour.

    Got any benchmarks? Post them below.

  12. While trying to get Skyrim working correctly, I swear I remember coming across a program that would tell me the cause of a CTD after it happens, but I can't find it for the life of me. Or maybe there isn't one and I was having a great dream.


    I've spent more time trying to get this game running right than I have actually playing it.


    After installing any mod always use LOOT [https://loot.github.io/]

    Other than setting up your plugin list it will help you find conflicts, errors, give you warning, tell you where you can clean your masterlists, etc.

    Another program you want is TES 5 EDIT, if you use hundreds of mods like me and a lot of other people TES 5 EDIT can essentially double your FPS. It bought mine to 50 from 32 while using 120 mods.


    TES V Edit: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?

    You can find several youtube tutorials on it's nexus mods page, and you'll need to watch them.


    I find that to be strange, my current laptop is really cheap because I sold my old one and I'm waiting for my PC parts. It has just 4 GB of ECC RAM and a 1.8 Ghz i5 processor. I have (or had until my TESV got messed up) over 140 mods. I used to use ENB but they brought my framerate down to 40 FPs (I'm an FPs freak, 50+ or nothing, despite my hundreds of mods). I switches to Imaginator, it's just like an ENB but you can edit it ingame with SkyUI easily, watch a few tutorials and it'll work even better. I recommend using realistic lighting overhaul, lamps of skyrim and enhanced indoor lights with it.


    Imginator: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049/?


    Hope I helped :smile:

    I'm using Imaginator on my ancient Dell M6400 and it really does make Skyrim 'pop'. However, one problem remains. The godawful shadows. I've done some major tweaking and gotten them so that they're barely tolerable. Is there anything else that can be done to improve the shadows, aside from an ENB?



    I know! But I figured out a really easy way to make the shadows go away.


    1. Set up your stuff on Imaginator, whatever you like, I like to have pop shoot at 0.2 and Pixar at 0.1.


    2. Turn the sunlight up, I keep it at 7. This keeps the shadows away but makes the floor reflect too much light.


    3. Turn the saturation down, I kept it at 7, this gives it a very pleasant, realistic color, without hurting your eyes and making you lose too much color.


    Hope it works out for you too.

  14. I find that to be strange, my current laptop is really cheap because I sold my old one and I'm waiting for my PC parts. It has just 4 GB of ECC RAM and a 1.8 Ghz i5 processor. I have (or had until my TESV got messed up) over 140 mods. I used to use ENB but they brought my framerate down to 40 FPs (I'm an FPs freak, 50+ or nothing, despite my hundreds of mods). I switches to Imaginator, it's just like an ENB but you can edit it ingame with SkyUI easily, watch a few tutorials and it'll work even better. I recommend using realistic lighting overhaul, lamps of skyrim and enhanced indoor lights with it.


    Imginator: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049/?


    Hope I helped :)

  15. Hey, I am an avid mod user on TES V, I've never encountered an issue before I just started getting this strange issue recently, here's is a short description of what's been going on recently in my game:

    NPC's don't talk, they can move their heads and walk, Quests don't start.



    The game directory is




    DLC's: None

    SKSE: Yes 1.7.3 Beta (Been using it since a month and it's pretty stable)

    Mod Manager: NMM

    Aiding Programs: LOOT


    Details of what I saw:

    I'd just uninstalled 7 mods, all of them were enhanced villages and town mods, after doing this I ran loot which promptly crashed (Never happened before) I retried 2 or 3 times but it made no difference, I just ran NMM's plugin sorter. I had just started a fresh game the day before because I wanted to try out a harder difficulty level, I completed one of the first main quests in which we deliver the dragonstone to the court wizard. For some reason the quest in which we defeat out first dragon wasn't starting so I went and tried to talk to the Jarl of Whiterun but it made no difference. I then tried several console commands including setquest, restartquest, completequest, and many more. I decided to start a new game but whenever I tried to I spawned outside of the carriage. I got the feeling that the new mod I'd installed a few days ago caused this so I uninstalled the mod (Helgen Reborn or something).

    I turned out to be right and I started again this time in the carriage. A few seconds into the game I realized none of the characters were talking, they were moving their heads, not their lips, no subs showed up and no audio either I ignored it and went on.

    When we reached Helgen the NPC's in the cart didn't get out and they just sat there. I tried using a few console commands to start the quest unbound but it made no difference. The NPC's outside were walking but not talking. I tried starting a new game many times but it made no difference.

    I quickly uninstalled all my mods and installed only the ones I trusted to be bug-free but that still made no difference.


    What I think is the cause: Most likely some bug caused by loot, or disabling the enhanced villages plugins, which is less likely since all it does is add various items.


    If it's not a problem please provide me with a reason to why I have to do X*, countless times people on other forums have told me to do something while just doing guesswork.




    The Bold Mods are the mods that I recently installed
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton extended
    FNIS Behavior Fix
    HDT Physics Extension
    Safety Load
    UI Extensions
    Loremonger with collisions
    A Quality World Map
    Apachii Sky Hair
    Deadly Mutilation
    Fuz Do Rah
    SexLab Framework
    The Ruffled Feather
    Extensible Follower Framework
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul
    Apachii Hair for NPC's
    Auto Unequip Ammo
    Better MessageBoc
    Campsites in Skyrim
    Convenient Horses
    Enhanced Camera
    Fair Skin for CBBE
    Forgotten Magic Redone
    Midas Magic Evolved
    Tera Armors CBBE
    Apachii Helmet Wigs
    ALSL Body
    Bodyslide 2 and outfit studio
    Caliente's Vanilla outfits for CBBE
    Face Light
    Female Facial Animation
    Fire and Ice Overhaul
    Better Beast Races
    Detailed Faces
    Detailed Lips
    Glowing Ore Veins
    HDT Butt Physics
    HDT Havok Object
    HDT Higheels System
    Armored skeletons
    Deadly Mutilation Patch for CBBE
    Fine Face Textures for Men by Urshi
    I love Cleavage CBBE HDT
    Immersive HUD
    Killable Children
    KJ Tattoos
    Lanterns of Skyrim - MCM
    Lockpick Pro
    NetImmerse Override
    Nude Males
    Order My Items
    Pine Needles FX
    Project Parallax
    Realistic Ragdolls and Force
    Realistic Water 2
    Rich Merchants
    Rosa Round Bottom
    SexLab Defeat
    Sexy Idle Animation
    SG Female Texture Renewal
    Skyrim HD Landscape
    Skyrim HD Misc
    Temptress Race
    The Eyes of Beauty
    The TBBP animation of Dragonfly
    Mister B's Ultimate Race
    Throthgar Follower
    Troublemakers clothing UNPB
    2K Parallax Treebark
    Detailed Rugs
    Ebony Weapon Replacer
    Unofficial Skyrim Patch
    Aggressive Immersive Patrols
    Vanilla mannequin Fix
    Watercolor for ENB and realistic water 2
    Wearable Lanterns



    Yes I'm a Pervert, deal with it.


    Thanks for all the help!

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