OMG, I've never heard of this game but after seeing some footage at Youtube, I think I'm in love. I think this type of gameplay is really up my alley. UPDATE: I bought Mount & Blade from Steam and one word: Outstanding! This is how the gameplay should have been in Skyrim. Even though the graphics may not be as amazing as in Skyrim, the graphics are still beautifully made and the textures in some areas are gorgeous and believable. One thing I found so far remarkable, in my view, is the dialogue. Sometimes a npc may say something short but the words pack a lot of meaning. Very, very mature writing and deep. The game feels historical, philosophical, educational, strategic. I'm going to shelve Skyrim for now and begin exploring this amazing game. Thank you so much @Dark0ne for telling us about this game. Now I know why you said it is an addicting game. I've played for 1 hour and I'm hooked!! Can't wait to see the mods for this baby. Btw, @miketheratguy, you sir, are 100% correct in what you said. This game should be given more recognition than it has. Oh well, there's a saying in my country that says that always the great ones die forgotten.