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About lorca1

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    United States

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  1. That's great what CDPR is doing and I love their business philosophy, but really CDPR, don't kid yourself or your fans. What we really need is ONE thing: an appropriate mod kit. Period. Frankly, I see this "mod contest" as a tasteless bad joke if we consider the fact CDPR has confirmed that they don't have any plans to release the redkit. Really, CDPR, you're encouraging us to mod TW3 but on the other hand you're discouraging modding.
  2. Well, it's working for me at 7:17pm(Northern California) which is the first time in days since, like I wrote before, connection to Nexus starts at 4-5am through 6-7pm. So lets see if it holds up.
  3. Ok, in my experience, for three days, I've this clear: connection to Nexus starts at about 4-5am local time and ends about 6-7pm. I'm in Northern California using AT&T. I don't get it. If this is indeed an IPv6 issue, then wouldn't Nexus page be disconnected completely instead of in certain hours?
  4. Don't be so sure. I made the same mistake and got the issue again. Anyways, the three sites that @Dark0ne mentioned are working perfectly but not Nexus. It's 11:30pm here in Northern California and Nexus seems to receive back its signal about 4-5am local time and dies about 6-7pm. I've been having issues since last week but only yesterday I've noticed this peculiar schedule. UPDATE: I checked the site to test the IPv6 and both Bethesda forums and Nexus forums are not "IPv6 ready". But Bethesda forums works for me and not Nexus.
  5. Darn it. I wrote before that it was finally working for 14hrs straight but I noticed that at 6pm local time it stops working and the constant loading happens again. So it seems like only during certain hours it works. And I'm pretty sure is not Nexus fault because logically, if it were, then everyone in the world would be having the same issue.
  6. I want to report that for me it is working now. I live in Northern California and I've AT&T U-verse. It has worked for 14hrs now and that's a lot compared to the last 4 days which I had practically no Nexus at all. I hope AT&T has already fixed it. Also, yesterday when I was googling this problem I found out this issue with AT&T is nothing new. It has happened several times before but this is the first time I've encountered this problem. Although I'm glad this AT&T issue does not completely messes up all websites, just certain sites for some reason.
  7. Yes, I also have AT&T U-verse and still have the same problem as everyone in here. And the link given by @Dark0ne, Krystal.co.uk doesn't work either - same loading issues as Nexus. Too bad because the other site, Proxysite.com doesn't work completely for me; Nexus functionality there is limited.
  8. Same issue here and I live in Northern California. For 3 days now Nexus gets stuck in loading. The reason why I was able to comment here is because I'm using a proxy site call: https://www.proxysite.com/ For those who want a temporary fix type the nexus url in there and you're good to go - or so I thought. Some buttons don't work.
  9. Blocking anime is a dream come true for those who aren't in this fetish category. Can't wait to see it in action.
  10. Boy, I've been playing this game for 4 days now since @Dark0ne recommend it all of us to play. Damn, I'm HOOKED!! This game's gameplay crushes to a pulp Skyrim. Not even Daggerfall can touch the deep learning curve and massive features that M&B has. To think I was wasting my time with Skyrim. I'll wait until Skyrim "matures" after some polished gameplay mods saves that game.
  11. OMG, I've never heard of this game but after seeing some footage at Youtube, I think I'm in love. I think this type of gameplay is really up my alley. UPDATE: I bought Mount & Blade from Steam and one word: Outstanding! This is how the gameplay should have been in Skyrim. Even though the graphics may not be as amazing as in Skyrim, the graphics are still beautifully made and the textures in some areas are gorgeous and believable. One thing I found so far remarkable, in my view, is the dialogue. Sometimes a npc may say something short but the words pack a lot of meaning. Very, very mature writing and deep. The game feels historical, philosophical, educational, strategic. I'm going to shelve Skyrim for now and begin exploring this amazing game. Thank you so much @Dark0ne for telling us about this game. Now I know why you said it is an addicting game. I've played for 1 hour and I'm hooked!! Can't wait to see the mods for this baby. Btw, @miketheratguy, you sir, are 100% correct in what you said. This game should be given more recognition than it has. Oh well, there's a saying in my country that says that always the great ones die forgotten.
  12. The ctrl+f5 thing did the trick for me. Thanks to @Dark0ne advice.
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