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Everything posted by smashly

  1. Check the Specific Reference option and don't select a reference, it works. It's what I did in My Home Is Your Home mod, that manages up to 250 random npc's. I'm not sure how much more random it can get, as I force dragons, atronachs, and any other creature or npc in to those unassigned reference alias , even though I do it via dialog and conditions, but it should still work the same doing via an effect hitting a target..
  2. I'm not very good with quest related stuff, but maybe call start before setstage Example: myQuest.Start() While myQuest.IsStarting() Utility.Wait(0.25) EndWhile myQuest.SetStage(10) ........ Edit: Since you already know the target your forcing the reference alias to, maybe in the quest Reference Alias window use the Specific Reference option.
  3. x could be any value, maybe 0, maybe 100000, maybe 2 .... when you declare x = 10 It means x is 10 and not anything else. when you x += 10 You are adding 10 to the value of x Maybe look at it this way. x = 100 I'm declaring x is 100 and not any other value Now I want to add 10 to the x value x += 10 x would now be 110 x = value is declaring that's what x equals x += value is adding the value to x and x could be any value to start with.
  4. Ahh so that's the mod function I was looking for and couldn't find, thank you. Last scripting language I used had a native Mod(Value, Value) listed in it's math functions, so in papyrus I looked at the math functions and wondered where it was, all the other little math functions I used in the other scripting language were there, so I improvised. Now I can go back and rewrite my code the way I wanted... yay I use Mod mainly when creating with GUI controls in loop and wanting to align x or y position every so many controls, in this instance MCM with 250 lots of 5 controls. It's the little things that make me happy.
  5. I'm no guru with papyrus and I actually dislike it more then like it. But count += ; Would not compile as you need a value on the other side. eg: += Value Int count = 100 count %= 5 ;count will return 0
  6. Not what you wanted to hear. Use CK and create a plugin with the same layout as you have in game, which obviously you'd have to do all manually 1 piece at a time in the CK. So in game you have an item you placed exactly where you wanted, open the console and use commands to get the item position, angle and scale. In CK add the item in the render window and set those same position, angle and scale, repeat rinse and lather for every item you want to add. Can imagine it'd take forever, upside though is once you got it done your house will always be the way you like when starting a new game.
  7. Thank you for sharing your handy plugin, nice work :smile: Any plans to add write values to the same ini? eg: Write section, write key, write value Edit: Forgot to ask dumb question, but is there a limit to the size of an ini that can be read from, eg: 32kb?
  8. Can't you export the data: \meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\CustomFollowerSet 2.8.esp\ \textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\CustomFollowerSet 2.8.esp\ Then add them to your CustomFollowerSet 2.8.bsa?
  9. If your after to just spawn your own unique actors and want to make just own unique actors are only spawned once. Then you have no option but to track them yourself. Spawning only once unless the spawned actor dies and you can allow them to be spawned. Here's a crude nock up example of random spawning your own unique actors from your list only once: Scriptname SpawnRandomNPCFromList extends Quest ;Assign this to Your list of your own personal actors to use. FormList Property MyNPCList Auto ;Assign this to an empty Tracking list that filled as you spawn your unique actors. FormList Property MyNPCTrackList Auto ;Just registering a key so I can test spawning. Event OnInit() RegisterForKey(51) ; Comma Key EndEvent ;Catching the key to spawn the actor Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode) If !Utility.IsInMenuMode() If KeyCode == 51 ; Comma Key SpawnNPC() EndIf EndIf EndEvent ;spawn random based on what npcs from your unique list are not in use. Function SpawnNPC() Int idx = MyNPCList.GetSize() ; Return if Tracking list is same size as NPC list If idx == MyNPCTrackList.GetSize() Debug.Notification("All NPC's are in use.") Return EndIf ;Store Available Indexes here (Doesn't need to be 128, but you can't initiate an array with a variable eg: idx). Int[] iAvailable = New Int[128] Int iCnt = -1 ;Fill an array of available indexes that are not in use While idx idx -= 1 If !MyNPCTrackList.HasForm(MyNPCList.GetAt(idx)) iCnt += 1 iAvailable[iCnt] = idx EndIf EndWhile ;We have the array populated with only what NPC's indexes that aren't used, select a random number between 0 and iCnt, spawn the npc and add it to the track list. If (iCnt > -1) MyNPCTrackList.AddForm(Game.GetPlayer().PlaceActorAtMe(MyNPCList.GetAt(iAvailable[Utility.RandomInt(0, iCnt)]) As ActorBase).GetBaseObject() As Form) Debug.Notification("Actors Left: " + iCnt) EndIf EndFunctionI did compile the code and created a test plugin with an empty quest, attached the script to the quest, assigned the 2 Formlists once attached and it works for me. Obviously you would apply the code to your own needs, but this gave me a random spawn each press of the button until there where no npcs left to choose If you would like the actors to be reused if they die then attach something like this to each actor in your list. Scriptname ClearMySpawn extends Actor ;Assign this to your track list. FormList Property MyNPCTrackList Auto Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) MyNPCTrackList.RemoveAddedForm(Self.GetBaseObject() As Form) Self.DeleteWhenAble() EndEventWhat would help in future would be if you posted a snippet of your code your using. This way people wouldn't have to assume or guess what your attaching your script to and could probably give pointers as to where to change your code to suite.
  10. I nab hostile followers with male warlock voice type as they never say a word, not even when you barge in to them. They just smile and nod most the time, silence is bliss while roaming. When out roaming around I prefer a male warlock voiced follower. When vegging at my campsite or home I prefer chatty females, which is every god dam one of them, they never stop dribbling crap but I enjoy it while I'm not trying to concentrate :)
  11. There's probably better tutorials or ways of doing it,as I've done it different ways to this, but it's basic idea of it: http://j-u-i-c-e.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Make-Your-Skyrim-Character-Look-Like-Any-Character-in-the-Game
  12. With existing lights in HF homes you can set their initial state as disabled. Drop a light in the render window, adjust the properties of the dropped light in the render window. Save your plugin and see how it goes. What you'll find though is it doesn't take many lights in any HF home to saturate the building which will result in flickering as you move around even when you have the native lights disabled. To see the lights in the editor as a color spectrum, with your interior loaded in the render window, click on Preferences, click the Shaders tab, and check the flag next to # of Lights. Your house will illuminate into a color spectrum. Red/Violet: Objects illuminated in Red and Violet are being illuminated by too many light objects at once. Blue/Indigo: Objects illuminated in Blue are well lit without overlaps Green: Green objects are not being illuminated by any light objects. So you need to get looking Blue/Indigo to get a nice no band, clipping or flickering room. You could also change the Lighting Templates and Imagespaces settings for the cell to get a different general illumination in the cell. There's really quite a lot to it when you get in to it. Best bet if you haven't already, read the tuturials on the CK wiki :http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Lights_and_FX Do a google search for Skyrim CK lighting and you will get some hits to pages that have more tips and tricks to making a cell lit the way you want. Bottom line is it take time and effort to learn how to adjust things the way you'd like along with lot's trial and error.
  13. Not mine, but I used it as well merchant and trainer from the same source. Simple layout, not to many pictures and easy to follow,not sure how dated it is though. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim. I created multiple all in one followers that is a merchant, trainer to 100, follower and available for marriage. :)
  14. Hi, I don't have the same problem atm, but I've had in the past. You could try or research a bit about the brawl bug that exists in skyrim. I use this ages ago: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24020/? I still have it in my load order. I think the brawl bug comes from mods that use cloak spells to get their features to work (not all mods and there are work arounds when writing a mod to circumvent the cloak in brawl situations). It's mainly because when you brawl your not meant to use magic or anything other then fists to brawl. When a mod uses a cloak, even when it has nothing to do with the fight and the cloak spell may not even apply any effect, but it's seen a using magic in a brawl. Hence the brawling NPC and Surrounding NPCs going hostile mid way through a brawl.
  15. Maybe try attaching a script to him and have him initially disabled. In the script do an OnCellLoad event. In the event do a check if he's disabled, move him to the xmarker and then enable him. Possibly have the xmarker just out of site of where you spawn so he's not visible when he appears. eg (compiled but not tested): Scriptname MoveAndEnableMyNPC Extends Actor ObjectReference Property MyNPCMarker Auto ; Assign this to the xmarker after you attach the script to him. Event OnCellLoad() If Self.IsDisabled() Self.MoveTo(MyNPCMarker) Self.Enable() EndIf EndEventYou really shouldn't have to go through this, but if things aren't working as intended, then work arounds are the only thing I can suggest. You could add debug to the OnCellLoad so maybe you can see his x/y/z pos before and after the move to get an idea if the move is actually doing anything. Maybe try other MoveTo functions eg: MoveToMyEditorLocation(), MoveToInteractionLocation(), MoveToPackageLocation(), etc
  16. Drop a XMarker near where you want him to hang. Edit his defaultsandboxcurrentlocation256 ai package. Select the Location line in the list, to the right of the list click the "Near Self radius 256" button. In the Location window that opens check the "Near Reference" option. Click the "Select Reference" button and select the xMarker you placed earlier. Optionally you could give him a little more room to sandbox in, eg: change radius to 512 or greater if you like.
  17. You can also just open console, click the Yarl so you you can see his Ref id. type: setrelationshiprank YarlRefID 3 and hit enter and exit the console. Talk to Yarl he then will offer the dialog. The Falkreath issue that sometimes happens due to the Yarl or Steward Disposition towards you is to low and that's why they don't offer the dialog. Setrelationshiprank 3 or 4 will fix the disposition and the dialog will be available. Edit: If your wondering why the disposition has dropped when you've done nothing wrong or different then the last time you played and it didn't happen... Skyrim Resetting cells screws many many things in the game and this is one of them. Cell the Yarl is in is reset, so is the actors disposition towards you.
  18. Hi, I'm spawning mannequins on the fly as I want them in game. All works well and then I notice some quirky behavior from my mannequins. After 10 game days my mannequin seems to drop it's activator script assigned slot properties. Which results in the mannequin not being able to equip it's items when OnCellLoad event is called. This would seem like normal behavior for a mannequin in a Cell that isn't flagged as a Noreset zone. But it struck me as odd because the mannequins inventory is still in tact with the items I give it but the activator script attached to the mannequin has it's slot properties reset. I honestly thought if the mannequin was reset it would drop everything, inventory included. To be honest I've seen the same behavior with vanilla unedited mannequins/game on occasion as well. So as a work around I added a small handler function to fill the activator script slot properties based on what inventory the mannequin has when OnCellLoad event is called. Function EquipArmorFromSelf() Int idx = (Self As ObjectReference).GetNumItems() If idx > 10 idx = 10 EndIf While idx idx -= 1 AddToArmorSlot(Self.GetNthForm(idx)) EndWhile EquipCurrentArmor() EndFunctionSo my mannequins keep their armor on when I come back to a cell that isn't flagged as NoReset 10 days or more later. To me this seems more a workaround then solving the root of the problem. I thought of other ways to work around this issue, but they all seem exactly that a workaround and not actually fixing the root of the problem. Any better solutions?
  19. MHIYH v3.1 has a Work Here Day or Night option, use that instead of guard. To be truthful, you'd probably get better advice on the mods your using by posting in the threads where you got them from. Since other users of those mods would have hands on experience. Along with that maybe actually check a follower mod out more so you can be familiar with it's options. Just dumping 2 or 3 follower mods in a game and then trying to work things out, things become a blur. Meaning your not sure what's doing what or what mod has a feature.
  20. I'd advise against Guard Duty in MHIYH, as it's buggy. Use work here instead as they still will attack in coming threats. Guard duty your npcs will randomly attack anyone not handled by MHIYH, including your spouse, chickens, house carl / steward, carrage driver, horse etc..
  21. Thank you once again for taking the time to respond. Unchecking the Marker flag doesn't make a marker visible in game. But I worked out how to edit a marker in NifScope so it can be seen in game. Now I can get back to my code and use my dummy markers as a visual reference in game while placing markers :smile: My followers can now Wall/Bar/Counter clean/lean, lay, read, search, sit, observe, drink, and idle all over any place I choose. All good. Cheers
  22. Thank You for taking the time to respond. I already have that part sorted, it making a dummy marker visible in game that I'm trying to work out. I was hoping a simple shader swap or flags in NifScope of an original marker to create a dummy marker that's visible in game . But I'm a bit lost in what I should be changing to get the result I'm after. I've been reading various NifScope tuts, but still not seeing what I need to do. Ahh well, give it time and I'll get it worked eventually :)
  23. Hi, I'll try to keep it brief, but I don't like my chances :smile: I've written some code to add some vanilla furniture markers in game as wanted and it works well. eg: Wall Lean Marker, Lay Marker, Sit Marker etc... I would like to use a visual representation of the marker while placing it and after the marker is placed the visual marker is removed. As I say I already have the code in place and working. Is there an easy way to set a marker geometry to be flagged as visible in game using an existing marker as a base? Poking around in NifScope and I feel I'm clueless as what I'd need to edit. I have had a google search, but I don't think I have the correct key words as I don't seem to find what I'm after. Any pointers or advice would be appreciated. TYIA
  24. This is probably obvious to you, just throwing it out there just in case it's not. NPC needs the skill perks/level to use that magic. Example: The NPC destruction level is on 50, but the spell that you want them to cast is 75 destruction level, then the NPC wont use the spell regardless of how much magicka they have. In other words make sure the NPC meets the requirement for the spell. I may be missing the point all together and your aware of it, but just a thought.
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