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Everything posted by chibievil

  1. well you could make a new head mesh, using the morph on Toolset and setting base as QM. and jsut modding it from there. its pretty simple to add to creature file as you just set the head as the one you made
  2. yea i did on a playthrough, i was been evil all through it, he gets to live tho and i think you meet him again inthe prision
  3. like i recolor my armor and i want the icon to look the same, i have adobe photoshop and it can save as dds but when i open it in toolset, either there's no picture or it crashes. can someone tell me what option under dds does it need to be and what size etc thanks hers images of some of the options http://i45.tinypic.com/6icyua.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/sawtow.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/2v2w9yp.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/ja9jtl.jpg http://i46.tinypic.com/jgsf38.jpg http://i50.tinypic.com/2mdiixk.jpg
  4. u dont need to waste money away to learn toolset, its very easy to learn. Theres also loads of tutorials on google. i didnt really read tutorials to learn what i did, just test out what each stuff does. The only tutorials you will need is Scripting, conversation, items, cutscenes. the rest is easy
  5. My first question, what i meant was that on the toolset it is set to greyed out and ingame i cant enter, i just set it to active so i can enter anytime
  6. ok i'm doing a quest, but if the person is of noble background i want it to say a certain thing, made the plot check she is off noble background but it just doesnt appear.
  7. is it easy to mod in this game like in Dragonage or is it harder
  8. sometimes installed armors and weapons and stuff don't appear until you are at ostagar
  9. lols, dont matter if your good or bad she will still chat to you about crap, you sleep with a companion -hope you know what your doing, you will have to make a choice, to make sacrifces bla bla bla *stabs sword through her chest* that will shut her up
  10. haha lols i see someone else hates wynne as much as me. good to know i actually killed her in one of my playthroughs i was a blood mage and she preached me about it, and she told gregore and irving, i killed em all
  11. lols but he quickly abandons you at landsmeet, so he cant really love the grey warden that much
  12. well if you side with anora and your in a relationship with alistair and he ends up shouting at you, he says i had dreams oh nevermind or i think it i had dreams it doesnt matter now. i really want to know what the dreams are
  13. Who u using a face morph for , if its for your PC Character, i think u can't, u Probably Have to start again, If it for another character thats in your team, just place the file in override and if its named right it will appear on the person head
  14. i think in order to do that is to either find a tint that is green or edit a tint file to make it go green http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Tutorial:_Creating_recolors_of_existing_items here something that i been using recently
  15. have u tried deleting your whole override folder and disabling your mods and see if that fixes it
  16. don't it create the file when you start the game up, like if you play it for the first time dont it make it own override
  17. well i can change armor to human noble character template but for alistair he doesnt change he just adds a duplicate chest palte to my inventory
  18. he mentions dreams if you side with anora, what dreams are those, i think you only get these lines if your in a relationship with him
  19. 1st issue - human noble origin, wouldnt load area of highever, deleted my mod of highever i made and it loaded 2nd issue - i made a man but every stinkin person thinks i'm a woman 3rd issue - made a mod to recolor alistairs armor, but everyone except alistairs armor has changed
  20. i created a new armor for follower, alistair, i went into his creature and changed his armor to the 1 i created following with wepons and a shiled, but it won't change in game, i exported and everything and it still wont change please help
  21. erm depends what choices you chose at the gates
  22. get 7zip its free and extracts bigger files faster and it unzips all types of files :) i like it better than winrar because with winrar and you didnt buy it it always reminds you when your free evaluation is up, but with 7zip its free so no evaluation hehe
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