I've been trying to set up the game the way that I want it, and now I can't create a female character. When I'm at the character creation screen, Skyrim CTD's as soon as I switch the sex to female (with the exception of Argonian and Khajiit). I have a working save with an Ashen (Oriental) character, but I can't start a new game as a female character with any of the races but Argonian and Khajiit. I tried running BOSS in order to detect any potential mod conflicts or alike, and to sort my mods better, but there doesn't seem to be any problem with that (which I can notice, at least). Therefore, I would like to know if there's anyone who knows what the problem might be, as I don't have any idea at all. Here's the log that BOSS created: I would appreciate any help at all, I really want to start playing with a new character! :happy: