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About mawarm

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    HoN/Battle Grounds 2/CS:GO/Borderlands 2
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    HoN/Oblivion/Minecraft/Fable/Portal/Battle Grounds 2

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  1. Why would you refund people like that? Do they have the right to be refunded after being banned?
  2. Okey, thanks, I'll try doing that. :smile: As for the "use only..." - yes, I've checked that I'm only using one of the esp's for those mods, which you can see by looking at which of them that has "active" after them. About the Lady Body warning: that only matters if I'm acually wearing any of those pieces, and even then I don't think there would be any problem other than maybe some gaps or weird seams.
  3. I've been trying to set up the game the way that I want it, and now I can't create a female character. When I'm at the character creation screen, Skyrim CTD's as soon as I switch the sex to female (with the exception of Argonian and Khajiit). I have a working save with an Ashen (Oriental) character, but I can't start a new game as a female character with any of the races but Argonian and Khajiit. I tried running BOSS in order to detect any potential mod conflicts or alike, and to sort my mods better, but there doesn't seem to be any problem with that (which I can notice, at least). Therefore, I would like to know if there's anyone who knows what the problem might be, as I don't have any idea at all. Here's the log that BOSS created: I would appreciate any help at all, I really want to start playing with a new character! :happy:
  4. Any chance we'll get an option to switch back to the old frontpage layout? It might just be me, but I actually liked the old one a lot more than the new one...
  5. Awesome! It's going to be interesting to see what else you have in mind for the site as well.
  6. Thanks a lot, stupid of me not to have checked before, I thought the mod was cancelled as well. :P
  7. Does anyone have any idea at all? :S
  8. Hello there! I'm using Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics Vision ENB, and I think it looks great. There's one small problem though - I find the light coming off certain light sources such as candles, fires etc. to be a bit too bright. Therefore, I'd like to change the value(s) which control this kind of lighting. So please, what value(s) do I need to change in order to lower the amount of light coming off these light sources? Any respond is appreciated! :thumbsup:
  9. I can't change my character's appearance, nor can I overwrite any save files, so I'm thinking about starting over as well to see if that helps...
  10. I can't change the appearance of my character, and I can't overwrite save files.
  11. Well, I actually can change the appearance of my character, but after I've saved with the new appearance, I can't load that game after I exit Skyrim. I can load such saves if I load a working, older save first, but then the skin color of my character has reverted to the one I had in the old save; only the face has the new look. Also, I can't overwrite old saves since a while back and if I try to do so, a new save is just created and the old one is still there. I would very much appreciate any help with this problem, as I can't play my character the way I want to. :(
  12. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? I really want to fix this! :S EDIT: I tried the "Less Colors" option and it's working for me, but still, it seems strange that the mod won't work when I'm trying to use the full version... It can't possibly be that the loading time is that immense when booting the game up for the first time with the full version, can it?
  13. Might this be what you're looking for?
  14. Skyrim works fine for me when I don't have Extended Slider Colors installed, but when I activate it the game just gets stuck at the first loading screen and nothing happens. I'm guessing I'm having this problem because of some conflict with another mod, but I don't know which in that case. I don't have any custom race mod installed - are there any other types of mods which can conflict with this one? P.S. I'd like to post my load order (or at least my installed mods list) here, but is there any way to do that with NMM, like there is with OBMM? (I'm using NMM.)
  15. Looking for the armor displayed in the picture (WARNING - FEMALE NUDITY)
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