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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. I've run into this a few times myself. The problem is usually that I'm trying to import objects into the wrong list (I.e. an animated object into Statics instead of Activators).



    It's possible that the meshes are actually being imported, but they're just hard to find. As Hickory said, in order to proprly import them to the relevant list, said list must be selected and displayed (Statics, in the case of Stroti's Kitchen Tools). At the top of the list, there are names for the columns (Editor ID, Count, Users, Model, etc.). Between the "Editor ID" and "Count" columns, there is an expandable column for Form IDs. Expand it and click on it (specifically, click on the words "Form ID"). This will arrange the items by Form ID number from highest to lowest. Click on it again to reverse the arrangement. Any newly added meshes will have a Form ID starting with 01 (assuming the only .esm loaded with your mod is Oblivion.esm). If the desired meshes were indeed imported, they will appear at the top of the newly rearranged list.


    Another test you can try is this:


    1. Start a new plugin.

    2. Try to import a mesh into an appropriate list.

    3. Look at the top of the CS window. If there is an asterisk * next to the words TES Construction Set, this means something has been changed and you can use the Form ID trick I mentioned above to quickly locate the newly added mesh.

  2. Granted, but your service provider quadruples your monthly charges and puts a ridiculously low cap on your monthly data use.


    I wish I wish I I I I w-wish I d-d-didn't s-stutter w-while t--Ty--typing this.

  3. I've never heard of this one, but it would be pretty easy to make. If you want, I can put something together for you. I could set it up so that:


    Merchants sell all vanilla armor.


    Merchants sell all vanilla weapons.


    Merchants sell all vanilla armor & weapons.


    Some merchants sell weapons only, some sell armor only.


    Weapons/armor are sold based on Player level.


    All weapons/armor are sold regardless of Player level.


    Just let me know how you'd like it and I'll put something together.

  4. Here's the most effective way of keeping NPCs from going through doors:


    1. Create a unique key for the door(s), but don't put it in game (and don't add it to your inventory.

    2. Set the ownership of the door to PlayerFaction.

    3. Set the lock level to "Needs a Key" and select the key you made in step 1.


    Once this is done, only NPCs belonging to the PlayerFaction can go through the door(s) without a key. Guards are basically the police, so I'm not sure if this will keep them out. It'll keep everyone else out, though.

  5. All you need to do is duplicate the OblivionLavaTest01 water type (change the EditorID and select "yes" when asked to create a new form), then change the Causes 50 Damage Per Second setting to something lower. Then select your new water type for your boss battle cell.
  6. Once there was a golden cheese lying atop the army's daisy cutters because he was recently kicked by every duck in the southern islands because of the lasagna becoming increasingly stinky and mean towards them. This time they would enjoy transforming into lasagna eating monsters that would obliterate all Italian restaurants because they're racist toward practically everyone else other than Irish Snaggle Chickens whose eggs were white but very good for you and it would be even better if you boiled them with cheese but watch out, Alistair is about to smash you and steal the golden Mario statue which turns you into a plumber which really sucks toilets. However, Alistair loves cheese and has just seen a large Burmese python named 'The Vyper' which doesn't like cheese cause it hates Alistair who stood on a huge pile of cheddar, propped up by a footstool with the most horrible floral pattern on it. Leliana, Morrigan and Zevran were sleeping peacefully when everyone loses the end because they couldn't find the beginning of the Harry Potter Dungeons and Dragons game which doesn't even begin to show how Potter kills baddies with snot rockets coming from an overused cheese grater dipped in bullsquid acid and used as smoke bombs. Then, Ender killed the lights and dropped the most precious little gold ring ever into the well which meant Alistair had cursed the little thing like a trouper. Of course Alistair had woken the others who got angry and tried to get the ring off Alistair who did a barrel roll and threw Zevran down the stairs of Vigil's Keep and that's when Morrigan burst into song. Her voice sounded sexy, luring Alistair to want to kick Zevran for even being there. Morrigan then used a joke spell which meant that nothing could be taken very seriously. Once our heroes crossed the Bridge of Death, they found they were going to be in serious trouble. Morrigan's joke spell, with no map they tried to find out where they were, causing right old scene. Suddenly, a big bowl of macaroni & a wheel of cheese appeared before them. They stopped for lunch and ate the bowl of macaroni 'til they were drunk. Then, Fladnag appeared. "Oh Maker!" said Leliana, gasping like a landed fish. Then, Fladnag spoke, "Oh crap," he said, slipping over the spilt melted cheese nearly crashing onto Alistair while he got his sword, accidentally stabbing Fladang and causing a diplomatic incident, "Oops..." Alistair said, grinning. "Wad'ya mean "Oops?" Fladnag imposed while lying on Alistair's stomach tickling him with a fluffy cow. Suddenly, Zevran front flipped over both and kicked Morrigan in the groin, "Tis not a good sign for one such as you." said Fladnag. "Now we must all join hands and close our eyes and await tickling from flying monkeys." Crash, bang, whollop was what followed. Fladang then somehow found the secret of the Italian mariachi band's musical success, deciding to ditch everyone and run away with his dragon. But suddenly, Morrigan cut the cheese for another picnic and invited all apostates to swoop down for a ritual that will help Flandang to have bowel movements. "So, that's how it goes," Alistair murmured. He passed the Paper Spear of Doom to Fladnag, saying "I'll trade it for a lifetime's supply of pikelets." Fladnag was about to say "Yes" when he accidentally blasted the spear which burst into endless clones of Leliana. These Lelianas jumped onto Fladang who flew into Alistair, making him drop his cheese, "Maker's breath!" he spluttered, "watch where you fling your meatballs!" Alistair ducked and bumped his head knocking himself out. "Brilliant!" said Elissa as a stray bandit wandered into the tavern. Elissa picked up Alistair, poked Fladang and kicked the bandit before taking Alistair to Ostagar. When they were almost there they realised Duncan told them it was Denerim they were headed towards. "By Andraste's taste buds!... Where's the map?" The map that should lead them to a magical realm of nothingness in between Elissa's squishy head and Alistair's orange, dirty sock, was left in Elsweyr and is now in M'aiq's hands. So now they must find the blue magical armadillo`s washing machine or .....


    die horribly! They...

  7. Granted, you are now violently hated by a significant portion of those who use your products.


    I wish people would stop using the phrase "I don't give a rat's ass". Seriously, that just doesn't make sense.

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