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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. Elberond is a Bosmer Recon Sniper who is a master of the Bow (as required by his profession) as well as a master of Alchemy. He has an intense hatred for those possessed of an evil heart. He especially hates Necromancers. He hunts across Cyrodiil seeking Necromancer lairs, often finding (and eliminating) Bandits, Marauders and Vampires in the process. Few survive even a single strike from his bow, as the poisons he brews are quite deadly. Even so, he learned the hard way to carry a Shortsword for defense. He was eliminating a Marauder lair when he was attacked by five of them at once. If it hadn't been for an Orc Adventurer, he likely would not have survived. As an absolute last resort, he carries a dagger (called Reaper) so heavily enchanted that it requires a Grand soul to recharge it after a single use. To date, he has only had to use it once: He'd heard rumors of an assassin camping out around Dive Rock and went to investigate. While searching the mountains, he was attacked by a monstrous creature that he could barely see. He fired arrow after arrow into it with little apparent effect and when it got close, he struck it down with Reaper. He later learned the beast was called the Underfrykt Matron.


    That's Elberond's adventures to date (I haven't started the main quest with him yet).


    Then there's my total psycho murderer character, Sir Killsalot. He didn't always call himself that. He was once an Assassin, but something drove him over the edge: He was given a target to eliminate and did. The next day, he saw his target alive and well. Perplexed by this, he "eliminated" his target again, this time making sure he was truly dead. The next day, he found his target alive and well again. He figured somebody in the city was resurrecting him. So he killed everyone in the city, only to find them all alive and well the next day. He went insane and decided to kill every single person in Cyrodiil. Has has now done so countless times, but everyone he kills revives within 24 hours. So he keeps killing them, hoping that eventually it will stick.


    I use ShadowyDoom's respawning NPC mod to get all NPCs to respawn for Sir Killsalot. I also made a mod for myself that changes the respawn time to one day. It's actually fun getting a ridiculously huge bounty like that. The funniest thing is that some guards actually run away from Sir Killsalot instead of trying to arrest or kill him.

  2. Server not found error message on that link.

    Odd...I had no problem connecting. Oh well, try the Mod De-Isolation tutorial on the CS Wiki. Turning Replacers into new models is a bit different. You'll first have to create several new folders: 1 for the Armor meshes, 1 for the Clothing meshes, 1 for the Armor textures and 1 for the clothing textures. Next, move the meshes and textures into the appropriate new folders. Then open the meshes in NifSkope and change the texture paths to the new folders. Once all of this is done, you can import the models into the CS and place them somewhere in game.

  3. Looks like it's gonna be a fun dungeon crawl. ;D

    Thanks! :D

    Keep up the good work!

    I will. Just putting this together has been a lot of fun (and very educational). The funny thing is, some of the mods I've already released were originally test files for ideas that I had for this (but I'm not saying which ones 8) ).


    Did you do this all yourself?

    For the most part. I'm using Jgreybear's Ayleidoon Karan set for the weapons and armor and Critterman's model for the Geater Welkynd Atronach as well as textures he made for the lesser ones. Khettienna was kind enough to give me permission to use the scripts from her Respawning Varla and Welkynd Stones mod. I'm also using the Clean Ayleid Ruins Independent Version set by Ceano and AxlRocks. I'll probably be including WhoGuru's Burnt Ayleid Ruins and Lava Falls Resource as well as the Drow Ruins Interior and Exterior Tileset by KingDutka (although I'll be using the Master file he gave me permission to make from it). So I'm using a lot of resources, but I've made some of my own in the process. The level layouts, Skeletons, multi colored Dark Wekynd Stones (and other surprises) are all mine. I've written a lot of scripts for this mod (108 so far, with a few dozen more to go) and utilized a few existing ones. My favorite part is designing levels. I may have set a record for "number of things activated by a single switch". One level has a switch that activates 129 objects one after the other (it takes around 2 minutes and 10 seconds for the whole chain to finish). Here is a small preview of what happens afterward. This will not be an easy quest to finish. Even I have trouble getting through some levels and I know where everything is. :P I've even gotten lost in one of the levels (and I designed it). All in all, it's a bit of a challenge. But it's fun! :D

  4. Download: TESNexus TES Alliance


    Name: Ayleid Tileset Expansion

    Version: 1

    Date: 3/14/2010

    Category: Resources

    Author: The Vyper






    Basically, I got tired of having to assemble lots of pieces together, like a wall and then a shelf or a floor then a column base and then a column. So I decided to put the most commonly assembled tiles together as single pieces. And I'm releasing the result as a resource. There is no .esp included, just the meshes. I may add more pieces to this if requested.






    Tileset Pieces Added:


    ARPedestal02Holder- ARPedestal02 and ARWelkydiHiolder combined

    ARPedestal03Cover- ARPedestal03 and ARPedestalCover combined

    ARPitColumn01Complete- Column Base and Column combined

    ARPitColumn02Complete- Column Base and Broken Column combined

    ARPitWallColumn01Complete- Wall Column base and Column combined

    ARPitWallColumn01Complete- Wall Column base and Broken Column combined

    ARRmColumn01Complete- Floor, Ceiling, Column Base and Column combined

    ARRmColumn02Complete- Floor, Ceiling, Column Base and Broken Column combined

    ARRmCorner01Shelves- Intact room corner and Wall Shelves combined

    ARRmCorner02Shelves- Broken room corner and Shelves combined

    ARRmWall01Shelf- Intact wall and Wall Shelf combined

    ARRmWall02Shelf- Broken wall and Wall Shelf combined

    ARWHall01Shelves- Intact wide hall and Wall Shelves combined

    ARWHall02Shelves- Broken wide hall and Wall Shelves combined

    ARWHall3Way01Shelf- Wide 3-way hall and Wall Shelf combined

    ARWHallTransNarrow01Shelves- Intact transition hall and Wall Shelves combined

    ARWHallTransNarrow02Shelves- Broken transition hall and Wall Shelves combined


    Here are links to some screens:




    Room Corners


    Pit Wall Columns


    Pit Floor Columns


    A room made entirely with the new pieces <---That was made with only 14 pieces. Normally, it would require 33.


    A hallway made with the new pieces <---That was made with 5 pieces. Normally, it would require 14.


    Use as desired and enjoy!






    1.Extract the meshes into your Dungeons/ayleidruins/interior folder.







    Delete the meshes from your Dungeons/ayleidruins/interior folder. .












    None. This is only a resource, no .esp is included.



    Known Issues:









    3/14/2010- Initial release






    The Vyper @ the Official forums, TES Alliance or TESNexus






    Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.

    Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on.



    Tools Used:




    Insanity's ReadMe Generator.






    This is a free resource. No credit is necessary.

    Please do not re-host this file without my explicit permission.

  5. Hmm...let's see. I made a spell that adds a bounty of 1000 to anyone it hits and cast it on a few guards. It's fun watching them kill each other. I also made a character with the intention of making him the most uber mass murderer ever. So far, e's killed more NPCs than are actually in the game. Behold Sir Killsalot, scourge of Tamriel! I use the Shadowydoom3 Respawnable NPC Mod so that all of my victims can enjoy being my victims over and over again. :devil: I also made a mod for myself that changes the respawn time to 1 day instead of 3. By the time I'm finished...reducing the population...of three or four cities, everybody in (at least) the first two has respawned.


    I also occasionally use the Hilarity mod to cause havoc. I sometimes reply to the things the NPCs say, just for fun:


    Bandit: "You elves are all the same. All flash and no fury!"

    Me: *kills bandit with Wizard's Fury spell* "You were saying?"


    Guard: "I'm just warming up, you pathetic worm!"

    Me: "Then let me help you cool off!" *kills guard with a Frost spell*


    NPC: It's you! The Hero of Kvatch! This is truly an honor!"

    Me: "How do you know I'm the Hero of Kvatch? I don't recall seeing you there."

  6. Any invisible clothing is a missing texture. You may try reinstalling the mod it came from. If you just copied the esp from your laptop then you will also need the meshes and textures for that mod and they must be installed in the proper place.


    I copied the meshes, textures and the esp when I installed the mod, but the chest is still invisible when wearing the vest :unsure:

    I even tried reinstalling the mod and made sure everything (the meshes and textures) were in the right place :wallbash: Still invisible.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    I still can't get it to work. Any ideas? I do have the game of the year edition now (I didn't with my laptop). Does this make a difference? :confused:

    By "invisible" do you mean you can see straight through your character? If so, you're missing a NormalMap texture. Look through your Textures folder and find the Vest.dds texture. If there is not a Vest_n.dds texture ( the _n stands for NormalMap) right below or above it, that's the source of your problem.

  7. Shadow Of The Ayleidoon.


    Background Story:

    Many years ago, a group of mages (Conjurers, Necromancers and Battlemages) formed an alliance of sorts. Their goal: learn the forgotten secrets of Ayleid magic. For the last several months, their numbers have been increasing. Strange new types of skeleton warriors have been seen in their company. The Council of Mages decided to send a battlemage to infiltrate their ranks. He finally put a name to this new, potential enemy: Warlocks. His reports became increasingly disturbing: Ayleid weapons caches, powerful enchanted weapons, powerful potions, spells that could summon multiple creatures at once, armies of undead and Daedra, and something called the Adonai Karan. His last report indicated that he was on to something big. He has not been heard from since. Can you finish the job that he began before the Shadow of the Ayleidoon falls?



    Basically, this is a dungeon crawl mod. There will be at least five new Ayleid Ruins to explore. Things will be added to some of the Vanilla ruins too. Through the course of this mod, you will acquire a number of enchanted items: a sword called the Haelia Naga (or Terrible Death), a bow called the Varla Molag (or Star Fire) and a full set of armor called the Adonai Karan (or Lordly Armor). Each of these items is leveled, but somewhere in Cyrodiil (or is it?) there is an Ayleid chamber that contains the Altar of Empowerment. With this Altar, you can upgrade the armor and weapons as you level up. The final dungeon you go through is an Ayleid stronghold called Haelia Cey. It is the largest Ayleid ruin ever discovered. It has twenty levels. :blink: Yes, you read that right. Twenty levels. It's so big, it has its own teleport network: a central hub that connects to each level. So, why not teleport straight to level 20 from level one? You can't. The portals that access the hub are hidden behind moving walls, so you will have to fight (or sneak) your way through each level. There will also be two new types of Welkynd Stones: Red and Purple. The red stones will completely restore your health (the way blue ones restore magicka) and the purple stones will restore both health and magicka. Because of their power, the purple stones will be very rare. I also have some additional ideas for the stones, but I don't want to give any details just yet, as it may not even be possible to do what I want.





    Dungeons: 70% complete

    Enemies: 95% complete (Having a little trouble getting the Bosses just right.)

    Weapons: Done*

    Armor: Done*

    Spells: 85% complete


    * Thanks to JGreybear for giving me permission to use his Ayleidoon Karan set.


    Here are a few of the enemies you'll face:


    Fire Skeleton


    Frost Skeleton


    Storm Skeleton (not my best pic, sorry)




    Each Skeleton comes in Skeleton, Guardian, Hero and Champion varieties.


    Here are some others:


    Lesser Welkynd Atronachs


    Geater Welkynd Atronach


    Now, you've no doubt run into those fun red stones that cast spells at you. Well there are a lot of those here and they come in multiple colors.


    Ohh pretty


    The Cyan ones shoot leveled Frost spells, Orange ones shoot leveled Fire spells, White ones shoot leveled Shock spells and Red ones shoot random, unleveled Fire, Frost and Shock spells. I'm working on a purple version that will fire all of the elemental spells in sequence.


    Oh, and don't rely on the in game local map to help you in each level. Some level have identical rooms stacked one atop the other:


    Local Map of one level


    Side View of that same level


    As you can see, the local map isn't very informative there.


    Another thing to watch out for is the Welkynd Stones themselves. Some are normal, obtainable items, but others are traps that fire spells at you when you try to grab them. There is a way to tell them apart, but you'll have to learn that through experience.


    I've been working on this for quite some time, but my progress isn't the best. I work to jobs, so my modding time is a bit more limited than I'd like. Even so, I expect to have this mod finished this year.

  8. There aren't 17,000 people in the whole game. How in the heck did you do that many murders?


    That still must have taken weeks.

    Actually, I use the Shadowydoom3 Respawnable NPC Mod so that all of my victims can enjoy being my victims over and over again. :devil: I also made a mod for myself that changes the respawn time to 1 day instead of 3. By the time I'm finished...reducing the population of three or four cities, everybody in (at least) the first two has respawned.

  9. just got oblivion and was just wondering if there were any files i should start off with. anything to make it better or maybe just fix some bugs. :thanks:


    The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes a lot of bugs left by the final Official patch. As for mods that make the game better, that depends entirely on your personal preferences. This list show the most heavily endorsed mods to date and is a good place to start.

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