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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. Don't know about the "Summon Viconia" spell, but you can use this tutorial. It will work just as well for NPCs as it does for creatures.
  2. That setup isn't going to benefit you very much. The weakness effect isn't applied to the target before the elemental damage is, and because the weakness effects run out before you can strike again, they don't provide any benefit. Weakness effects should be applied last and have a duration long enough to last for multiple strikes. The weakness will only stack if the duration lasts long enough for multiple hits. Here are two examples: Example 1: effective use of weakness. Strike one: fire damage 5 points + weakness to fire 100% for 5 seconds applied. Fire damage 5 points occurs. Strike two (one second after strike one): Fire damage 10 points + weakness to fire 100% for 5 seconds applied. For the next 4 seconds, weakness to fire will be at 200%. If you continue to strike once per second, the damage will stack. It will top out on the fifth strike. Every strike from then on will do the same amount of damage. Example 2: ineffective use of weakness. Strike one: fire damage 5 points + weakness to fire 100% for 1 second applied. Fire damage 5 points occurs. Strike two (one second after strike one): fire damage 5 points + weakness to fire 100% for 1 second applied. Fire damage 5 points occurs. The weakness effect is not carried over because it didn't last long enough. Also, enchantments that do damage over time will get you more uses than enchantments that do all the damage at once. Examples below: Example 1: All at once. Fire damage 25 points on strike. Charge used: 46. You will get 34 uses out of this if you enchant it with a grand soul. Example 2: Over time. Fire damage 5 points for 5 seconds on strike. Charge used: 29. You will get 55 uses out of this if you enchant it with a grand soul. So the question is, do you want more uses and less instant damage or do you want more instant damage and fewer uses?
  3. According to UESP Wiki, Glass Armor and Weapons are made using rare metals studded with volcanic glass. Volcanic glass comes in many forms (including long, flexible fibers), so it is actually conceivable that a flexible weapon like a bow could be made from this. Ebony armor and weapons are also made from volcanic glass, so the same can be said for them. What drives me nuts is that we have to look outside the game to learn this. Another thing that grinds my gears: enemy armor and armament. Seriously, why do they all upgrade at the same time? Is there some publication only available to Bandits/Marauders that offers the occasional special? Marauder Monthly? Bandit's Digest? I can just see the ad now: "Tired of having flea-infested fur armor? Tired of leather armor that shrinks and chafes at the worst possible time? Is your iron armor starting to rust solid? Is your bow bent out of shape? Does your sword, axe, mace or warhammer feel like it will disintegrate the next time it strikes something? Well, you're in luck! Just fill out the attached form and send it in with your old armor and weapons. We'll upgrade your armor at half our normal price. But, wait! There's more! If you respond within 3 days, we'll send you an enchanted weapon and/or enchanted armor absolutely free! But hurry! This deal won't last long and supplies are limited!" Terms and conditions apply. Enchanted items subject to availability. Enchanted items not available in all provinces. Enchantments are chosen at our discretion. Offer expires on the 1st of Rain's Hand. Another thing: Skeletons. Why do the hiss like snakes? Why do we not see any Argonian or Khajiit skeletons? And what about headless zombies? They moan just like their counterparts with heads. Makes you wonder which end that sound actually comes out of. And why are there no Elven/Orc/Argonian/Khajiit zombies? Do Necromancers only go for Imperials, Bretons, Nords and Redguards?
  4. The CS can't effectively change a 1 handed weapon into a 2 handed weapon (or vice versa). You'll need NifSkope for that. Open the Aegis Hammer mesh in NifSkope and click on the + beside the 0 NiNode. The second or third entry in the expanded list should be NiStringExtraData with a value of SideWeapon. Double click on SideWeapon and change it to BackWeapon (you'll have to type that in, since there's no dropdown list to select it from). Save the mesh under a new name. Now open the CS with the Aegis Hammer mod set as the Active file. Find the Aegis Hammer, open it and click on the Model button (it's the raised button on top just to the left of the icon). You can then navigate through the sub-folders in your Oblivion/Data folder to find the new model you saved and select it. Save the mod and the Aegis hammer will now be a true two handed blunt (don't forget to set it as two-handed in the CS - you still need that step).
  5. If you have reached your .esp/.esm limit, you may want to look into using TES4Gecko to merge a few of them together. That would open up some more slots for you.
  6. Paint.net lets you edit any .dds file you have unpacked from the Textures BSA. In order to apply a new texture (instead of just replacing the old one), you'll need NifSkope. (I should have mentioned that in my previous post. Bad Vyper, no soup for you!) Just make sure you include a NormalMap for your new textures. A NormalMap basically tells the game how to apply a texture to a mesh. If you look through your textures, you'll see that most of them have a texture name and then another texture with the same name, but with _n added to it. For example, the Black Robe has a texture called RobeMCBlack.dds and another texture called RobeMCBlack_n.dds. The _n is the NormalMap texture. If you just change the main texture of a mesh, you can copy the NormalMap and rename it you your new texture. The NormalMap must have the same name as the texture, though (just with _n on the end). If it doesn't, or you don't include a NormalMap for your new texture, all kinds of weirdness can occur: clothing can appear invisible (yes, I know "appear invisible" seems to be a contradiction, just bear with me :laugh: ), it can make whatever portion of the body it covers invisible (here's an example of that), and it can also appear to stretch way into the distance. So whatever you do, don't forget the NormalMap. :thumbsup:
  7. No need for a separate land, just use ShadowyDoom3's Respawnable NPC Mod. That's what I used o get these crime stats. I haven't noticed any problems with it.
  8. To create a custom Summon spell, you'll need to use a script effect. This tutorial is the one I use for all of my custom summons. As for amulets, there are several resources available to modders. Just do a search through TES Nexus (you'll get about eight pages of results for "Amulet"). You can also retexture existing amulets using free programs like Paint.net or GIMP (although GIMP requires an additional plugin to edit .dds files). If you do add additional meshes and textures, you can use TES4Files to bundle them together with your mod. It makes things a lot easier. If you want to go the extra mile, you can use OBMM to create an OMOD after you gather everything together with TES4Files.
  9. I can understand this, actually. A bandit wants to kill you and loot your corpse, which is kind of hard to do if you're riding away on a horse. So, kill the getaway vehicle, then kill and loot the victim. He runs to Anvil. You can find him there later on.
  10. Glad you got it sorted. You can upload files to places like MegaUpload if/when you need to. You can even upload things here to Nexus, just be sure to put the reasons for it in your description. Once the issue is resolved, you can delete the upload.
  11. One thing that's always bugged me about Oblivion is Jauffre. Seriously, this guy is the Grandmaster of the freakin' Blades. He should be at least marginally intelligent, but what does he do? He sends an escaped prisoner on mission after mission with the fate of the world itself in the balance and he doesn't send so much as one Blade along as backup. The problems I have with that are: 1. Why would he put so much trust in an escaped prisoner that he's never even heard of before, much less met? Wouldn't he be more likely to send someone who's actually earned that level of trust, like one of the Blades that he's known for years? All the ex prisoner did was bring him the Emperor's bling and tell him a wild story that anybody would have trouble believing. 2. Why would Jauffre send anyone on such vital missions alone? Wouldn't it greatly increase the chances of success to send two, three or even four people on these missions? At the very least, he should send one Blade to make sure the ex prisoner doesn't try anything...funny. It seems to me like Jauffre has gotten a little carried away with the skooma.
  12. There are several possibilities as to why that might be. Does your texture have an Alpha Channel? If so, what color is it when you look at it? Does the mesh have a NiAlpha Property attached to it? If so, what is the value set as under Flags in the block details list? Did you create a Normal Map for your texture? As I said, lots of possibilities. If you want to upload your mesh and texture(s) somewhere, we can then download them and take a closer look at what might be causing the issue.
  13. That means that you are using the older CS. Now that you have SI installed, your game has been patched to 1.2 and you need the newer version of the CS in order to mod it.
  14. :blink: Wow. I've been doing it the hard way all this time... :wallbash:
  15. That is not an uncommon issue. So far, the best fix found is to plug a microphone into the back of your computer. Or you can plug some headphones into the microphone jack if you don't have a mic. For some reason, the microphone must be activated in your sound profile for the dialogue option to work.
  16. It sounds as though you have Oblivion installed in the default directory (i.e., c:\Program Files\Bethesda\Oblivion). Windows 7 does not allow changes to files in the Program Files directory, which makes it virtually impossible to use mods with Oblivion installed there. Install Oblivion to another directory outside of Program Files (like c:\Games) and you will be able to use mods. For more details, read this article. It applies to Windows 7 as well as Vista.
  17. What you want to do then is actually change the havok, not remove it. If you remove it completely, you won't be able to interact with it at all. To change a .nif from movable to static, take the following steps: - Open the .nif you wish to change - Go to the BhkRigidBody Node ( under the bhkCollisionObject tree ) - in the block details find and change the following : - Layer ( change to OL_STATIC ) - Layer Copy ( change to OL_STATIC ) - Motion System ( change to MO_SYS_FIXED ) - Quality Type ( change to MO_QUAL_FIXED ) If you have Havok displayed, you should notice the collision shape has changed from Blue to Red in NifSkope, which signifies it is a static collision. Save it as a new .nif and test in game to see if it fixed it correctly.
  18. That's not an uncommon problem when using Windows Vista or Windows 7. Try clicking the "full body preview" option before you click on the Face or Face Advanced tabs.
  19. In that script, LucienLachanceFarragutRef refers to the Persistent RefID of a placed NPC (in this instance, one version Lucien LaChance). Load Fort Farragut in the Render Window, look through the Object List and you will probably find LucienLachanceFarragutRef. As for the CS not liking your script, there are a large number of reasons why that might be. If you post your script, we may be able to see where it's be going wrong. Also post the specific error message it gives you. As far as using a quest script goes, that's just one method of doing it. You could place your NPC somewhere, make it a persistent reference, and give the AI a condition to seek out the Player after the required time has passed. The only problem with that setup is that your NPC might have a hard time catching up to the Player (and could even die trying, unless he/she is essential). Using a quest script to first move your NPC near the Player, then enable him/her is a way to ensure that, no matter where in Tamriel the Player is, your NPC will get to the Player in a hurry. If you go that route, just make sure the Player is in the Tamriel worldspace (i.e., not indoors), otherwise your NPC might just fall into the void.
  20. To fortify Acrobatics anywhere near that strong, you would have to enchant multiple items with Fortify Acrobatics and drink some potions as well. As for modding the XBox 360 version of the game, that is illegal and nobody here will help you to do it (unless they want to get banned).
  21. The problem with summoning doors is that the door gets moved, but the teleport marker doesn't. One possible fix would be to make the door an activator and use the MoveTo command to simulate the normal door function, although companions would not follow you through it.
  22. Demoralized can't be directly added to a poison. What you could to is make a Demoralize Ability spell and script the poison to add it to the target. You would also have to attach a script to the Demoralize ability that would remove it from the target after the time runs out, since Ability spells don't remove themselves.
  23. What you'll need is a quest script set up to enable an initially disabled NPC when the trigger action occurs. Your NPC will need an AI package to seek out the Player once he/she has been enabled by the quest script.
  24. Elseweyr - The Deserts of Anequina. That's the only one I know.
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