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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. What stage productions might there be? Here's a few of my ideas: Survivor: Oblivion - Who can survive the Planes of Oblivion the longest? Deadliest Warrior: Tamriel - Necromancers revive the greatest warriors in history to determine who is the Deadliest Warrior. Tonights match: Gaiden Shinji Vs. Pelinal Whitestrake Pirates of the Abecean Guards (Cops) CSI: Anvil So, what are some of your ideas?
  2. 142. An Elytra will die quickly if you jejinak it. (at least, that's what Bolwing says) 143. Never try to fight a Scalon in water. 144. A Flame Atronoch is not a "hot babe". Well, okay, it is, but it wants to kill you. 145. No one in Cyrodiil plays a musical instrument. 146. Birds are invisible to men and mer. Yes, you can hear them, but even Detect Life spells won't allow you to see them. 147. Gaspar, the friendly wraith is not real.
  3. Khajiit just outside the gate to SI: "No, go away. I'm not here." Me: "Then who's talking to me?" Bolwing: "Fribble! Just fribble!" Me: "And if I don't fribble?" Bolwing: "I'll Kalicrak the Findoo. I will. You Terratet it!" Me: "Umm, yeah. You do that. I'll be...somewhere else." Chapel Healer: "How are you?" Me: "You tell me. You're the healer."
  4. You can't own the exterior, but you can use SetCellOwnership to own the various interior cells.
  5. For this, a ref is not necessary. The problem here is that the script doesn't know when to start. Change Begin ScriptEffectStart and Begin ScriptEffectFinish to Begin OnEquip and Begin OnUnequip respectively.
  6. Follow this tutorial from the CS Wiki. Granted, this only tells you how to summon one creature, but if you make five creatures and five summon scripts (one for each creature), you can put all five summon scripts into one spell. I've tried this and it works. Maigrets used the same technique for her Vampire Bats mod.
  7. What you want can be best accomplished using the GetFirstRef and GetNextRef functions of OBSE. An example script can be found in my NPCs Have Bones mod. It ads bones to NPCs that are in the same cell as the Player. It also adds a token (an unplayable piece of jewelry) to them that the script checks for before adding bones. If they don't have it, bones and the token get added. You could use my script as a base and modify it with skill and attribute checks to do what you want.
  8. ??? I think you meant to post this:
  9. 130. Many people see Mud Crabs fairly often. 131. Many people think Mud Crabs are "disgusting". 132. Goblins may be stupid, but their Warlords and Shamans are extremely dangerous and hard to kill. 133. The Arena is not faked. It's not "ham acting and syrup". Those people really are dying. 134. If you see a troll coming, you run. Simple. Next question?
  10. Attempting to correct the numbering. Current one sure start a 123: 123. All storage devices in Tamriel are bigger in the inside than on the outside. Therefore, they must be made by Time Lords. They can hold much more inside than their external dimensions would normally permit. 124. Never live in a town with a corrupt guard captain. You could get fined for standing in one place too long and get fined again the next day for moving around too much. 125. If you become a vampire, don't try to get a tan. It won't end well for you. 126. There is no need to seek cover (or use an umbrella) when it rains. 127. Hats do not exist. 128. A properly enchanted ring can provide better protection than armor.
  11. 58. If you don't like fighting big, scary monsters, don't go near any big arches with a glowing red field of energy in them. 59. Falling in lava is not immediately fatal, although it will kill you pretty darn quick. 60. Rumors are created by a scary man named Lucien LaChance. 61. The Count of Skingrad enjoys the night life. 62. If someone sells you a house really cheap, it's probably haunted.
  12. What I listen to depends on my mood. I usually listen to Classical or Celtic music. Sometimes I listen to Hard Rock or Heavy Metal. Sometimes a mix of all of them (yes, I'm weird, I know :teehee: ).
  13. Bandit: "Die, damn you!" Me: "Damn me? No, damn you!" *kills bandit with a spell called Smite Evil* NPC: "What can I do for you?" Me: *evil grin* This happened after I jumped off of a roof and landed right in front of a Guard: Guard: "You've got quite a bounce to your step. You must be an acrobat." Me: "Of course I'm an acrobat! What else would I be? A Cliffracer?" Guard: "Do you have a death wish, citizen? Put that weapon away or I'll put you down myself!" Me: "Actually, I do have a death wish. Care to try granting it? *kills guard, 10 of his buddies and half the town*
  14. Thought of some more: 43. Never play "catch" with a fireball. Or any type of offensive spell for that matter. 44. No magical or alchemical experiments in the house. Period. 45. If you're ever invited to a gold hunting party in Skingrad, DO NOT ATTEND! 46. If you have to travel, stay on the roads. 47. Jauffre will trust anyone as long as they bring him a big red amulet. 48. You may not have a pet scamp. They smell and shoot fireballs. Now go walk the Daedroth. 49. Take someone with you when exploring Ayleid Ruins. They might save your life by falling victim to an active trap. 50. You may not play in Xedilian. 51. Stay away from Glarthir. He's nuts. 52. There are no monsters under your bed. But if you don't want me to release the one in your closet, you'd better do what I tell you. 53. Grind Clannfear Claws to dust before you consume them. Otherwise, they really hurt going down (not to mention out). 54. Goblins are actually children who didn't do what they were told. 55. I don't care who's pushing you around, you're not calling on the Night Mother! Eliminate them yourself.
  15. What things would you tell your children if you lived in Cyrodiil? What not to poke in the garden because it might attack you? Not to throw coins at beggars? Not to tell Khajiit jokes? What? Here are some of mine: 1. Be wary around Altmer, a good number of them are evil. 2. Don't kalicrak the findoo, it's not healthy. 3. A Will-O-The-Wisp is not a "Pretty Light". Stay away from it! 4. Behave, or I'll summon a Daedroth to punish you. 5. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are tasty and good with hot sauce. 6. Don't eat anything given to you by an Argonian named Webam-Na. It might contain powdered deer...Well, just don't eat it! 7. Never believe anything said by M'aiq the Liar. He's called that for a reason. 8. If you join a Daedric cult, the Nine will smite you (unless I get to you first). 9. You can't levitate, so don't try. Especially off Dive Rock. 10. I'm the Champion of Cyrodiil, the Arena Grand Champion, the Archmage of the Mages Guild and the Madgod of the Shivering Isles, and you WILL go to bed when I tell you too!
  16. Have you tried using TES4Gecko? that's what I used to make the Drow Ruins Master File (link in my sig if you're interested).
  17. Lol. The AI can be so funny sometimes. Got a few more: Bandit: "I need to cut down on the ale. Starting to see things, I am." Me: "I'm sneaking. You're not supposed to see me, or even start to." *puts arrow through perceptive bandit's eye* Marauder: "Must have been the wind." Me: "How did you know that I'm called 'The Wind'?" *kills well informed marauder for knowing too much* Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!" Me: "Well, what else am I supposed to violate? You? No thanks, I'll stick to the law!" *kills guard without violating him* Bandit: "Don't feel bad. No one lives forever!" Me: "Oh yeah? Well, I'm going to live forever or die trying! So there!" *kills happily mortal bandit*
  18. Lol. Good one! My response to that one goes like this: NPC1: "Did you hear about the attack on the Chapel in Anvil? All of Dibella's priests and priestesses have been Murdered!" NPC2: "By the Gods!" NPC1: "No doubt." Me: "Wait... You think the Gods go around murdering their priests and priestesses and use blood to leave messages declaring war on themselves? You're weird."
  19. It sounds like OBSE is not installed in the same folder as Oblivion.exe. Right click on your Oblivion desktop shortcut and select "Properties". A window will open with three tabs at the top name "General", "Shortcut" and "Compatibility". Click on the "Shortcut" tab and look in the box next to "Target". This is the file path for your Oblivion Launcher. That's where OBSE needs to be installed for it to work. If it's not there, install it there. If it is there, your probably using Windows Vista or Windows 7.
  20. Try starting the game with Insanitys Oblivion Launcher. It has an option to start Oblivion with OBSE.
  21. :blink: *sits in stunned disbelief after reading the description* Wow. That is awesome! :thumbsup: I can't wait to start using this. Sir Killsalot will certainly enjoy it. :devil:
  22. Yeah, there should be a harbor in Leyawiin. It would at least make trade easier with the southern regions of Elsweyr and Blackmarsh. And, while we're on the subject of things that don't appear to make any sense: Why are there no ship maintenance facilities anywhere? There are docks, of course, but nothing set up to really maintain a ship. Why are there no intact Forts anywhere in Cyrodiil? If the sewers are supposed to be used as an emergency escape for the Emperor, why aren't they kept clean of Goblins and Vampires? Why does Jauffre trust an escaped prisoner he just met to rescue the Emperor's only surviving heir? And without backup or an escort, at that? Wouldn't the Grandmaster of the Blades actually send some Blades, since A} that's their job in the first place and B} he's known each one of them for years? Why are Jauffre and Baurus the only two blades fighting at he Battle of Bruma? Shouldn't all of them be there, since the Emperor-to-be is leading the battle? Why did Mehrunes Dagon attack Bruma at all, instead of opening an Oblivion Gate at the only door leading into or out of Cloud Ruler Temple? Why does nobody in Bruma ever seem to notice that a certain guild hall is burning? And why is the fire never put out and the guild hall restored? Why is the prison sentence for murder only ten days? That seems pretty lenient. In some parts of the US, you get more than that for just for pulling out a weapon in public (or just for having it at all, in certain places). And, given that the prison sentence for murder only ten days, what did Valen Dreth do to get put there for 11 years? Commit over 400 murders before he was caught? (okay, Sir Killsalot has committed over 17,000 and is still running free, but still) As you can see, there are a lot of things that don't make sense in the game. But it's still a great game.
  23. Got some more: Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!" Me: "You call you're mother 'The Law'? Do you still live with her or something?" NPC: "It has words? It can speak?" Me: "Nope. I'm a mute. I communicate by selecting words that magically appear in the air whenever I want to talk to someone." M'aiq the Liar: "M'aiq knows much, tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not." Sir Killsalot: "Does M'aiq know that I torture those who cannot die? And that I can kill them?"
  24. In that case, try my Astral Storage mod. It's a spell that opens a container when you cast it.
  25. Try Bag Of Holding by Quazzy. An easy way to do it is to change the EditorID (the CS name for the object) and click "Okay". You will get a message saying that you have changed the Editor ID and be asked if you want to create a new FormID. Choose "yes" and you will have your new object. You have to open the container's inventory in the CS (like you're trying to view it) and drag each item you want into it.
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