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Posts posted by Xepha537

  1. Hi people,


    I just recently started playing FO3 again, and I loaded the game up with mods. FOOK2, WMK, MMM, DUI, as well as some other smaller ones which should not be affecting the scope view. I will list all my mods later if required.


    The problem is this: http://i53.tinypic.com/nzeohl.jpg


    The black area of the scope - I don't know if it's called the overlay or the reticle or something like that, I'm really not well versed in these things - does not fill the entire screen. I'm playing on 1280x960 (4:3 resolution), and I tried - and took the screen shot on - 1600x1200 as well, to see if it makes a difference. My monitor is a 4:3 CRT so I have to use a 4:3 resolution.


    I've been Googling this issue for the past week, finding bits and pieces here and there, but so far I've found no real information on what's causing the problem, and how I could fix it. I tried exporting the scope01.nif and .dds from the meshes and textures, and placing them in the data files, but that didn't do anything. I also downloaded some other scope meshes, and tried them, but it didn't help.


    I was wondering if anyone has information on this issue straight away, as in "oh right it's THAT bug, I know that one, I've seen it before, I know exactly what to do". Failing that, perhaps someone is more knowledgeable on what might be causing it.




    Ah, yes. Not seen this for a while. :)


    I think the problem stems from using an in-game resolution different to the one of your windows desktop.


    For example, my monitor has a 1680x1050 (16:10) native resolution. If I were to try and use a lower resolution in-game (say, 1280x1024) - with a view to increase fps - then I would have the same problem. I think, if you were to drop your desktop resolution before launching the game (with the same resolution) the scope would probably fit the screen properly.


    I went through various combinations of resolutions, but in the end I plumped for using the same resolution in-game as my desktop (1680x1050) and making various tweaks in the Launcher to improve performance.


    Tweaks if you need them, here: http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_1.html



  2. ...

    [X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm


    [X] Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.esp

    [X] Enhanced Weather - Rainbows.esp

    [X] Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp


    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition.esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage (NEE).esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain (NEE).esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorm.esp

    [X] Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms Damage Armor.esp



    Well that's cool if you've got it working! :)


    Only thing I would recommend to change though, is the position of Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp - it needs to be before the NEE version of it or you'll get darker nights at night when it rains (highlighted in bold, above). Everything else seems okay to me. :)



  3. previously i had tried "Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow" which crashed to desktop so removed it and went for "Dynamic wEather" which so far hasn't steered me wrong even though it still uses parts of enhanced weather to make the rain work.


    i notice that DW has sandstorm damage, any chance i can add the radiated rain from EW in there somehow?


    Sounds like you have the Enhanced Weather ESM installed, so you should be able to just drop Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.esp in your load order - somewhere just above the Dynamic Weather esp's should work fine.



  4. Thanks much for the info, I thought that by doing the few extra tweaks in the ini & prefs files would give that little extra assist with the game, and I did watch those videos twice mind you :) and he does a pretty good job explaining things. I have been installing mods with Fomm as he explains in the video, well now that I have most recent version of Fomm, it's much easier.


    But now the question is, the tweaks that I did to the ini & prefs files will that hurt or make no difference? or should I just revert them back to the way they were, I have back ups of them before the edit's. And by just using the the option through Fomm, does it make any difference that I have ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! is installed in to the data folder of FO3 ( i did the Manuel install of it)


    You can probably just leave it the way it is, as FOMM does the same as what you've done manually. Should be good to go! :)

  5. It seems the Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 Hotfix mod is missing some meshes. Anyone know which?






    It would appear the tag didn't work in your original post. Replying revealed them!


    Anyway, as I suspected, you have the red exclamation mark that everyone loves. But there really aren't that many meshes in Enhanced Weather (does the mark apply to textures too?). I would go back to the mod and check everything's been installed in the correct locations.


    You should have something similar to the following:


    \Fallout 3\Data\meshes\Mieimod\Different Weathers\sky\Rain.nif

    \Fallout 3\Data\meshes\Mieimod\Different Weathers\sky\RainUP.nif

    \Fallout 3\Data\Textures\Mieimod\Different Weather\Rain.dds

    \Fallout 3\Data\Textures\Mieimod\Different Weather\Rain2.dds



  6. I'm guessing you've found these?:


    Realistic Interior Lighting


    Darker Interiors - Fear the Dark


    LightingOverhual, makes changes to interior lighting, but also does weather/nights as well. Might be worth a look at least.


    In which case, if they're not to your liking, you'll probably have to create your own. I ended up doing this myself (using Realistic Interior Lighting as a base), albeit for my own personal use.



  7. Uuhm.. Hi, I gotta kind of strange prob

    The official tutorials say there's a quest button in the character tab of the geck toolbar (Link to the page that says so)

    But, well, there isn't. There is something called Quest Voice Asset Totals there, but I don't think that's the one.

    I've been looking for my button for 3 weeks now... so... please help :ninja:


    Screenie of prob:


    You can't find the button because there isn't one. The information on that page isn't entirely accurate. It should be directing you to the Object Window>Actor Data>Quest. It's possible Actor Data was labelled as Character in the Oblivion CS. I can only surmise that some info wasn't updated correctly when the CS wiki was converted into a Geck wiki.


    Anyway, to create a new Quest:


    Quests can be found in the Object Window under Actor Data>Quest. Right-Click in this list and select "new" to create a quest from scratch. The Quest dialog has a lot of tabs and fields, but we're only concerned with the following right now:


    (from http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsoft_Tutorial_Basic_Quest)


    edit: gah... ninja'd! :ninja:

  8. Kai Hohiro's Video Install Guide, is an excellent introduction into the ways of applying mods to FO3: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13111


    In fact one of the first things you'll learn is that dragging and dropping mods will lead you into a whole world of hurt in Fallout 3. Unless the mod you're adding really is a single .esp file I'd advise against it (even then, it's probably not a good idea if you have a ton of such mods).


    Have a look at those videos and get to know FOMM and FO3Edit, you'll have a much more enjoyable FO3 experience for it.



  9. how can i do this? another mod? or should i edit FWE because the restore tracers plugin included with FWE doesnt make tracers appear 100% of the time, only 20% of the time?




    If I remember correctly, there should be an optional restore tracers plugin that comes with FWE that you can activate. Check the FWE files you've downloaded, should be in there somewhere.

  10. Hmmm... How about something along the lines of this:


    Create a new Quest. Give it a name - "AddSomethingQuest" and tick the "Start game enabled" box. Hit the Ok button.


    Write a script along the lines of:


    Scriptname AddSomethingQuestScript
    Begin GameMode
    if player.GetItemCount Something == 0
    	player.AddItem Something
    StopQuest AddSomethingQuest


    Go back to the quest and attach your script.




    Well, you know, that's about the basics of it I think.

  11. Is there a mod that allows you to place your own map markers?

    I discover quite a few locks and terminals that I can't open yet, and would like to be able to get back to them when I have the required skill.


    I don't know if their are others, but Mark and Recall allows you to add map markers. Apparently, you have to buy a "Book of Mark" before you can set the markers - I have the mod, just not got around to getting hold of the book yet, so I can't say how well it works just yet.

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