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Everything posted by ashleyclark

  1. In response to post #16410390. Thanks for the reply. Usually I just click on the manual download and do a save as so that I can have it checked before loading it. Then I just go to NMM and go to that button that says load from file, and that is it. But all I kept getting on any of the manual downloads was that error message. I knew something was not quite right when a person could not download TesEdit. Thanks again for the info.
  2. I have a question. No matter if it is for Skyrim, and now Oblivion, I cannot download hardly any file manually. Period. It tells me I am not logged in when I am and sometimes it will tell me that the site is for Premium members only, which I am. Here is one of the messages that I am getting. How does this get fixed?? Error The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... You must be logged in to download files larger than 2 megabytes Reporting this error If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use our bugtracker (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/project-8-nexus-network-website/) to report it. Please attach the following link to the bug description: %2Foblivion%2FError%2F%3Ferr%3Ddownload_larger%26i1%3D101%26i2%3D3735%26i3%3D0%26i4%3DRens%2520Beauty%2520Pack-4431.rar Sorry for the inconvenience! I have reported it to the proper link. Here is the link where I posted. Twice so far. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/issue-20943-cant-download-files-when-im-already-logged-im/ Could someone please look into this matter, for half of the files I want to download are manual only and I cannot download them. It is pretty bad when one cannot download Tes4Edit manually. Please advise Ashley
  3. I purchased Oblivion today, put in a few mods through NMM. I could not get TesEdit to work and played anyway. Everything was fine, and got past character creation, and saved the game, and then exited out. Posted a thread to find out how to get Tes to work, and was helped out and got it working. Cleaned the necessary files, had them in the right order with LOOT 6.0. Now, everytime I go to play, it crashes and there a partial black screen with the desktop showing on the right side that says Oblivion has stopped working. This is not a CTD. I lose the mouse pointer, and have to actually shut the pc completely down and re-start the pc. I have un-installed the game twice and re-installed it, de-activated all the mods in NMM, and it still does it with no mods. I have just un-installed the game again, there are no mods, no nothing, and that is where I stand. Tomorrow I intend to re-install the game, but I do not want to spend another day with this mess without help. I am not all that tech savvy, and do not understand a lot of technical terms, even though I have played Skyrim with mods. If someone out there can help me out I would be grateful. I do not know what it is I am doing wrong. The game I purchased has all the dlc on it and I just rather play it on the pc instead of the xbox. Because I have already un-installed the game, tomorrow I will post a list of the mod order after I re-install them. There are about 26/28 of them. Please advise. Ashley
  4. I do not know if this is the right place to post this, if not, I am sorry. I have played a modded Skyrim, but not Oblivion. In Skyrim I use Enhanced Lights and FX along with Pure Waters and Pure Weather. What mods for Oblivion can I use for lights, weather and water that are similar to what I use in Skyrim?? I have no idea which ones to pick. In Skyrim I use the CBBE female body type. What mod can I use on Oblivion that is similar?? I have seen this mod, http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/10168/?, but I do not know if it is the right one or not. Last, I will be playing as a mage that uses a I-handed weapon, and would like to know what armor I should get that is somewhat sexy but not to reveling. I have found a couple that look really nice, but desire a few more. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ashley
  5. Thank you so much for all the time and effort that you have put into giving us this information. The only problem that I have, is if I go to try a mod, and then go to download another mod that is a manual download, it will not let me download the manual mod until I endorse the other 2 or 3 that I tried and did not like. Hope that made sense. I do not feel comfortable endorsing a mod that I did not like and only used for about 5 / 8 minutes. Hope that made sense also. Ashley
  6. This is the only one that comes the closest to what you are looking for, although I agree that it looks just like the basic Thieves Guild armor. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2049/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D2049%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  7. You could also try this mod, which I really love as playing as a sorceress. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53124/?
  8. As BlackRoseOfThorns says. I had a similar problem when I started using the pc and mods for Skyrim. I went into the control panel and un-installed NMM and Steam. I then re-started the pc, and first re-installed Steam, but instead of installing it in the default, I installed it into the Games folder. You can change the place you install it in. Then I re-installed the NMM to the games folder. You have to start the game with Steam first, so that it picks up your ini. file, and then back out of that and run the NMM and let it scan for your games. Then you can download your mods and activate them. I am not that tech savvy, but I hope this helps.
  9. In response to post #15462835. #15463215 is also a reply to the same post. Thank you for the info.
  10. I have had ApacheiSkyHair for 3/4 months now. Do I have to download it again or am I safe?? I just got through running a complete virus scan and everything came out okay. Although when I first went to start Skyrim through the NMM Manager, it said that Skyrim was not responding.
  11. I found the answer. Really very simple. Go to the control panel, and go to appearance and personalization. Under folder options, click on the view tab and make sure that the "Hide Extensions for Known File Types" DOES NOT have a check mark in it. Mine had a check mark, and as soon as I removed the check mark, bingo. No more problems. Hope this helps.
  12. Sorry. My daughter answered the question for me in the above 2 posts.
  13. It is not the armor. I loaded an earlier save that had different armor on, and it is not the armor. So all I can do is wait and see what the author has to say, unless this has happened to someone else.
  14. I disablied all the mods and the new found power was gone. Re-activated all the mods but the tower and the armor ones. Waited 20 minutes and there was no new found power. I then re-activated the armor mod and nothing. Waited 20 minutes and nothing. Then I re-activated the tower and 20 minutes later the power is back. It has something to do with the tower and that book stand in the middle. Unless it is a delayed effect, because it took almost 20 minutes for it to show up again. I have sent a message to the author of the tower mod, so maybe the author can say how to turn it off and on, if it did ndeed come from the tower. Oh well. Just my luck I find this awesome power and cannot shut it off when I want. lol
  15. I will try that. I know that I was wearing that armor when I went and touched the middle stone that said something about "Learn the darkest Secrets" or something like that. Then when nothing happened I went to Nocturnal's statue and clicked on it. Still nothing. Then I left and went exploring and a couple of hours later I had this awesome power.
  16. There is nothing under the active except the Frostfall stuff. The outfit is made with a daedric heart and vampire dust on the forge. Is there such a thing as a hidden enchantment?? In the Sorceress Tower, the middle statue is not a statue, but looks like something you see one of the Black Books sitting on. There are no pics of it in the mod description, but it was a very nice surprise to see the cellar there.
  17. It is not the Ebony mail, although the power acts the same, but more of a deeper dark. The only thing I can see is my eyes for the rest is just a big black shadow. Any enemies that I do battle with, you can see the shadow go to them and cover them. The armor itself is enchantable and comes with no enchantments.
  18. I am not sure if this belongs here, but if not it can be moved to the proper place. I have a question about an unknown power that I suddenly acquired and I have no idea how I acquired it. I recently started playing Skyrim on the pc, and discovered a mod called the Sorceress Tower up near Markarth. Upon entering the tower, it looked like a really nice place. In the basement there is a secret door, and when entering it, all the daderic statues are there. I clicked on one, the one in the center and nothing happened so I tried clicking on Nocturnal and nothing happened, so I left and went about my business. I was also wearing the Immersive armor called Blood Witch armor for my sorceress. About an hour or two later I was in sneak mode, and all of a sudden this noise happened like a rushing sound and I was covered in this really dark shadow that looked like I was wearing the Ebony Armor from the vanilla quest that puts out a black shadow. The only difference was that my shadow was darker and it seemed like it was more deeper. When ever I went into sneak mode it made this sound and the shadow appeared. It also did this whenever I went to cast a spell when an enemy was nearby. Riding a horse, all of a sudden the shadow would appear and I would know an enemy was near. When an enemy gets near, the enemy then becomes covered in in this shadow, and it helps to kill the enemy. Does anyone know where this power came from or what the name of it is?? I have tried to change armor but the power is still there. I have tried deactivating the tower, but the power is still there. I do know it has nothing to do with Dragonborn or Dawnguard for this character has not started them yet. I just love this power, but would like to know how to turn it off and on. I would not want to get close to any guard or npc with this power and end up commiting a crime. Hope that made sense. Any help in defining this power would be helpful. Here is a link to the tower http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/53816/? Here is a link to the armor http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/21572/?
  19. Thank you. I did download the mods I wanted and I figured out how to install them with the NMM and also activated them. Now I have to figure out how to use the keys until I get my wired controller. lol Thank you everyone for all the help you have given me.
  20. Thank you. I will not worry about them then. Another question. For the mod Breezehome Fully Updated, can that be downloaded and installed "before" I actually own Breezehome, or should I wait until I do own Breezehome to install it?? Hope that made sense.
  21. The actual limit is 256 esm and esp files. Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, and YourSavedGame.ess are always included, so the actual limit of additional mods is 253. Of course, getting that many mods to run smoothly depends on what mods they are and what kind of rig you have. Start slow, add one or two at a time, play for a few hours. Make sure your game is working before you add more mods. IMO, the Unofficial Skyrim Patch and the corresponding patches for Dawnguard, Hearthfires, and Dragonborn are must have mods. They fix a "bazillion" errors and bugs left in the originals by Bethesda. Being a noobie to mods, I just have to ask. What are the esm and esp files?? Are these the ending file names concerning the mods one downloads?? Like the ini file?? Thank you very much for the info. Boy do I have a lot to learn. What would happen if I decided not to download and install the 4 patches you listed?? Will the mods I want to run still do so?? The only mods that I desire are the ones that I listed. So I guess I do not have to worry about reaching the limit. :smile:
  22. Thank you very much for the info and the complement. I was also thinking about adding the one for dragon and vampires where the npc's will run of there is a dragon attack and/or a vampire attack. I believe one is called Run for you lives and the other is When Vampires Attack. The thing is I do not know if one can have that many mods running at the same time. I have been looking and looking and these 2 and the ones that I have mentioned above are the only ones that interest me.
  23. Thank you again. I feel like a complete idiot when it come to mods, but I am willing to learn, yet I desire to learn the right way.
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