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About paragonskeep

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    United States
  1. Thanks for the replies, Ideally take the Elite Riot gear armor and add the back belt bags from the leather armor to the thigh area on one leg. The belt pouch bag from the Elder robes to the other side opposite the canteen. Add the bandoleer bags from the Merc adventurer armor. Basically an armor that you could see "holding" numerous types and quantities of ammo, meds, caps, etc etc. And yes I am trying to learn how to do things like this but my schedule is so tight currently It'll be when Fallout 6 is released before I'm ready :)
  2. Hi all, I completely suck with blender so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to do an armor "mashup" for me? It uses all vanilla components and is basically taking an armor and adding aspects (like what tailor maid) but on a permanent, non-multiple body slot aspects. I wanted an armor that I would wear if this were real, adding belts and pouches etc to carry all the ammo, meds, food, water, etc. Thanks. If interested I'll list out all the "parts" that I'm thinking of.
  3. In response to post #24600654. #24600674, #24600714, #24600744, #24600914, #24601069, #24601314, #24601679, #24601744, #24601759, #24602074 are all replies on the same post. How would Nexus be "double dipping"? It is up to the mod author not the Nexus to list the service provider.
  4. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone would like to take a stab at making the X277 Viper Rail Gun from the Museum of Technology. I was thinking it would be a cross between the Gauss and Plasma Caster. It would be heavy since it was a prototype and not very efficient. Possibly multiple MFC per shot. I think it would also be cool to have the "Tesla" effect on the barrel to show the electromagnets in operation. Since this is a very powerful weapon would there be a way to script a 1% chance on a critical hit to be an instant kill to reflect the projectile going through the target? Would be a single shot, scoped, very loud, degrades on line with Gauss very limited repair (although can use alien epoxy to repair). Hi-tech yet lore friendly (if that makes sense) I've tried to model/texture but can not as of yet (still in learning curve, and not very quickly progressing). Thanks for looking. This is from the wiki The X277 "Viper" magnetic rail cannon was a weapon that was displayed in the Museum of Technology sometime before the events of Fallout 3. BackgroundEdit The X277 "Viper" magnetic rail cannon was developed for the U.S. Military by West-Tek. Also commonly referred to as a "railgun", the weapon uses energy cells to propel a depleted uranium round across a series of magnets discharging it at extremely high velocity. Deemed too costly to produce on a mass scale, the project was abandoned in 2044. The only known prototype was displayed in the Washington, D.C. Museum of Technology in 2077. As of 2277 it is unknown where this weapon has gone to.
  5. In response to post #10552066. #10603649 is also a reply to the same post. Yep that's what I did
  6. First off thank you for your continued hard work. It's why I became a lifetime premium member. Great site and very appreciated. Now a question. I've tried to endorse and/or vote on files and I get a "you can't do without DL" etc but I've DL'd them a few days ago. Thoughts? Thanks again
  7. I've been premium since joining the Nexus, and went Lifetime about a year ago. Best move I did. Not only full access to Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas (which are the main ones I use) but also when the next Fallout comes out I'm already good to go. I like the ability to see every mod that I've ever downloaded as well as the faster servers. Highly recommend going premium, and If you game a lot or with a certain Zenimax company get the lifetime membership.
  8. Do a Google search for "Owned!" by Regent Eagle, not sure if it's still on Nexus or not. It allows you to buy the property or if you kill the owner it becomes yours and you can live there or rent it out for caps.
  9. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1627 Excellent mod by Quarn. Works great can be accessed via Pipboy or you can drop it and it is a safe. Check it out. Should fit your needs.
  10. I play Unreal Tourny as well and had a thought of a weapon to be made, but I can't use the GECK for anything. The idea is this, Flak Cannon Retexture of Railway rifle, it uses Frag grenades for ammo and the frag explosion for the sound when firing, 1 shell = 15 projectiles, clip size is 4. Essentially the frag goes off in the gun propelling the flak out violently, range is short, detection noise is high. Damage about the same as base frag grenade or mine when you're level one, I think it's 60 -70. Ideally still a made weapon with schematics maybe adding the leaf blower to the railway rifle schematic, leaf blower acts as the hopper to hold the grenades prior to "loading" for firing. What do you think?
  11. I moved darn up in the load order and verified all the font folders. No mods have been added or deleted since it last "worked". Normally I'd get the mouse cursor on the Bethesda slide but I don't get the cursor or any words at all. Just stops at the final slide and loops music. Also I reloaded the ini etc with no fix either. Thanks for the help and suggestions, they're appreciated, have no idea what's causing this.
  12. FO3 edit showed fine, and merged patch was made. Worked initially then on a new start up stopped working.
  13. Hi all, Recently had to reinstall GOTY edition and my mods, worked fine, but today the slides at start up will run but "Continue, new, load" etc never show up. Nor does my mouse cursor, it just sits at that slide and loops the music. Any ideas? Thanks Andy
  14. Sounds like a very good and solid idea that would be a blast to play through. Wish i had the skills to make this happen. Attention those that do...................Can/Will you do? I'll see if I can PM some people as well. Good luck with this
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