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About reg1st3r

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  1. Although no edits are visible as seen above, disabling/deinstalling USSEP solves it. Now there is the possibility that i made a bad edit in xedit, or that's the way it should be with USSEP, or it's a small USSEP bug.
  2. Hello, I'm no vampire and no mod is editing anything of these records according to xEdit. I can also see the effect data records, which are unmodified and represent the way it should be.But the Soul Husk and Soul Husk Extract in the Soulcairn have only the effect of 25% magica resistence for 60 seconds. But according to the ingedients description, the soul harming effect of the soul cairn should also stop for 60 seconds. But this effect remains active after consumption of those ingredients, visible ingame under active effects. Could this be a bug introduced with the Anniversary Edition and can anything be done from my side?
  3. I found it...it's simply the muddiness amount under [WATER] in enbseries.ini
  4. Hello, i have installed realistic water two with Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix - Realistic Water Two Patch at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) as i'm using ENB, some water foam areas are too bright at night without this mod, when using RW2. When using re-engaged or nvt enb, my water is fully transparent/without watercolor which wasn't the case a few years ago, when i last played a modded skyrim. Changing stuff in enberseries.ini, skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini has no effect regarding this. For example i have played around with Ambient Occlusion, Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filter after i had searched google for "skyrim enb transparent water". Deinstalling ENB or simply deactivating ENB water ingame or in the enbseries.ini, solves the problem. Installating Mods that change the watercolor, for example Skyland Watercolor, has no effect as soon as ENB water is activated. Deactivating RW2 or even all mods, doesn't solve the problem. Then i got transparent vanilla water, instead of transparent RW2 water. How can i achieve to get Watercolor working together with nvt enb? It worked in the past. Here a screenshot of the transparent ENB water with NVT ENB: And here with Silent Horizons ENB Water: Same Mods installed... PS: Installing Silent Horizons ENB gives me back watercolor while ENB water is active. I really have no clue what is going on here. Anyone knows?
  5. yes, updates for some mods add new hd meshes and textures and increase the draw calls. beside this enb adds and improves effects frequently. regarding your load order: no clue, if loot has no claims/errors/warnings. maybe an issue with lightened skyrim, but u could have also merged something wrong in Lightened Skyrim - merged.esp
  6. only non SKSE and non parallax mods work 100% proper in AE. i think we need a mod to safely block official updates, as setting steam to "allow updates only manually" seems to be not 100% safe. till now only a backup of the complete game folder + the above steam settings safes players. and i'm afraid that bethesda will not stop updating the game in the next years. AE will be remembered as the version, which divided the community even more than LE vs SE. time will show, if the right decisions had been taken @ bethesda.
  7. which mod are you missing? saw that the ussep patch for old skyrim version is available on nexus, if you search (via google) for it.
  8. yeah, that ussep fixes it was also my knowledge. maybe some bugs where re-introduced with the AE, cause some mods might need deeper updates? also noticed some flickering terrain textures in whiterun with skyrim 2020 (no parallax, no enb), which i cannot explain. it already flickers when nothing is installed, but only ussep, smim and skyrim 2020 and it does that only in whiterun and only near jorvaskarr ... well anyway thank you! installing the brawl bug fix from enai siaion solved that bug with vilkas! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1473
  9. Hi, i have only USSEP and AI Overhaul on my new AE setup installed. i cannot complete the companions quest. already at the very beginning, where vilkas tests your fighting skills outside, fails. vilkas keeps saying i should switch my weapon from magic to regular (sword etc...). but even when i equip a weapon, he keeps saying that endless.... So i wonder if this can be a "vanilla bug" or ussep bug. because i deleted the vilkas records from AI Overhaul in SSEEDIT and even deactivated AI overhaul completley. but whatever i do (deactivate mods, start quest again from new save): the bug won't go away.
  10. i started with the ae playing/modding skyrim again. i had no old modded game installed.... after skyrim is installed in your desired language, do the roll back to 1.5.97 with the best of both worlds patcher: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57618?tab=files than i used steam depot downloader to get stuff in my language again. here a video for steam depot downloader stuff: change in new depot downloader version: depotdownloader.bat to depotdownloader.exe
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