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About Dracula420

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  1. me and a couple of buddies are looking to get into making some machinimas and goofing around with player made boss battles. is there a trusted trainer that can be used for this? also not gonna lie i like having a separate cheat character to explore with and try builds quickly. :)
  2. i recently started playing with pilgrim, pilgrims reccomended grass and tree overhauls, and whispering hills. WH and pilgrim make for an excellent horror feel to the game. its unnerving to play now, nearly as much as alien isolation. very good if your into that sort of game. survival mode already made me slow down, move cautiously and always use stealth, but whispering hills takes it to another level. anyway i was wonder if anybody know some good mods to complement PILGRIM and Whispering Hills. i am looking thru mods myself but if anybody has suggestions i would love to check them out. i am really liking the feel of these 2 mods together. o/
  3. mod request: the staff weapons from stargate sg-1 https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Staff_weapon i know the title says p90 demo but they show the staff weapon in action too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjlCVW_ouL8 be interesting to use these :smile:
  4. i dont know if it's the game or just my vive controllers but the touch pads are a nightmare to navigate through menus with. is it possible to make it so you can navigate the menus with clicks instead of slides? the main menus (quest/save,load,settings) all work with clicking but for somereason they made the menus work by sliding and it's so aggravating. i literally just spent nearly 3 minutes trying to by a friggin spell tome from farengar and could not get to the books section because of this. i just want to click instead of slide. its skyrim not a ipad. if there is a SKSE mod that will switch all slide controls to click controls i would download and endorse so fast. please help!
  5. any chance of ataching a helmet modle to the camera and actually having to look thru the helmets or hoods restricted view? is that even possible? just an idea :)
  6. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4160 windstad mine. you build and expand it hearthfires style and it has every ore vein except geodes. you just have to build the mine. :) also functions as a player home / income and production area / player run shop / small mining town. its pretty awesome.
  7. i have been playing the legacy of kain games recently for some nosgothian nalstalgia and decide to try a kain based vampire character. every thing was going fine using the racemenu mod to get some of the effects i was looking for like his stark white skin. but i ran into 2 main problems and one sort of annoying issue with male vampires ingame. 1. i cannot make his hair white without it glowing like a second sun. 2. i cannot make the lips black because the lips and lip color textures are miss aligned. 3. male vampire characters have a really stupid looking split in the face down the chin. i am already looking into ways to fix these issues but i thought i would ask if anybody might know some stuff about some stuff and can save me some time from searcing the muddy waters of the interwebs. screen shot with game and fan art for reference. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/39845
  8. the new design will take some getting used to. its overly complicated and changing it feels like trying to fix something that is not and was not broken. also its is getting very frustrating to have "Life can change in an instant" repeating every 10 seconds and constantly redirecting your page away to the top or bottom when your trying to read mod info. also the old layout has begun auto sithching to the new layout randomly and the new layout is laggy as hell even on my beast of a PC and a 250mbs connection. love the site but i hate the changes.
  9. what the title says: when the player is moved via blitz perk i was hoping it might be possible to add a sound effect. sort of like the Bleach Flash Step sound or something. preferably the sound effect would not be affected by the slowing of time in vats mode either.
  10. what about an NPC greet distance reducer? that might help limit the number of people trying to talk to you at once. ==> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1044/? <==
  11. is the voice volume in your audio settings turned down? turn it up to max and drop the other volume setting down a bit so you can hear voices better other wise dynamically altering the volume of sound file on a situational basis is most likely going to require SKSE64. i could be wrong, but the way the games handles dialog is a hard thing to mess with.
  12. you have made similar requests already. hate to break it to you but repeatedly making the same request is not going to help. we know. you want a riddick mod. the SSE CK just came out. give it time. in the mean time, making your self big, bald, and buff is already in the game, there are craftable chitin goggles available for download on the nexus, immersive armors has a ringmail chest piece that looks just like a chainmail tank top, and using a console command to give your self the khajiit night eye ability is very simple. making a custom race with the CK that has the night eye ability and the stats you feel a furyan would have is very simple. have you considered just making it yourself?
  13. that was pretty epic. well said Dark0ne http://i.imgur.com/0mKXcg1.gif
  14. use this to convert music to the format skyrim uses: MultiXWM audio converter tool - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3663/? then use the Bethesda Archive Extractor (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/78/?) to get the file structure of the music you want to replace. after that is a simple mater of replacing the default files with converted and renamed copies of the music you want. this method is simple and requires no esp or scripts or anything like that that might break your game.
  15. both styles have their strengths and weaknesses to be sure. and what i was told is only one way of looking at things. the whole point of a blade is the hurt your enemy however you can. "Stick'em with the pointy end." as they said in Game of thrones. :smile:
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