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Everything posted by Yamcakes

  1. I'm a she btw. n_n So, any tasks you want me to do?
  2. Were you logged into your account the first time you downloaded it?
  3. Because I had a great idea to create a Newman race, and I want something appropriate to wear! http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/4712/oblivion200908150709538.png http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/9854/oblivion200908150710524.png
  4. How about something like Minas Morgul, from lotr? http://www.herr-der-ringe-film.de/v2/media/archiv/nebu/orks_minas-morgul.jpg You can add the lighting in CS, and use castle bits or daedric things That would be really badass.
  5. I'd like to see an underground worldspace/city with a daedric oblivion theme, also with lots of use of the roots and whatnot from sub-terrainian shivering isles dungeons. I could use it for my spider daedra race mod.
  6. If you are really interested in my idea, here are some versions I came up with! I plan to putmore detail on the green one, to make it look moss covered http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/NifSkope2009-08-1020-38-17-35.jpghttp://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/NifSkope2009-08-1020-41-27-06.jpg And a more toxic tribal variety of spider daedra (I'm also making a lesser variety, with, and races based on them) And I want the "Spiderlings" they summon to be actual spiders, and not mini-verions of the same monster. http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/NifSkope2009-07-1906-38-51-87.jpg http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/NifSkope2009-07-2119-53-51-51.jpg http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/spiderdaedraheadshot.png
  7. If you're having this problem at the end of the sewers character creation, that's normal. It always happens to me. Sometimes with the eyes, but usually the hair. Just finish the character as is by clicking 'done', and re-enter the race menu, and they should be selectable.
  8. Is there any CS add-on that can help choose a different type of music when creating an interior? Either that or a way to make them silent, so I can add the music I want as an ambient sound.
  9. 56 views and only one person has any comments. I guess I must keep going anyway. I'm also making a spriggan race.
  10. Thank you for the encouragement! I am making this mod partly to give back to the modding community, and I really want to know what the community thinks, so it will be well-recieved, and on-par with what other people have brought to it.
  11. Well. Oblivion is my first gander into the TES world, and I've only just come to realize my first mod idea is probably not very lore-friendly. I think it best to consult the fans. http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/stats.jpg I have the females more arcane orientated, and the males melee orientated. This is just an odd personal prefference, but I want to know what you think they should be. Evened out equal stats, or something else entirely. I'll add cost to the spells, or have them summon a weaker spiderling as a trade off. I want the finished product to be balanced. :'P http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/lore.jpg The name and description I wrote I obviously pulled out of my ass. Help me write a better description, and suggest a good name for them! http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/spiderdaedraheadshot.png Heads. Top is male, bottom female. I'm keeping to white/grey/black pupilless eyes. I see spider daedra in too many odd lightings. In oblivion and the red surroundings they look pale as heck. They have a slightly more human complexion in neutral light. I went for an in-between shade. Good, bad? Accurate? Also, what kind of hairstyles do you think I should release with the race. I'll be re-packaging them and releasing them with the mod, so people don't have to go out of their way to download other mods. But credit will be given where due! http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/Freedomward_Dove/Mod%20Thingies/fineryquestion.jpg I'll release it seperately from the race, since it requires shivering isles and other stuff, but I am also working on Spider Daedra re-textures of a lot of the in-game clothing. Not just based on the black and red theme, but clothing made from "daedra silk", it'll have more value, and some still be enchanted and whatnot. I have no plans for any quests or dialogue, other than changing the attack/hit voice clips with the spider daedra clips. Things I need from you faithful fans: 1. Critisism on what I have so far 2. Things I should add/change to be lore-friendly 3. Any ideas you have or would like to see in this, lore-friendly or not 4. Images of Male Spider Daedra. ( I've found but one teeny-tiny image of a male spider daedra from morrowind, and it's not enough to use or base things upon.) :'P Things I need from you modellers: Not exactly important, but would be very convenient to me if answered. :'P 1. I am not skilled at editing nifs, and having a hard enough time seperating pieces from the spider daedra. Would I be able to eliminate the unwanted green region in the picture above, by simply erasing it, leaving transparency in it's place and saving it and the normal map as I would a PNG? Of course still as a DDS file. 2. I am going to have an ability to transform into a spider daedra at will. Having males as part of my race, I didn't think it fair to have them sport breasticles when they change! I'm wondering if it would be better to use a morrowind model and edit the texture, or edit the upper half altogether of the oblivion one.
  12. number 1 mod, Too many favourites, but almost anything by capucine, alienslof, and kikaigami (sp?), also love the Realswords series. race, Dark Seducers, Bosmer weapon, Toughie type of weapon I love Bows. type of armor Dark Seducer armour, it has an aquatic feel to it. magic spell Paralyze hang out spot I often find myself at Collarbone Camp. No clue why. food Sweetcakes look delectible. daedra Spider Daedra, Dremora, or if they count, Mazken.
  13. I suppose a bad one, but I can play the hero sometimes. I know there is a mod out there that changes the skull on the necromancer robes to something slightly more sinister, but that's all that comes to mind. Highly reccomended if you are a necromancer, is the "Supreme Magicka" mod. It adds the 'Reanimate' power as a buyable (Because the staff of worms, and hill of suicides quest is just too much fuss) and createable spell at spellmaking altars. Not to mention tons and tons of other awesome spells and neat things. Because what's a necromancer that can't raise the dead? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12466
  14. It's a Bone Arrow Quiver from one of my favourite mods. Retro's Fletching and Imbueing It's great, because you can craft arrows from clutter. It's great when I run out of arrows in an undead dungeon, I can just pick up a few bones from skeletons, and have myself a few more. You can also make gold arrows from septims and ores you find in mines, Silver arrows from silver pitchers, ore, goblets etc. My favourite aside from bone, is crafting wooden arrows from shovels and torches, and they work like wooden stakes, in that they do extra damage to vampires. And there are lots more! :D You can also imbue them with enchantments too.
  15. Name of you character: Yamille Weapon or Weapons of your character: Bows, occasionally blunt weapons. Head Slot: Nothing! Upper Body Slot: A sexy Green recolour of the DB shrouded armour. Hand Slot: Occupied by upper body. Lower Body Slot: Occupied by upper body. Back Slot (Cape): Nothing. Feet Slot: Occupied by upper body. Amulet Slot: Ethersap Pendant (An enchanted necklace that restores health constantly). Class: Daughter of Y'ffre, (something like a druid). Birthsign: The Lady (A little extra health at levelups and quickly regenerating mana goes a long way at the beginning) Race: Child of Y'ffre. A race I invented! They are basically Bosmer druids cast out from their homeland for manipulating the nature that they hold so dear, as they consider this a perversion and blasphemy. Little did they know, these powers were given to them by Y'ffre himself. They are a gifted select chosen few, somewhat like a god's champion, except they have no such purpose. They're just granted powers in order to experience and explore nature, and what it has to offer, so they can bring knowledge and understanding to the bosmeri people, to set aside their green pact, and encourage use of nature, without exploiting it. I balanced out the stats so the boosts lean more towards alchemy, alteration, and marksman. The person they worship: Y'ffre, of course! My character also has a deep respect for Kynareth. Since the meeting of her lover, she also worships Dibella. You asked for a bit of background, so I'll give you some. After she was banished from Valenwood, she traveled north until she was just south of Skingrad. A man in imperial legion armour and his horse lay slaughtered on the road. "Waste not, want not." She thought, and proceeded to carve into his and the horse's flesh and added the meat to her traveling pack. (Bosmer people are mostly cannibals, if you weren't aware) She stuffed a chunk in her mouth, as she was pretty hungry. Another imperial legion officer rode up and took in the scene. She waved and smiled, blood around the edges of her mouth, and knife still in hand, hovering over the dead officer. You can guess what he thought happened. "Filthy *ban* wood elf." He growled angrily as he dismounted. He charged at her, and with one fell swoop of his gauntlet-clad fist, knocked her unconscious. (Possibly raped her too.) She awoke in prison! And so her real journey begins there, where she finds herself tangled up in an epic quest to destroy the gates between the daedric plane, and Nirn, and joining an elite group of assassins. (I could go on in detail about all of the quests, but you know what they are. :P ) Mastering alchemy, the art of marksmanship, and the ways of nature, she decides to continue her deeds of justice and tainted justice alike, as she is assured that fame and infamy will have her voice heard among the bosmeri people, and Y'ffre's will be done. Pictures! My character is based on what I look like. Me in bed, with paintings of my soulmate of almost one year, Antonio. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/5853/oblivion200904201922100.png I finally gave in, and made him as a companion. http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/2366/oblivion200904221803291.png Me currently. I switched to curly hair to reflect my hair in real life. Surprisingly, not a lot of selection of curly hair in most cosmetic mods. http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/4518/oblivion200905090214371.png
  16. Well luck in combination with mercantile skill can also mean big monies when selling most items. It also means he's more likely to find great treasures when exploring! Also has other bonuses, that I don't quite remember right now. :P
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