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Everything posted by Yamcakes

  1. Do you also have a mod that edits the ini settings to make in-game hours the same length as real hours? If so, sleep for 24 hours and see if that helps.
  2. I go with a more nordic feel in the Jerall mountains. Probably one of the rare occurences that I actually use songs with lyrics in them. Stuff like Bathory's Nordland albums and whatnot. I do spend considerable time plotting and arranging my playlists to fit with the feel of the area, or faction, or mood. Generally lyricless, and hand plucked from various games, films, and music in general. I'll share samples of what I have for each region. Colovian Highlands Gold Coast West Weald Heartlands (Most colourful of the set, typically there's LotR dungeon-ish music, and ambient stuff that Icouldn't find links too.)Castles Caves Homes (hehe) Night Night Public Storm (And the main array of my favourite default vanilla atmosphere songs) Public I guess I shared more than I intended, lol. If you want what I have as a template to build upon, let me know and I'll upload it for you.
  3. You can export the nif of the armour as an .obj file in nifskope. Make sure to download a full body .obj of the gender you want to slap it on. Open that body in blender. Import the armour .obj. Move/scale it until it's roughly aligned with the body. Go into edit mode, and move the vertices around until it conforms to the body. Then once you're happy with it, save and export as nif.
  4. I've found a few lovely simple hairs here. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31371 Beautiful People 2ch edition has a small selection of normal-ish hairs too.
  5. Well, there's a limit to the size an NPC can be, ultimately you'll need to bypass that with an increased skeleton size. Also, wow. It looks rather clustered. xD
  6. My boyfriend uses a 360 usb controller. There is a simple program called x-padder or something that he just loaded up, clicked little boxes over an image of the controller, and it assigned whatever key he desired to the controller button he clicked. Really the simplest UI I've ever seen. So if you want to avoid hassle, and are used to a 360 controller, that's the route to go.
  7. You can always give it a test in the CS. You may have to pick and choose animations. I use spriggan animations on NPC's, but some stretch and contort it in a strange way, so I have to be select.
  8. I'll give it a shot! Texturing is my passion, and even though it's just been re-texturing already existing things thus far, I look forward to the challenge of something from scratch. I've got craptons of filters, brushes, and public domain imagery on hand. It would be all too easy. I only ask that you export it into a nif for me, as my blender doesn't seem to be able to that. I get a weird error every time.
  9. Molog Bal, eh? Maybe you ought to go with an Orc NPC. Use a alternate skeleton (ie: Tank from skeletal variations) http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29853 And a seperate set of animations. I spend hours upon hours modifying NPC's and bosses to have different fighting styles, by making different folders, with animations compiled from different animation replacers mods, and skeletons from the above mentioned mod, to really give my game a diverse feel. It may not be your cup of tea, but Ithink you could give it a more personal touch this way, rather than retexturing a monster.
  10. You'll find a fantastic mind-blowing enemy and creature overhaul here, with some lore-friendly swords on the side. You'll have to register for the forum to see the thread containing the download link, however. http://waalx.com/RealSwordsForum/index.php Edit: Something to note, it doesn't work with MMM, but it has a much broader variety and selection, and therefore I recommend it more highly. There are ways to get both to work with eachother, but if you would rather just choose one, chose this one. Not only is there a ton of new monsters, there is a ton of new wildlife, ranging from rabbits to zebras. Even things like roadrunners and pheasants. Definitely oneof the greatest mods I have ever download, and perfect if you've ever wanted toroleplay a hunter, or needed new ingredients. On that note, get Salmo the Baker , (Not necessary if you download Better Cities: He comes with it.)
  11. Yeah, it's really tough finding a wide array of male things. Here are some things I use and love. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26266 http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21724 And anything by AlienSlof http://tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=62287
  12. You can find many housing mods here. There are buyable ones as well. :3 http://www.oblivionsrealestate.com/
  13. http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups14358.jpg Would really like to get my hands on this adorable orc race!
  14. This is her blog. But yeah, be in for all kinds of sad dsiappointment that we can't get the good stuff. http://blog.plaync.jp/lera.slog
  15. In exchange for the mod, I will gladly do it for you. >.> I'll also take screenshots for what I did, so you sort of learn from the experience too. :3
  16. You could always make a copy of the container, (Just change the ID of the container, and save as new object), sans script, and place it somewhere easy for you to find, like in a shop in the imperial city.
  17. Just thinkof it this way. At least you're not living in North Korea.
  18. The dress doesn't come with the wings, but you will find it in the Apachii Godess Store. @Desuchan, if you want the link to that russian site, I can provide, if you don't already have it.
  19. Sorry for the late response, and thanks for the help! It solved my problem.
  20. They're staring off into the distance, like Hellen Keller! I'm not sure what could be causing this. It's been a problem for a while now.
  21. Guess I'm out then, I wanted to make a Mazken themed dungeon. :P
  22. Are they allowed to require Shivering Isles?
  23. I am totally going to enter this!
  24. I'm particularly interested in the elaborate dresses and gowns included here. http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups14816.jpg http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups14817.jpg
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