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Posts posted by Nazenn

  1. I'd like to make a suggestion that if you start doing these sort of weekly things to appear in the news scroller, have some way of highlighting when there is ACTUAL news that needs to be viewed. Your banner with the red "Site news" is a good start but I would make it more prominent, especially if similar banners will be highlighting the other features. I'd put it on a different side, or center it or something. Less aesthetic, more eye catching and gives importance to it. I know I for one will stop looking at the news channel unless something bold catches my eye if every time I go there casually it's an interview I don't care about or something like that.


    As far as the features themselves, I would say stay away from the huge guys. Maybe once in a while, but honestly, when you feature a mod author who already has mods in the top 100, all you're doing its featuring mods that are already as prominent as they can be. There's mods around that have less then 1000 endorsements that are just as high quality and no one knows about them.


    Three authors of the top of my head from three different modding areas I would love to see an interview with:

    Lind001 (texture artist), Ruhadre (patch creator), flexcreator (plugin maker, has a few popular mods but most of his mods are much less known and rarely mentioned).


    This post mostly seemed to be talking specifically about these interviews etc, so thats what I went for as far as feedback. If you also want feedback on actual site mechanics, that was confusing and unclear.

  2. In response to post #43145360.

    trevor11004 wrote: Another big misconception is that it costs money to make an account here.
    Because, as I remember, the register screen has a ton of the membership options and people don't notice they can just skip that.

    You have no idea how many times per day we still have that question asked over on steam or people mentioning thats why they havent joined the Nexus. I would put this up as singularly the biggest misconception about the Nexus amoung new mod users
  3. In response to post #42025090.

    Dogflesh wrote:

    Hey there Dark0ne,
    Recently I was blacklisted from your website, because i had a second account. I made my second account because my first was banned for "trollish behavior" (which I am very sorry for my behavior) I had to make the second account because every time i tried to use the forums/modpage i would get locked out of everything.I didn't see ANYWHERE that i couldn't have a second account and when i tried to ban appeal i was blacklisted. I dont know if you are gonna read this or if you are just gonna ban me again because that seems to be the recurring theme for this website but I only made my second account so i can appeal the first one. I hope that some way i can get my first account back to i can continue working on the mods i spent so much time making. It saddens me that i have to use a proxy just to use a website that hosts my hobbies.

    Second accounts not being allowed is listed clearly in the ToS, something which you agree to when you sign up.
  4. Thank you very much for the update Robin. While I fully understand the desire to keep this sort of background stuff in the background, its been such a problem that its good to see progress being made on it and its nice to have this sort of update from you. Hopefully the new provider will be more reliable, not only for our own sake but for yours as well as I know there's other stuff you'd rather be working on, and we would probably rather you work on too :)
  5. I have seen one very persistent bannee. Don't think they ever managed to top 100 let alone 4x's that much but they certainly seemed determined. Waste of so much energy, always makes me wonder what goes through someone's head when they do that kind of thing. I think if I ever crack that mystery I'll finally have the motivations behind villains like Team Rocket.

    I think my favorite one was the guy who came over to grab on the steam community hub about how he got banned but made a second account and then brought premium for it because 'even if they found me, they won't ban me because I gave them money'. Within two days he was banned and coming back to steam to complain at us and all the steam users did was quote the nexus ToS at him and point out exactly how he messed up. Not sure if he ever tried again, but we certainly found it amusing and thanked him for supporting the nexus in the mean time.

  6. In response to post #37050885. #37050930 is also a reply to the same post.

    Jokerine wrote:

    I seem to be unable to check my notifications right now, the dropdown menu is just stuck loading. Dunno if it may be related but figured I'd mention it.

    femshepping wrote: Mine too.

    I had this as well, but if you go to your inbox via a link it works fine
  7. In response to post #37050195.

    TTRJN wrote: Why the FFFFFF.... Flip you decided to do this NOW? You ruined my new installation proess of all mods!

    People are always installing mods, theres no time where someone ISNT downloading something from the nexus, so theres no time they could purposefully schedule for this. Sorry you were affected personally, but its not like they did it maliciously
  8. As you apparently feel the need to repeat these subjective view points on situations in every place, I feel I am within my rights to defend myself in those places as well. A quote from my previous post on the matter:


    I asked you to stop posting inflammatory language on a situation without any context or objectivity in an attempt to incite people against something you personally didn't agree with on a single community. It was nothing to do with mod picker, it was nothing to do with users as whole, only my personal request that you either be as objective as you claim you were in all discussions and show people the respect of replying to them about a situation you raise, or don't post at all so that our community can remain the equal and respectful place that we worked hard to make it.

    Please don't go around and blame me on other communities for your personal decisions in response to that.



  9. Immediately after I brought my premium membership, I noticed that the tracking center was only showing ten files per page, instead of the probably near thirty it was before, which means my files are now on several pages instead of one which made it easy to check.

    Is this indented behavior or a weird bug, as it actually makes the tracked files section more inconvenient unfortunately.


    Unfortunately bug fixes are not an exception to the rule. People that have hosted "fixed" files for banned members would either have that person's permission (which you do not have) or they would create a mod dependent on the original work, much like you have to do when using assets from official DLCs where you can not upload the original content without making it all dependent on having ownership of a DLC.


    Except that no one knows if the permissions about modifications apply to this as well. Half the mod authors believe if you create a patch that's dependent on another mod without that mod authors permissions then its ban worthy, the other half believe, as you seem to have suggested here, that its fine because you need the original mod anyway and its just an esp patch.

    No one has a cohesive understanding of exactly when permissions apply, what the exceptions are, and where esp's sit as far as 'asset' usage.

  11. If the reason you want permission is for a major bug fix or something, you can try asking the staff directly if you can have an 'exemption' of sorts, where you provide credit and agree to remove the mod if the author ever returns and asks you to, no questions asked. There is precedent for this in a number of spots where mod authors have been banned or moved on but people were allowed you host fixed for their files etc under these conditions if the cause is major (Look at Sharlikans patches)

  12. I maintain a mod on behalf of another mod author whos too busy, but he handles all the permissions etc. Recently no one could get in touch with him because his inbox was full but he was unaware.

    Is there a way where you can get notified when your inbox is full other then actually having to go and manually check it?
    If not, I would appreciate if a system could be added that when the inbox is full an automatic email is sent out to your registered email to notify you.

    Thanks :)

  13. I really don't have anything major to say here, I love your mod and have loved it for a really long time, but here's just a few small things I can think of off the top of my head.


    - Better LODs would be the main thing I can think of, particularly the snowy tree LODs never really matched for me. Lately I've taken to using these LODs instead generated from yours so you could maybe ask to incorporate them? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71459/?

    - While I like the new tree textures much more so then the old ones now I've played with them a bit, I do think the lighter green bits on the end contrast a bit too much and make it look almost like flowers from a distance, so a better gradient and blending for that as well. Same thing with the shrub which could use some more blending color wise

    - Shorter Lupin grasses. I really like them, but when they are big and in your face the texture tends to be obviously a little low quality, so making them a bit smaller may help with that, although I know theres no so much you can do with just two panes intersecting for a plant like that

    - I remember a lot of comments asking for a more defined mesh for the glowing mushroom things on the trees in the marsh as shown here I'm pretty sure: http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/141-1-1389405375.jpg

    - A better texture for the leaf less branches on the Bent Pines optional file I gave you. From a distance they look okay, but up close the weird way the normal map is applied looks odd and they don't look quite as nice as the branches with the leaves/pine needles on them


    Also an offer: If you would like me to write an installer for your new version and any optional files, I would be more then happy to do so :)

  14. Get in contact with the SkyUI Author or EnaiSiaion. Both of them have run into this issue in the past and have come up with solutions for it that allow you to fix it.


    I very likely may have also posted the solution to the Steam Workshop discussion boards at some stage so you can see if you can find that via Google

  15. Minor minor thing, two factor authentication is great, except I don't have a smart phone to work with the google system XD


    I didnt comment on the last thread because there was a 100 people saying the same thing I wanted to which comes down to this: You guys do an amazing job, not just with this, but with everything to do with the site and the users and making sure this place is a safe place to be, and I cannot thank you for that enough. You guys do a great job on security, but if multi billion dollar corporations like microsoft can be hacked, theres no way we can ever expect a small company like yourself to never have an issue, and the fact that you almost NEVER have issues is incredible, so thank you, and THANK YOU for being open and honest about this stuff.

  16. Yet another? I haven't made a post on this before? :smile:

    You should also note that I'm not declaring a moratorium on discussing the point on hand, I just don't want to get into a huge debate with people over my reasons for posting my first post on this issue publicly.

  17. Valid concerns, I'll bring it up with the rest of the staff and see what they think of the situation.

    Thank you Dante. If you decide against any edits, and if its not too much hassle, I would love to be informed as to why just so I know


    Blocked, not banned. Only Staff can ban anyone.


    You should have felt more at home in the mod forums, in the public any response you might give could be detrimental to your cause and account status.

    True, blocking not banning, sorry I just used the word that was most familiar to me for this situation.

    Well if I behave in accordance to the site rules, posting publicly shouldn't have any impact on my account status, however as I said, I wouldn't be discussing this in more detail with anyone other then staff.


    I understand the need to get an idea across. You did well there. But...


    ...this seems to be an underhanded way to get a workaround or make a mod author give you reasoning for blocking you from a mod.


    If you were blocked...live with it. Not much you can do besides appease the mod author.

    And yet if you read my original post you'd see a few points:

    - No where did I say mod authors HAVE to provide a reason, only that if they want to that reason should be visible to the person if the author wishes. If the author wishes to give a reason and the reason is incredibly rude or discriminatory, then the same rules about respect between users of the site should apply there as they do everywhere else on the site and the mod author should be held responsible. If mod users try to report mod authors for a reason they don't like but is legitimate by the sites standards then the mod user should be held accountable for a false report, the same as they would now if they tried to force staff to intervene.

    - The ban I had was resolved with no ill will between me and the person so there's nothing personally underhand here.


    Going public with it...I dunno, but I think its a bad idea. Mod author forums would have been better, you said well what you wanted but dissed pretty much all mod authors in doing so.

    Part of the reason this was posted publicly is also because it affects the general public of the site. This is the message that everyone sees, it doesn't just affect mod authors. General users who have also seen this message should feel free to weigh in on it.

    I also didn't 'diss' all mod authors as a group, but I'm also not going to pretend that everything is okay on the private forums while they remain unmoderated for the sake of saving face. Regardless, I have edited my original message to be more informative and less generic to provide better explanation on my decision as I have done here.

  18. To be clear, I am not advocating for the removal of this system, and I have nothing to do with any previous discussions on the topic. I am also posting this on the public forums because I do not feel safe on the private mod author forums (Edit for clarity: while they remain unmoderated. Also posted publicly because this is an issue that involves the general users of the site that can only see this public forum). No further discussion will be had on this point, I merely am posting this little 'disclaimer' because I don't wish to be dragged into any assumptions or associations. I will not respond to comments about this statement from people other then staff.


    So I'm aware that some of these things I am mentioning may require partially rewriting the system, as right now I believe you have simply attached a redirect to a username check when loading a page that shows the same page to everyone, but I do feel like the current message provides inadequate information to actually allow users to follow through on 'unban' requests with mod authors.


    Right now when a mod author bans a user from one of, or all of their mods, this is the current message that shows:

    The author of this mod has blocked your access to this file. This is not an error with the site and the Nexus staff will not get involved with unblocking your access, so do not contact the moderation team for help. Accessing an author's mod page is a privilege, not your right.

    You can try to amicably resolve this issue with the mod author, if they'll let you, but be warned: if you are rude or break our terms of service when contacting the mod author and they report you it's extremely likely you will be banned completely from these sites. Is it worth it? You decide.


    However I identified several problems with this message today when I clicked on a new file only to discover that I had been banned from the mod (As it turns out, an accident, the situation has since been resolved very nicely)


    - The first issue identified is that from the above message I have no way of knowing who the mod author is.

    The message makes it explicit that nexus staff are not to be contacted about these situations, which I understand. But considering that I clicked on the name of a file from the Newly Released section and then was immediately taken to the redirect page about the ban, there is no way of knowing who to contact. This appears to be a major flaw in this system as the only way I actually managed to figure out who the author was, was to log out, check the file again, and then log back in to message them.

    The mod authors username or a link to their profile, or even a direct link to message them via the forums, should be provided at the top of this message to allow people a direct way to actually deal with this situation instead of the hacky, and somewhat rude, workaround of having to log out and check or contacting the staff to find out the name.


    - Second issue is inability to know what mod did the redirect

    While this is less of an issue, as usually people will know what they clicked on, for people who open up lots of pages at once when checking the status of files, or like me does a check on all new files when I first log on in the morning, it can be hard to know what you are actually banned from. This could probably be ignored if it had to be, but it would nice to be implemented as well alongside the mod authors name purely for clarity purposes and also if the mod author requests a screenshot because the ban was accidental etc, it also helps for proof.


    - Third problem, potentially inflammatory language in the message

    As I said at the start of this post, I am not advocating for the removal of this system, however a potentially annoying or frustrating thing to encounter, aka finding out you have been banned from an anonymous mod by an anonymous user, is made somewhat worse by the language in the actual ban message which can be interrupted as dismissive and even as mocking in a way. While the purpose of the message is clear, to ensure that people are aware that the staff are not responsible and that they should be courteous and follow the site rules when contacting the mod author for more info, it would be nice if the actual language was more formal and professional so it didn't sound like the person who has just been banned is being scolded.


    If I may suggest an alternative based on other suggested rewords I have seen around as well:

    The author of this file, (username here), has blocked your access to this file, (mod name here).

    Accessing a mod page is a privilege, not a right, and the Nexus staff will not intervene in the authors decision.

    All contact on this matter should go directly to the mod author where you can try and resolve the issue.

    Please remember the Nexus Terms of Service and site rules in all communication with other users of the site.

    (Link to the rules)


    I also want to know if when banning someone mod authors have an opportunity to input a reason for why the ban was enacted that would then show on that page? I've never banned anyone from my mods so I am unsure of how that part of the feature works and don't wish to turn someone into a guinea pig XD

    If not, I would also request that feature as it allows the mod author to enact a ban and notify the person of the reason without having to message them via PM or wait for a message and could further help to reduce tensions when these situations arise.


    Thanks for reading, sorry for the world of text, let me know if the staff have any further questions.

  19. EDIT: PROBLEM FIXED via help from another forum. i did not have the dismemberment properties set up properly and matching between the two meshes




    See above an example of my nif's layout in nifskope.

    I am trying to copy the argonian face mask from facemasks in skyrim onto the hood part of the nightingale set from Improved Closedfaced Helmets in order to create a patch for Warmonger Armory's Soul Ripper hood which as it stands at the moment is not beast race compatible.


    Right now it shows up fine in nifskope but when I load into the game the mask section just doesn't show up at all.

    I do have all the correct skeleton nodes as well, that was the first thing I checked


    Current attempt resulted in these steps being taken:

    -expand the NiTriShape
    -click on the BSDismemberSkinInstance
    -change the Skeleton Root on Block Details to None by deleting whats there and pressing enter
    -Now copy the branch
    -Now paste the branch
    -Go back to its BSDismemberSkinInstance
    -change the Skeleton Root value to 0


    I also have tried it without editing the skeleton root variable and also have tried renaming the ninodes, but nothing seems to work.


    My Nifskope skills aren't particularly good right now so I know there is likely some thing simple I am missing I just have no idea what.
    Previous threads found on the topic, none of the solutions helped:


    http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/956260-problem-w-nifskope-and-pasting-mesh-into-another-nif-image-heavy/ < don't have a rotation problem, but I copied the mesh using the same method he did and while his shows up mine doesn't etc


    Any help would be greatly appreciated and let me know if I need to provide any more information

  20. Wrye Bash will handle all the tags and merging automatically, you really shouldn't need to add anything. You SHOULD however sort your load order with LOOT as right how you will be getting mod load order conflicts from how bad that load order is arranged.


    Also be careful with SMPC. The SMPC team says its safe, but the USKP team wrote up a big thing on how technically it makes some very subjective edits and actually overrides USKP fixes, especially now it is somewhat out of date.

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