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Everything posted by Pyrosocial

  1. that comment coupled with the bananas being black...well ill stop now. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif "the morning light, hurts your eyes...."vamps are alright. a bit annoying to play in skyrim. they should have made it where you could fill bottles with blood for consumption later on.
  2. i agree, however, there is a mod i believe that makes them look like the awesome blood/high elfs from warcraft called the cute elf mod.
  3. paid subscriber for years. just renewed. simple buy off amazon. 60 from avg, 20 from amazon. same damn thing, they just buy in bulk and sell cheaper.
  4. I am absolutely certain this will be the official announcement or reveal of the PlayStation 4. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif
  5. Ah, StarCraft, that brings back memories. It was the first PC game I played, the best strategy game I ever played and one of only two old games of mine that I still play. The only bad thing about it is that my CD got worn out (still works sometimes), thank god I can re-download it from BattleNet. :thumbsup: As for SC2, I don't like it much, it's got them fancy graphics and all but something just doesn't feel right to me, don't know what.:confused: same here haha my uncle used to have to baby sit me when he was like 16, 17, and he would put my down in front of Devil may cry or Warcraft/ Starcraft to occupy me. i tried to get the wings of liberty collectors edition but got screwed on it.>.> as for it not feeling the same, im told it doesn't have that "Hicks in space" feel the fist did. i think it has it more so now. but as i understand it the story for HOTS will be revolutionary compared to the previous entries. if you ever feel like playing a game or two my account is "Salem" (like the witch trials).http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif i used to use adaware in conjunction with AVG and i was really fond of it, but its gone to hell, so i uninstalled.
  6. ah ok. just got the slingshot DLC so i think i might just go ahead and restart, but im amazed i never thought of that, because i have no problem shooting them down...Thanks
  7. im thinking of picking up a new ps3 game this month. next month i get to pick up my heart of the swarm collectors edition too ^-^ http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/hurr.gif
  8. Yeah, i was enlisting in the US navy. final stage of processing i had to see a heart specialist, only to find that the doctor that made me go made a mistake, so after 5 months of processing i opted out and enrolled in college. what happened to the grey night avy? it was bad ass.. I was unaware that tera played so highly on that, i had seen it in stores but never bothered to even pick it up. for the best i suppose. What do you mean by community? if you mean players than yes, a large majority can be bastards, but i meet alright people all the time. i was considering looting a miners jet can with 25 mill of veldspare in it but decided not to because i wouldn't want that to happen to me, so i go about mining and end up having a a long convo with said miner to pass the time. In my first 3 weeks i owned and could fly a raven haha. turned out to be a waste of time because my core skills were...lacking. but rookie mistakes and what not.
  9. for me the best game i have picked up this year, aside from xcom and skyrim, was operation raccoon city. i went into the game thinking it would just be a knock off shooter in the RE universe, but soon found my self almost instantly hooked by the personality of the squad and the desperation they face. while there are points that make you think, "why?" none are all that bad, and one of the characters i like to play as, Vector, makes a good joke against one such instance: early on you are sent to retrieve data from an umbrella facility that is guarded by UBCS troops, which are employees of umbrella. you're told that they are expendable and that weapons are free, to which Vector replies, "We're on the same side, couldn't we just pick up the phone and call?" but all in all a fantastic addition to the series, if not cannon, and i wish that the movies would have followed wolf-pack instead of its current story line as it is way better. Total rating, 8 B.O.W.s out of 10 now, i picked up a few other games as well, so the rating for them: Skyrim- 10 out of 10 arrows to the knees Mass effect 3- 10 out of 10 paragon points X com- 8 sectoids out of 10. DMC - 6 devil triggers out of 10 (was rather disappointed actually..) edit, 400th post, HELLS YEAH, only took 4 years...
  10. That just made my day, thank you. XD http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif but yeah, try eve, its a little hard to grasp at first but its pretty fun, and you can meet some great people.
  11. Well, I think that I should definitely worry less of what people think of me, I'll give you that. It's easier to say that though when you already got a wife and a job. If I had my bf here with me I'd not care about anything besides him, in fact making out in front of homophobes is on my to-do list. I wouldn't just not care, I would fight back the caring by other people. Someone in this country has to. :teehee: Also dejavu. The above guy's signature picture looks like I saw it sometime before and my post is extremely familiar too. Creepy ._. You go man. also, in regards to my signature... ..WE ARE MANY. nah. maybe you saw it a while back, i was in active for awhile due to naval processing and that was a guild i played with in Warcraft. need to change it actually, i don't play anymore. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif
  12. I like my hoodies, i like music, i like losing track of time in my games.
  13. Pyrosocial


    Quote from the show," the guild." "Women, can't live with them, they will not go out with me." don't have much to offer you in advice since every relation i've had in my 20 years of life ive managed to screw up, so im making it a point to stay single until i'm well settled in as a naval officer in 2 and half years. Regardless, i hope everything works out alright for you. she seems to care about you a lot.
  14. speeches. gave one at my graduation, not fond of them but i really didn't have much of a choice. just pick out a couple people in the crowd and focus on them as you move your eyes from place to place while talking. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohmy.gif
  15. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif
  16. So yeah, looking for a server that's just pretty much survival, no fancy plug ins or anything. anybody know a good one?
  17. Back. was enlisting in the navy, fell through, now in college to become a commissioned officer.
  18. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dry.gif
  19. I was a die hard blizzard fanboy, and had i answered this 4 months ago i would have easily said world of Warcraft but with that games decline (imo), i now have to say EVE online. i had tried it once before and couldn't get past the complexity of i, but i got back into it and now im addicted. so much so i almost failed a college class because i missed an exam after losing track of time in it.
  20. it is rather odd that i play one on a Microsoft product and the other on a Sony one.
  21. it would be a great single player game, but it would feel to empty without chatting with other players and your corpies.
  22. Hey all, so i picked Xcom up about 2 weeks ago and was loving it. however, im to the part where i have boarded the first battleship class ufo, and i cant seem to get my people out alive. the squad i roll with is 2 assaults 2 heavies, a sniper, and my support, who is also my psy unit. problem is, i don't have the weapons and armor this mission requires, and im being shredded for it. i only have one suit of titan armor, which the support has, and the only plasma weapons i have is the rifle and shotgun, and i lack the alloy to make more because i cant get through the ship. i would ignore the contact but i fear it will just *ban me* out of the sky if i did. Any advice?
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