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Posts posted by Pyrosocial

  1. 247. Lawn knomes are vile, treacherous creatures, who kill the unsuspecting enclave janitor as he cleans a bathroom in the MBC


    248. Carrying thousands of rounds of ammo does not slow you down.


    249. In the wasteland you can always find a friendly face...either it's the one missing a few bits or Moira Brown...


    250. (Halfway!) Even 200 years after the nukes fell and society ended, Alaska will be liberated from the commies by a 40 foot ass-kicking all american robot.

  2. Yes I know they are with Ordo Malleus, I was just thinking when GK go out on their little sorties its usually something big. Hence lots of oportunity for game to use lots of different grade baddies, from chaos to necrons. And who wouldnt like to get close and personal with demon with his nemesis force weapon. I guess what im trying to say is, they tend to stick with few stock chapters and ignore the variety of others. Why not make a Sisters of Battle shooter game on same engine or about custodians action RPG.



    I see your point, and I would instantly trade in the black templar armor for grey knight in a heart beat, but if they didn't know demons were they would not dispatch the Grey knights. Maybe later in the game they will though. I'm rather happy they didn't use GKs as the mains though because with the new codex being realeased it would look like GW was trying to prostitute out the Knights where ever they could.


    You can use the Knights in Squad command for the PSP though.


    As for the custodous, that would be cool but as Battle-brother Vindekarr said earlier, the Custodous NEVER leave the Emperor's side except for the occasional blood game, which means they would have to have an siege against the palace for that....of course it could be during the Horus heresy, there has yet to be a game made in that time line...but I'm not sure the Custodous were around yet, or they would have fought with the Emperor on Horus' Vengeful Spirit.


    I guess the Ultra marines get the most action due to their being the largest chapter.




    Hmm very true. I would think that there might be a (somewhat) operational titan that could give heavy support :P

  3. Everything is based on skills, this isn't a shooter, its a role playing game. To increase your accuracy raise your small guns skill up (at 100 your scope won't even move).


    You can also crouch to increase acuaracy as well, and there is a perk called sniper that raises the head shot chance in vats.


    Make sure your rifle is in good condition as well.

  4. Don't get me wrong, new vegas looks fantastic, and I love the more western look of it and the multiple ways to play, rather than be forced on the brotherhood of steel. I also like how the NCR is rebuilding the waste land, and re-united california. It shows progress.


    But I do want to do the main line and go back to have a lil fun.


    Take the run the lucky 38 mod, if you do the story line in the NCR's favor or yes man's, it would fit great fluff wise.

  5. Please don't tell me you think it kills officers inside when they know a child is being abused and can't do anything. The situation you posted is a Department Children/families case. The police can't do anything unless the kid's bruised and he says they hurt him. Often the kids won't, after all it's their parents.
  6. I wonder why they didn't use Grey Knights as main heroes? What with their codex release and all, would have been a good promo. Still looks good and will see how mod-able it will be.


    Because Grey Knights are with the Ordo Malleus, which hunts demons, the Ordo Xenos deals with aliens...even though chaos will make an appearance, this is primarilly an ork invasion.


    That brings a point. In the video about the E3 chainsword sweepstakes, it shows an ultra marine use a consol to drop a warlord titan weapon arm onto an ork horde. No marine in their right mind and loyalty would intentionally destroy a titan arm that took hundreds of years to construct, the Mechanicus would have the whole chapter's ass for it. XD

  7. What the hell. That's freaking rediculas, those bastards just put good men and women's lifes at stake! These dudes need to be shut down, and arrested for treason and terrorism.


    Why treason? Simple. They just gave away private information on how to make explosives, weapon tactics, ways to smuggle drugs and or bombs, and the security layout of the area. If a terrorist cell downloaded it they could use it to exploit any weaknesses or learn how to conceal and make explosives.


    Why terrorism? Simple. By them being able to hack and give away data, they can use that data as a terror weapon to instil fear and blackmail.


    These guys already went to far by continually hacking sony, and as I said, they just took it to terrorism and treason.


    Being a JSOE here in florida, I take attacks on officers personally.

  8. Ok felt like sharing a few things.


    I'm playing on the ps3.


    First glitch I found was when I ordered my strike team to the listening post, I ran with them and with so much activity going on, the game froze up and had to be reset. To prevent this from happening simply let your strike team go ahead of you. To spend your time you can do the next glitch while you wait for them.


    At any ammo dispensor, you can fill up all your ammo. It has a maximum limit, but you can bypass this by droping all of your ammo then activate the dispensor again to double your ammo. Do this over and over and you can get thousands of caps worth of ammo. Just don't pick up any new weapons after doing this or it resets. If you try to activate the dispensor when you have done this glitch and forget to drop your ammo it will take all the eccess.


    I also found was when you enter the listening post, too your right will be a wood crate that contains 2 [scrap metal] that can be picked up inside the simulation.


    Of course the main one to remember is the glitch known as "gary 23" which is where you set Gary 23's body on the pod so that he is sitting like you will be when you activate the pod. When you are leaving the sim, hold down the right stick and start pressing X rapidly you can bring up his inventory and then give him everything you have. When you leave sim you can keep all your ammo, and the invincable weapons.

  9. Interesting. I was able to see the Fist in action when I watched Ultramarines. A company(100 battle-brothers) defended an imperial temple against a Black Legion siege for a week, untill the warp opened and they were overrun.


    Which chapter do the Custodus come from?


    Winterfall, can you please make me a brotherhood outcast pic? Please? I want to use it as my profile pic :D


    Also, do you play tabletop any? I'm working on my first table top unit; a scratch built baneblade super heavy :P I'll make a thread for it when its done.

  10. Winterfall...that is freaking awesome O.O!


    The imperial fist...they defend terra along with the custodus, right?



    If you didn't know there is a movie called ultramarines.

    Link below.


  11. Space Marine history lesson FTW XD


    What all does the special addition come with?



    I like the Dark Angels due to their conspiracy with Lion el'jonson and how they almost turned to chaos.


    Yeah the game looks stunning, one of the things that impressed me in the E3 coverage was when it showed the outskirts of a forge and if you looked into the distance you could see a warlord weapon arm hanging over a crane.


    The plot seems interesting too, though I don't see how Orks can command a titan, not to mention a warlord at that, when the princeps is linked with the engine. I am also looking forward to kicking some traitor 'rines heads in with a loyalist boot >:)

  12. For those of you who who know, space marine will be coming out soon. I for one am very excited about this and have it preordered. I found out today that there will a pre order bonus for gamestop.


    "Emperor's Finest"

    It includes two space marine chapter armors to play with in game, both founding chapters; The Black Templars, and The Space Wolves.


    Personally, I want some Grey Knight and Dark Angel armor, but I'll take what I can get :P



  13. Trouble in paradise.


    The little bastard at the gate in littlelight won't let me in, so I went to bust his friends loose. All I have left to do is break them out, so I take their advice and wait till midnight. That's were it gets hard, I sneak critical Forty, the guard then all hell breaks loose. I'm wearing almost perfect condition outcast armor with a flamer, and Charon has Enclave with his shotgun, and no matter what I do we just get overwhelmed and sloughtered. I even resorted to using jet and psycho and STILL couldent make it out.


    Tips and tricks?

  14. Rawr.


    About 2 weeks ago I preorder-ed the 5th anniversary thingy for oblivion that comes with the GOTY. Was just curious what all this contains, as I only really played oblivion long enough to get past the prison sewers. I figured this was a good time to buy my own copy of it since its only $30. Like I said though no idea what it comes with. Who's played it?(the GOTY)

  15. "Light a man a fire, he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire, he's warm for the rest of his life." ~Edgar Frog


    "Space Marines are legend. Traitor marines are nightmare." ~Lord Inquisitor Kolgo


    "Without war, human kind can never know peace, because if there was no war, no killing and misery, then they woulden't be able to understand it thus maintain it." ~Sky crawlers


    "How are those little hot potatoes? Get it? Because there on the ground like potatoes, and hot because they...um...explode." ~Moira Brown


    "Why is the rum gone?"

    ~Jack Sparrow


    "Ah yes, you see Miss Beatrice suffered a terrible sprain in her left toe, the big one. So clearly I had no choice.but to amputate. The leg. Unfortunately the operation was unsuccessful."

    -mister gutsy robot who' name I can't remember from vualt 101

  16. Less war, sensless killing, better living conditions for poverty stricken areas, a better economy...what's not to like? If we could succesfully do this it would be the best humanitarian achievement since the forming of the UN.




    Why would any of that happen? You don't need separate governments for people to start fighting, better living conditions for others means lower ones for us as resources are finite and the economy in some areas will be worse than others as one economic policy won't suit all areas, the Euro is a perfect example of that.


    Simple, you don't leave the country you conquered to govern itsself, you assign a viceroy or something. Said person will want some of the things he had back home, so it will be built, roads will be paved ect.

    The exact thing happened with great Britain.

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