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Everything posted by Charismoon

  1. In response to post #24735859. #24735979 is also a reply to the same post. You can load multiple masters into the CK or do you mean all those errors when you load up regardless?
  2. In response to post #24735709. I am too. Well....When I have money. Sorry Dark0ne >.< Won't be till the end of the month. Wait..that's soon, yay!
  3. In response to post #24592779. #24592899, #24593074, #24593094, #24593509 are all replies on the same post. Using your banner on my mods - thanks!
  4. Ok, I was able to login. Don't know what did it but here's what I did. 1) Cleared my google chrome cache. 2) Went into auto-fill passwords and erased all that dealt with the nexus 3) restarted 4) I was putting my password in with a capital first letter. It did not work. (I usually use a capital letter) 5) I decided to try putting my password in with a lowercase first letter and it worked. Not sure if it was a combination of all of that or just the password. But I'm now in. Hope it helps.
  5. yeah, Dec4th and still the same as Wulfhound72. I'm not too worried. They changed alot and things are bound to happen. I also tried to login without auto-fill and no luck.
  6. Same here, I am just putting it towards the big move as well. You are not alone :3
  7. I post pictures on tinypic and then link them into topics and conversations. I know the grey face bug is easily fixed. You have to go into the CK. ============================= select your actor (or actors, I believe you can do multiples at once). Press Ctrl + F4 and export the face gen data. (which if you are makign the mod and putting it on the nexus, you want to make sure you have that with your mod as well.) Edit: that will solve of these issues (Neck seam issues, face is tan, body is pale -- Aela the Huntress changed from the modded version to Neck seam issue and face being tan) As for the armor issue. I believe NPC's and followers where anything with the greater armor value. There is also something called default outfits or outfit sets that dictate what they wear. So you may just have to delete that default outfit set that is in her character "actor" settings.
  8. Just wanted to reply I know this is a super old thread but for anyone that is like me and trying to search for an answer only to get this topic again and again. You can get around this by adding coloraverage - hit ok - it will give the error but if you hit retry it won't freeze and it will let you save. Then you can copy and paste the full colors from there and save.
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