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Everything posted by ChuckFlash

  1. Does anyone ever do these requests ? Sure would like to have a Fix for the spawn rate, needs toning down a lot.
  2. While trying to find a Mod Manager to work an play well with Xcom2 War of the Chosen, I stumbled onto this Thread, Not enough Said about VORTEX on the Nexus, Especially a Release Countdown Timer. Those working on this Need More Attention, Praise, and Help. Ya got +100 Votes from me. Not being a programmer, and pulling my hair, just trying to get Mods to work. I need to ask, why not use a Virtual Hard Disk like what "DAEMON Tools" uses, to put all the Programs, Files, and Directories Needed for both Vortex, and each Game to be Modded? Then just save a copy of the ISO wherever for a Backup. Last but not least, if you need a virtual Noob, as a tester, I am willing to try. And Please give us a ET for a public release of Vortex. Thank You for all your work and Time, for the Benefit of us Gamers
  3. Could you please make a separate Game listing for XCOM 2 War of the Chosen Because it is getting harder to find mods that work with this expansion. It may as well be another Version of the Game, because of all the changes. Thank You for this Time and Hair Saver :)
  4. I would like to get this file, However when i click on the file tab***** It's Broken with no file listed
  5. I had the same problem, never have seen a Bloodred Crystal dropped. ​So what I did was make one using the dinput8.dll hooks Features. ​Yes I know that is Cheating, But what else are you going to do? ​At this point I do not expect to see any more Patches or any Fix to this game. So do it or not, Up to you.
  6. These problems are All due to Two things "Console Port" and "Console Mentality" ​If you port a game to PC please have enough Sense to take the time to Rework and Change the things like this, ​AND also get rid of the Quick time KB Bashing console BS. Or at least add a Option to turn it down or off.
  7. Pawns be Cool We need a Fourth Command for Pawns "Pawns be Cool" When pressed Pawns will come to where you are at, and stand there. They will not move even if you do, if attacked they will fight back but not chase, and will return to the space where you gave the command. This could be considered a "Defend this space" command. Thanks to all This is a Great Game
  8. I really would like to see something like was done for The TellTale Games IE: Walking Dead, Wolf among us. where us KB users did not have to Kill our keyboards and fingers. I for one do not understand why there is a need for this Console mechanic to be ported to PC. And if so set it to a ONE + TWO keypress, Rather than the need to Spam keys. It Really Breaks the Immersion of the Game. I think a Grab (F) Key would have been a better solution. I surely Hope someone will come up with a Mod for this before my Keyboard Dies, Or my Fingers Break. Thank You Modders for Your Kind Consideration in this regard.
  9. I have noticed that a lot of these Requests are for things that are Features of the dinput8.dll hooks Mod. After i started to use this mod, I cut my number of mods down to 4. I wish I had this on ALL my other Games. :thumbsup: Now watch me an my Three Pawns Level Up and Ride off into the Sunset :geek:
  10. GREAT NEWS FOR YOU: Please Check out the dinput8.dll Mod hooks Features, I been using it to do exactly this. Also noticed that pawn 2 an 3 seem to Advance in level with me most of the time. When they don't I just use dinput8 to Level them up again. This has got to be the GO TO MOD FOR THIS GAME
  11. Would like to have a sub menu on the Inventory Page that would give the "O" details for 2,3,or 4 Items at the same time, so one can see the Item details and Compare them. Why ? Because I am Tired of having to Switch Items back and forth in order to see which is better. [Edit] I want to see 1,2,3,4 Alternate "O" detail pages on the screen at the same time, rather than just a two item summary on the left of the Equipment page. A Big Thanks to anyone with the skills to do this.
  12. I would like to see a Quest Tracker that would Notify you about potential Quest's about to Fail. ​Maybe this could be Modded into the game quest tracker by adding another Color with a List which tells you what to do on the details page, also with quest markers added to the map.
  13. I would like to see this, also more save slots. ​But most of all, I would like to see a Quest Tracker that would Notify you about potential Quest's about to Fail. ​Maybe this could be Modded into the game quest tracker by adding another Color with a List which tells you what to do. ​
  14. I say Great Idea, Please someone Go For It !!!! PS: Is this the result of console port ?
  15. XCOM2: I am trying to play with the tutorial on and have long lag times thruout. ​With patience i have managed to make it back to the base and finished the science part, ​But when sent to the Barracks I am presented with one soldier and only one thing available to do, ​and that is promote the soldier. ​But when i click Promote, the soldier disappears and the game locks up. ​At that point i have to ctrl-alt-delete to get out of the game, nothing i can do to proceed. ​ ​Anyone have a Fix or workaround for this ? ​Many thanks for any help given.
  16. Upon further reflection, Let there be an Option to put all Settlers on Automatic, ​also pick which Settlements to use auto at. ​ ​And also add a Auto Construction/Repair Job description as well. ​
  17. I dont hate it, and am currently enjoying playing it, even with it's bugs and limitations. ​Problem is, I wish Game makers would Get Off The Fense and stop trying to make Console/Pc Hybreds. It never works well for either side, stop trying to cut corners in order to fill both shoes, one size does not fit all. ​ ​What works better, we all know, Is make the PC Game and Port it to Consoles. ​Sure it takes more effort, time, and MONEY, but that is the Difference between a AAA Game Producer, and a Profit Driven Crap Producer. ​I really do not understand why Game Companies that have worked so hard building up Trust with their PC Fans, ​would throw it all away by putting out lesser Console/Pc Hybreds. ​ We all know what works best, Game Companies Have to know as well. ​So it has to be either Money motivated, OR they are just giving PC Players the Finger. ​ As for me Never Mind, as the MODERS will Save the Game from Creeping Console Crap. ​ ​ ​
  18. Great Idea, get rid of having to run around and chase down one that is not assigned. ​As well as showing things that need to be assigned,
  19. I run into Robots all around that have selectable personalities, one of which is Construction. ​I would like to be able to send those Robots to settlements, where they would auto-Clean up, Build, and Protect my Settlements. ​I Think it would be great to leave a small starting settlement, and after wandering around, return to find Robots hard at work Building up the Settlement. ​ ​You could Command the Robot to Build, Small, Medium, or Large Complete Settlements, Allowing you to Only need to Tweak when needed. ​ Would also like to see a Robot Work Bench, where you can Build, Repair, and Add Mods to your Robots. ​Example: Why have a Settler connect routes between settlements, when you could have Armed Robots doing it ? ​ ​Also would like these Robots to have the ability to Repair my Settlements, as it is beginning to be Tedious, having to rush back from a Quest to perform repairs. ​ ​Hope this would be a good way to Auto Build and Maintain Settlements, without breaking immersion. ​ ​What are your Thoughts ? Possible or Not ?
  20. The First Computer Game i ever Played was Apple Trek, it was on a Apple ii in 1979. A friend of mine was a Salesman for Apple, who had his demo at home, and when i visited over a weekend he let me play ALL WEEKEND !!!! I was glued to the com, i did not move, they joked about it and brought me food. Later my Friend told me he had told all the guys at Apple, and they voted me to be the Champion of Trek :) That was in Semi Valley Cal, and I have been Hooked ever since.
  21. Hello All, Just wondering why there is nothing on Nexus for Might and Magic X Legacy ? With all the Hype both pro an con, I was not sure i would like this game, and was somewhat reluctant to get it. I finally decided "WTH", got it and after an hour or two of playing, was totally Hooked. Sure there are bugs, mostly with the Uplay crap, but with diligent searching on the blogs an forums, there are workarounds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is one, for the sake of saving time, for those who can not start Act 2: If you're stuck and can't get to the forge do the following: 1. Go to where you installed the game (I bought it on Steam, so it would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Might & Magic X - Legacy) 2. Go here: \Might and Magic X Legacy_Data\StreamingAssets\Dialog 3. Open: LevDialog 4. Delete, or comment, the 4 lines that look like this: condition xsi:type="PrivilegeUnlockedCondition" privilegeID="1001" failState="DISABLED". This is XML code and if you don't want to delete them you can comment them out like I did by adding [<!--] and [-->] (without the brackets) at the start and end of the line respectively. and its worked! I Finally reach a forge by gryphon. U must only delete 4 lines "condition xsi:type="PrivilegeUnlockedCondition" privilegeID="1001" failState="DISABLED"" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That said, I found that most all the Moding info can be easily gotten from the Data\StreamingAssets folder. Everything is in clear text xml format. You can also take a look at the config.txt Just to let people know So it's pretty easy to modify a single text file to change a lot of stuff about the game. Steam\SteamApps\common\Might & Magic X - Legacy\Might and Magic X Legacy_Data\StreamingAssets config.txt is full of fun things to change. You can make each step a shorter number of minutes so time doesn't pass so quickly (minutesPerTurnOutdoor = 5). You can gain more skills and stats at level up (skillPointsPerLevelUp = 3, attributePointsPerLevelUp = 4). Looks like you can change the base cost of identifying items, resting at an inn, or traveling. To gain more health and mana from points invested (healthPerMight = 0, healthPerVitality = 3, manaPerMagic = 0, manaPerSpirit = 3). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also some of the Puzzles are insanely Hard, and the world map is next to useless. So for answers and locations, it is best to hit the net to find the solutions. Here are a couple of resources to get you started: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/might-magic-x-legacy-released.81387/ http://supremegamer.hubpages.com/hub/might-and-magic-x-legacy-walkthrough Might and Magic X Legacy Walkthru heroes.egildia.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/MMXL_Walkthrough-Document.pdf "Forums for the Might & Magic enthusiast" http://www.celestialheavens.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=348150 Hope this Helps my fellow Gamers to both Try an Enjoy this great game.
  22. I had the same thing happen, until i realized that Finn has to use the Vial of Blood to make his magic cast. So go to the spot the lights point to, Use the vial, and poof there is the lantern for you to grab.
  23. I gave up on Witch hunt and A tale of Orzammar for the time being. Imported my DAO save into Awakening, got thru everything up to meeting Oghren just standing there, will not have a conversation, just says "Darkspawn killing time" Also the Door will not open. Starting to look like all my dlc are messed up. Would love to finish these, but need some serious help. Been looking for anything to fix this issue with no luck. Few more days an i guess i will put it back on the Shelf.
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