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About spirited123

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  1. Not sure why this is taking so long but I'll continue waiting until you sort out your payment problem. Paypal is sketchy.
  2. Wow, thank you BFG99. If you hear of anything please let me know, I'd really appreciate it!
  3. Thanks for the reply. Looks like I'll have to get digging into the CK then!
  4. I'm level 7 and just came across my first orcish armor. Is there a mod that stretches out the drop rate of armor so I'm getting iron at lvls 1-10, steel at 10-20, dwarven at 20-30 or something along those lines? I want to extend the length of time I'm using the different types of armor so I'll look forward to getting the next grade, but as it is right now I feel like I'm getting to the good stuff far too quickly. I had one piece of steel drop before I already started seeing dwarven. I have Maskars Oblivion Overhaul and thought that would balance out the loot progression but either I don't understand the concept of leveled loot or I haven't configured it correctly (all default settings). Hope someone can help.
  5. Yeah, I can see how was so urgent. I'm done here. You guys can continue to stretch and reach for those excuses but you're doing a poor job of convincing me. I'm not that gullible.
  6. They won't even take the time to fix the keybinding issue, something that can be done by one guy on a lazy Friday afternoon. Come on now. You're making excuses for abject apathy. I won't do that. If this was a small start up or indie dev, I could understand. But this is Bethesda, a AAA developer with untold billions in resources who's games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 broke records in terms of sales. Yet they cheap out on things like game engines and support. 1 patch.
  7. It uncovers a lot of bugs faster, yes. So why is that not being reflected by the rate of patches Bethesda is rolling out? We've had 1 patch, and a small one at that. Thats it. Beta patches aren't making a difference. Would you not agree?
  8. I disagree with the mentality of 'mods will fix it'. It isn't the responsibility of modders to do that, its Bethesdas responsibility to create a satisfying game. Its embarrassing that Fallout 4 was in development for 7 years and you can't even remap the controls properly. I, and many like me, have to use an external program called autohotkey, I spent a whole night learning how to use it just so I can play the game. Its 2015, this shouldn't be happening. Bethesda's doing nothing about it, there's no urgency from them in rolling out patches to fix bugs. They're just sitting back, waiting for their fans to fix the game for them. When a patch DID come, it was because the fans beta tested it for them, and it was a small patch with only a handful of fixes, some of which didn't even address the issues they were supposed to. We've had one PR statement from them, other than that they've gone dark since launch. They need to be doing a hell of a lot more in terms of patches and activity with their fans. It should be a two-way street but everything seems to come from their fans while Bethesda puts in the absolute bare minimum. They release a game in poor condition and say "we're too busy, fix the game it if you want". I'm tired of seeing the fans picking up the slack and doing things Bethesda should have done, trying to find workarounds to get the game in a playable condition while Bethesda just shrugs. I really love the fact their games are so moddable, and i appreciate they give us the tools to make those mods. But that doesn't mean Bethesda can just shirk all their responsibilities, which is excactly what they're are doing.
  9. Bethesda hasn't had a real competitor until this year. This is the first time another developer has made an open world rpg that can not only compete with Bethesda, but take their crown. Bethesda was the go-to creator for open world rpgs with tons of content, but they're not the only one anymore. CDProjekt stepped up big time this year. This creates an interesting situation, and one I hope benefits us the players. A monopoly is never good. Hopefully the competition pushes Bethesda to bring it with ES 6.
  10. I agree. Beth never made AAA games, the animation was lacking, the writing was lacking, the people always bat s*** ugly and the games were buggy as always. But a Beth game was a Beth game, you can have a lot of fun and play days non stop expect if it crashes. That means something was done right about the game after all. You know when a dev makes a follow up to game series and the game is so odd or/and bad the fans don't count it exists, then another one comes up and it resumed it goodness? Let hope this is the case with this one. I don't think thats going to be the case here. Bethesda's games have spiralled downwards in terms of rpg features. I think even the most staunchest of fans would have to admit that fact. And that downward spiral isn't going to change anytime soon, especially as their games hit it so big both critically and commercially. I think streamlining just happens when you get so big. An unfortunate side-effect of success where the pressure from investors, the board of directors, focus groups and other external influences just gets too much that you begin to lose control of your own game. I think thats whats happening with Bethesda. Too many of these features are so obviously tacked-on, that they couldn't have happened organically during development. They're ideas they were told to implement. Fallout 4 is the jumping off point for me. I know what path Bethesda is headed down, and I've stuck with them until now. But this is the point where I get off.
  11. For years people have complained about the dumbing down of Bethesda games. And its never really bothered me. I always understood the complaints, and even agreed with them at times, but the games were so magnificent in other areas that it didn't really affect me. The world(s) just pulled me in. Fallout 4 is the first time where I've felt the sting. The shallowness of the rpg elements are too great to ignore, it permeates throughout the game and I can't escape it. Every time I interact with another npc its there, a constant reminder that the guy I created is a stranger to me, doing things and saying things I didn't want him to say and do. I have no control over this guy, and I have no emotional attachment to him. The combat is great. but it isn't enough to cover up this games shortcomings. This is the weakest Bethesda game I've played, it doesn't have its own idenity because ot borrows so many ideas from other games. If I want to play Borderlands, or Rust, or Dragon Age, I'll play those games because they do what they do much better than Bethesda ever could manage. I play Bethesda games because they're Bethesda games, but when they stop being Bethesda games there goes any reason I have for playing them. Blizzard have got the whole 'copy a feature from other games and make it work in ours' thing down, thats what they exel at and they've been doing it for years. Bethesda, you are not Blizzard. You can't do what Blizzard does, so just stick to your strengths. Which is making Bethesda games.
  12. Yeah, why does the safe loot suck so much? This is every safe: 2 different types of ammo A pipe pistol A silver spoon/lighter/watch Pre-war money It would have ben great to find a unique piece of armor or weapon in the safes. Something rewarding other than the same stuff you just find in all the other containers. Most (all?) of the safes have been subject to an exel spreadsheet formula. You can see the mechanics in front of your eyes like Neo sees the Matrix!
  13. I think Bethesda had a checklist of features they wanted from other games to make Fallout 4 appeal to as broad a demographic as possible. Base building/crafting, voiced protagonist, dialogue wheel, weapons with 'magic' effects ala Borderlands (heck, even your base of operations is called Sanctuary, just like Borderlands 2) etc etc. I have to wonder who mandated these features - I don't think it came from game designers, they tend to be creative people and these weren't creative decisions. It sounds to me more like focus groups and/or executives decided the direction for Fallout 4. Some developers can borrow ideas from other games and hammer on them and work them into their own games so they're cohesive and fit, like Blizzard. Blizzard are the biggest thieves in the industry, but they've perfected the whole 'steal an idea and make it ours' technique. Blizzard knows its limitations, so they play to their strengths instead. I don't really like Blizzards games, but I can appreciate how well they're made. Bethesda hasn't made these features work in Fallout 4. They're not Blizzard, but it seems they tried to be in this particular instance.
  14. So, here's where I am with the story, and writing in Fallout 4 in general. I am huuuuge on avoiding spoilers when playing a game or watching a film/tv series. Nothing bleeps me off than to hear spoilers. So I shouldn't even be in this thread. The title should have warned me off. But i've put around 103 hours into the game and I'm near the end and I don't care about being spoiled at this point. I don't think its going to ruin anything for me, from what I've seen so far. People I barely even know call me General and give me miniguns and power armor, I'm looking for a son I don't care about, I'm saying things I don't want to say and making choices I don't want to make. I've created some dude and half the time I have no idea who he is or what he's doing. I have no real control over him, he's doing his own thing and I'm just watching. So I haven't bothered trying to avoid spoilers with Fallout 4. I just don't care about the story or the character you make, because the game doesn't care what you want to do. I want to start again on a harder difficulty, so I'm pushing through the main story. I love the gunplay, I just don't care about much else (though I would if it was in any way engaging). I've come to really dislike talking to people now and pick any old thing. It just doesn't matter anymore.
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