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Everything posted by oldnotweak

  1. In response to post #25771794. #25773209, #25777049, #25777159, #25780994, #25783964, #25785324, #25785509, #25785969, #25786804, #25788864, #25791754, #25792339, #25792669, #25793089, #25793754, #25794079, #25794829, #25795234, #25803919, #25817954, #25842039 are all replies on the same post. they only have a larger map because they did away with levitation in oblivion. and in skyrim they removed any ability to do anything underwater too... next we wont be able to jump and after that it will become a phone app
  2. In response to post #24873139. #24874159, #24874314, #24874474, #24874519, #24874634, #24874639, #24874729, #24874774, #24874924, #24874984, #24875019, #24875044, #24875074, #24875124, #24875219, #24875289, #24875334, #24875454, #24875484, #24875669, #24876774, #24876829, #24877709, #24877889, #24877969, #24878254 are all replies on the same post. we need a block function so every mod author can block Vesuvius and people like him
  3. it was painful to read a great deal of these posts, so many people who believe intellectual property is just "changing values in an editor" and "wasted time", I never made any mods for money, I never even activated donations. I just made my simple little house mods for the fun of sharing them and seeing what others thought of my work. but the idea of payed mods was really interesting to me, but when i read all these comments full of hate for modders who would even "dare" ask for money. it.. was... just sad
  4. OH thank you, thank you :D i was planning on fixing it myself if I couldnt find a mod but there are several :D thanks!
  5. whenever i look at something bright i cant see anything in the dark for several seconds and i find it pretty annoying, i was wondering if there was a way to adjust this so it adjusts faster or something so i wont feel like im blind every 15 seconds.
  6. well thanks i had an inkling it could have been the anim events but i couldnt find them. i guess ill just have to wait and hope someone stumbles upon the solution XD
  7. In the elder scrolls Skyrim ive been trying to find the settings that control character movement when swinging weapons. i suspect if i can find the animation events to tweak them i can make the combat much more fluid and fun all together. :) so any ideas anyone has will be appreciated i HATE the current combat movement, i dont like being locked into a movement only to have my enemy move a little and i miss with like 3 attacks because the game wont let me move my character while hes attacking. also im kind of an erratic personality so ill be on here and then i wont and then i will again. so sorry about that in advance
  8. well thats fine :D im not a demanding friend :)
  9. i was just on chat and noticed you taking yesterday so i decided to say hi :D always lookin for more friends XD
  10. hello there little miss :D
  11. Very nice. will you be writing more of there adventures?
  12. as the old mage wanders past a bakery he is drawn inside by a most alluring scent of honey baked loafs, exiting the bakery with his hefty load of baked good he looks across the way at the great oak, casts a levitate spell and enjoys his meal with a family of squirrels before taking a well deserved nap right on the spot.
  13. *just stands there*
  14. the mysterious stranger beckons for more friends XD
  15. you avoidin me girl?!
  16. lol its funny cause up until recently i didnt know this comment thing was down here i guess i just forgot about it
  17. unlikely but thanks anyways :)
  18. I think... no nevermind.
    1. oldnotweak


      Wow i just now remembered!....wait!.....DANGIT!
  19. i see some of them traveling all the time and also there caravaners there not trying to settle in skyrim they only came to skyrim because the profit that the war brought to caravans they have no intention in staying in the frozen north forever they want to return to there warm sands! XD
  20. you guys do realise that this game series is NOT set in the past right? its set in a universe made completely of magic/divine powers but even having that said the dwemer made all sorts of advanced engineering tech thats well beyond the level of a simple gun so if you made a gun with a slightly steampunk look and just spread it around the game like any other weapon it could fit in just fine so long as you didnt overpower it and made sure plenty of your enemies had them so it wouldnt feel stupidly one sided like every single gun mod seems to love doing
  21. i was happy they at least put a transportation system into the game. but i was unhappy that it was just a teleport. i for one never used them to get to a city for the first time i just walked. but i would love being able to hang out on the thing while it travels
  22. theres allready a war dog you can buy in game at the markarth stables. but yeah a pet shop would be cool, but for an actual shop we would have to wait for the CK to be released so we could actually build it.
  23. who are you talking to?!
    1. GrueMaster


      The quiet voices in my head, of course! :D
    2. oldnotweak


      o sorry for yelling then xD
    3. GrueMaster


      Oh, no, it's quite alright. They were just asking if there's room in my head for a few more. *crazy eyes* :)
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