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Everything posted by EvilOssie

  1. I agree with Elianora 100%; when Vortex supports manual load ordering, I'll consider a permanent switch. Until then...not interested.
  2. If tinwhistles are made from tin, what are foghorns made from?
  3. My official 'Leave a comment' comment. And thanks for this.
  4. In response to post #43418885. #46877055 is also a reply to the same post. Read the posts directly below...you may have it in the wrong location.
  5. In response to post #30695790. #30697905, #38727500 are all replies on the same post. Editing the .ini would be easier.
  6. I had the https for the last couple of days, as well as SERIOUSLY long loading times (some of which could only be 'fixed' by reloading the page), but today it's back to plain ol' www, not even an http. Loading times continue to be absurdly long most of the time, tho. - EDIT - page loading will hang, according to Firefox, while "Transferring data from staticdelivery.nexusmods.com...", if that helps any. - EDIT 2 - after seeing apachii's post up there, I looked at my security thingy in Firefox...it also says unsecured
  7. In response to post #34823270. #34827210, #34833505, #34833555 are all replies on the same post. You might want to scan your computer for malware...that almost sounds like a trojan redirect.
  8. In response to post #34823270. That site has been down for years...that's one reason why the mod is now here. I just now went to the linked address on two different computers and my phone and found a blank page each time, one that did not lock me there at all. You should be aware that most all of the Morrowind mods available here predate this site by a number of years and are here in part as an archive and will not be altered. They're safe to use, but definitely are use at your own risk (as is every mod here, for that matter).
  9. One location option for premium downloads is shown as 'Washington'...is this Washington state or Washington DC?
  10. In response to post #16759214. Agreed. Wholeheartedly.
  11. To begin with, I've had Python 27 (needed for my copies of Wrye Flash for FO3 and NV) installed for some time now and have not had problems with either version of Flash until yesterday when I installed the Blender package available here, which includes Python 26. After finishing the Blender pkg install, neither Flash will open unless I use the debug launcher - doing that shows that it can find the P-27 python.exe fine and then Flash opens as it should (copy of the BashBugDump at the bottom of this post). Both P-26 and -27 are installed to their default locations. While digging thru the P-27 directory, I found an empty folder for Wrye Python, which I suspect is part of my problem. Will reinstalling Wrye Python into this folder get me going again? If not, can someone tell me what needs to be done to let me launch Flash normally, please? Bugdump file, such as it is... Found Python at 'C:\Python27\python.exe' Launching Wrye Fash 15.6 in debug mode bosh.py 12231 __init__: Using BOSS API version: 2.1.0 bosh.py 12231 __init__: Using BOSS API version: 2.1.0 basher.py 4842 __init__: Wrye Flash NV in ANSI Mode - EDIT - Never mind, figured it out...I needed to remap the shortcut.
  12. Waking this up...I have the same problem with being permanently paralyzed (I've waited upwards of 5 minutes Real Time and my char was still down). I have both OOO and MMM up to date, bash patch, etc etc etc. Maigrets say that the bug was fixed some time ago...I'd like to know what/how it was fixed, 'cause it isn't happening in my game. My only solution is to TGM whenever I first hear that gawdawful wail from the Apparition, which isn't a whole lot of fun. Any help would be greatly appreciated...I can post my load list upon request, if needed.
  13. You've modded your build so much that you reach the '....where the hell did THAT come from?...' point.
  14. Same here...five pages of tracking completely vanished.
  15. Your posted load order looks NOTHING like mine (I have both PN and MM installed and sorted via BOSS), which could also be a cause of the crash. How are you ordering your mods?
  16. I'm hoping that this is the right place to ask about this... I'm experimenting with FO3Edit's merged patch for the first time; I also use garybash, and here's the question - garybash says that the FO3Edit patch can be merged into my bashed patch...should I? To me, it doesn't sound like a good idea to merge a merged patch, but as I said, I'm new to using FO3Edit.
  17. I'm by no mean trained in law, but I have had a small amount of experience w/copyrights as part of my employment and I think that (in the US, at least) non-commercial/not-for-profit 'actions' usually end if/when the offending material is altered sufficiently and/or removed from the public view when requested by the copyright's owner. A specific profit by the offender needs to be demonstrated before a civil suit can be brought to court...I think. In any case, get legal help/advice!
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