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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. I'm looking for a mod I think was called thievery in elderscrolls or something, it was commonly referred to as T.I.E. I'm not sure if I found it on the Nexus. I found it the first time on the modders site, I do believe. It did a bunch of things to change thievery in the game, but the one thing that stood out the most was that it changed the sewers in the IC to where they were all connected, and there were multiple secret entrances and exits into and out of the city.


    I'm not sure if it was the same mod but it also added secret entrances into the other towns by use of rope ladders.


    Another one I'm looking for, I'm not sure which mod I had that added this, but it added a well in near the arcane university that led to an underground city full of vampires.


    I'm also looking for a mod that disables fast travel, and adds guild guides, mark and recall, and carriages into the game for transport.


    Sorry for all the requests. My mods were all lost when my back up HDD died, so I'll probably be adding a few more posts to this thread in an attempt to get back some of my favorites.


    Here's T.I.E. (Tamriel Immersion Experience)




    Not sure about the vampire city....


    And this mod does most of the things that you described in the third one.


  2. I'm looking for a mod that lets you become friends of the undead (zombies,ghosts,etc...)

    I saw one before but now i cant find it :confused:


    Umm... I dunno about the mod, but you can use the console to do the same thing.

    Open the console, and enter

    player.setfactionrank 0009db1f 0

    Which will make you part of the Undead faction. Hope this helps =)

  3. I remember seeing a lot of CDM's mods on planet elder scrolls, one of them I know made you a skeleton. I think it was called CDM-Skeleton race. Wasn't exactly a "race", but made you look like and have the abilities of a skeleton. In fact I haven't seen ANY of his mods anymore except for the vampire mod, werewolf mod, and any new mods of his. If you guys could find his mods or at least tell me why he removed them then I would be much obliged.


    Dunno 'bout the author and his disappearance, but might this be it?



    Exactly and thank you, also it's not that he disappeared but more of that his mods disappeared. I've seen him on the PES forums as Chrissiearto or something so he is still making mods and stuff but I can't send a personal message to him about his mods (need at least 25 posts and I'm not one to use forums except when I really need something). If you can get a hold on him then ask him what he did with all his mods or if he's updating them then ask his when he will release them again. They were really good mods to me. :confused:


    Sure, I'll ask him for ya. That's weird, I've never heard of needing a certain amount of posts to send a message... I've sent people messages before and I'm *fairly* sure I haven't posted 25 times. But yeah, I'll send him a PM.

  4. Hmm... I know there's a mod out there that already does this to some extent... Basically, you can challenge an NPC to a duel to the death, and if they respect you enough, they'll accept. I'm trying to find it now... I'd downloaded it but never tried it, so I dunno what its limitations are...
  5. I remember seeing a lot of CDM's mods on planet elder scrolls, one of them I know made you a skeleton. I think it was called CDM-Skeleton race. Wasn't exactly a "race", but made you look like and have the abilities of a skeleton. In fact I haven't seen ANY of his mods anymore except for the vampire mod, werewolf mod, and any new mods of his. If you guys could find his mods or at least tell me why he removed them then I would be much obliged.


    Dunno 'bout the author and his disappearance, but might this be it?


  6. Hello all.


    Im looking for a way to convert loot on the fly. After ages of dungeoneering, Ive become weary of vendor trips. Im okay if the mod I find to do it is a bit cheat-ish, but ideally, as balanced as possible is best.


    What I had in mind was a bag I could put items in and which would automagically convert whatever is put into it into weightless valuables. Platinum, gold or gems. I like platinum best, because you still have to sell it to merchants to get gold, and your Mercantile gets to play a role. Alternatively, it would be even better if the magic bag took my mercantile rating into account whilst converting whatever I put into it into valuables, adding a small cost to the convenience.


    Does anything like that exist?



    Hmm... I could be wrong, but nothing I've ever heard of... My best suggestions would be either one of these...




    What they do is allow you to carry an unlimited amount of items, so that you don't have to make multiple loot trips. Ooooor....


    Midas Magic, you've probably heard of if you've been modding for a while. One of the spells it adds is the ability to summon Midas himself to you, so you can either buy lockpicks and repair hammers, or sell him stuff. I'm not sure how much bartering gold he has, or what all he'll buy and sell, but you could easily change it in the Construction Set to suit your tastes.


    Hope those help, and lemme know if you ever find something like what you were originally looking for! Might be something nice to throw into the mod requests forum, too....

  7. Hi,

    im looking for a mod/mods that add enchanted robes for mages, also a mod/mods that adds staffs as well. i have found a couple for mods that adds robes along with other stuff. but they are all for female characters. and i need some for males as well.


    i will keep on looking though tes nexus . but if anyone can think af a mod it would be a great help.




    Hmm... I dunno 'bout enchanted, but there's this mod...



    There's also this, which may be what you're looking for.


  8. What was that mod that allowed you to cast a spell then turn into an NPC?

    I remember seeing it on either this forum or the Bethesda one, can't remember.


    Anyway, thanks in advance.



    Hmm... Not sure if I know what you mean, but you can use this console command:




    To create a duplicate NPC version of yourself. You don't have a whole lot to say, but you can get duplicates of any unique items you might have, or gold, or whatnot. Hope that helps =)

  9. Is there any active source for the Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack, or whatever it's called? The .esm that allows you to use "Origin Of The Mages Guild" and all of those mods. The one link I can ever find is broken...

    Thanks in advance :thanks:

  10. OK, I love these kinds of posts, cause I've had so many WTF moments in Oblivion it's not funny. (Actually, it is).


    First up.


    I was using the "Romancing of Eyja" mod, and was at the part where you take Eyja out to dinner in Anvil. It was here that I saw some Oblivion's wonderful AI at work. This was an actual conversation, quoted as best I can remember.


    Eyja: How are you?

    Other patron: I've been better. You?

    Eyja: I've been better.

    Other patron: Do you think things will get better?"

    Eyja: I hope things get better.


    And then they said their goodbyes. However, a minute later, they proceed to have the EXACT same conversation again.


    Next one.


    I was in your typical, bandit-infested hellhole. My general method of getting rid of them is to get them all into one large group, take them into a smallish room, and then blast them with some area-effect spells. So, I'm running, posse in tow, when I come to this one room that has an uphill slope, a pile of logs at the top, and another bandit. I can imagine this bandit just grinning and then pushing the logs down the hill. I'm like, "Oh $#!*" since the bandits behind me had already given me quite a beating, and there's no way I could survive being run over by the logs. So, in desperation, I charge up the hill, where the bandit activates the logs, and proceeds to.... Massacre his allies. Yup, every last one crushed by their ally, and I survived just by jumping over them. I'll bet that guy felt like a total douche afterward. Luckily he didn't live much longer.


    What else....


    Ah! I was in the dungeon from the Mehrune's Razor plugin, with all the bridges and overhanging staircases and what not. So, I'm in sneak mode, heading towards a building when I hear "Die, damn you!" Panicking, I look around for the assailant. So, I look up, and there's a Drothmeri veteran on the bridge above. He screams at me again, and then, claymore in hand, jumps off the bridge a hundred feet in the air. He hit the ground like a Dark Elf covered in ebony armor. I looted the corpse, nice new set of ebony in hand, and didn't have to do a thing.


    A true Highlander story.


    I was in the Merchant's Inn in the Market district, and I accidentally knock over a bowl full of apples. Forgetting I have my Realistic Crime mod turned off, I pick up the bowl to set it back down, when the Innkeeper screams "Thief! You'll never get away with this!" and comes towards me. As if by magic, a guard appears in tells me about how I violated the law, forfeit goods, blah blah blah. So, I resist arrest, and not wanting to be teleported to the prison to pay a fine of 1 gold, I use the console to clear my name. This is fine by the guard, who turns to walk away, but not good enough for the innkeeper. He screams at me to die, and then punches me in the face, doing a whole 3 damage. But that was 3 damage too much for the guard. He slashes the poor Innkeeper who screams his surrender and runs outside, guard following. The poor guy's quickly killed, thanks to my remove essential mod, but not before he gets the attention of this mage that's in town, thanks to another mod. The mage flings some area-effect, drain-health-over-time spell which pisses off everyone in Tamriel from the looks of it. All hell breaks loose, and everyone's fighting everyone, including the guards. Loyalties are broken almost as fast as their weapons. Finally, a few minutes later, everyone's dead, except for this one Imperial guard. He sheathes his sword, walks over the bodies towards me, and says, "Is something wrong, citizen?" He keeps walking, and notices a dead guard. He stops, stares at the guard for a moment, and then says something about no sleeping on the job or the captain will be angry or something. He gets no response of course, so just keeps walking, and then falls over dead a few seconds later from the mage's drain health spell. Needless to say, I reloaded an earlier save.


    And my favorite...


    I stepped outside the Imperial Temple District, and a horse fell from the sky and died. I was like, WTH? Never saw it happen again, even reloaded a save. I think I own the glitchiest copy of Oblivion ever.


    :thanks: Thanks for reading, know it's really long! :thanks:

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