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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. Wait, you mean you played the quest where you murdered Valen Dreth, but then were arrested in IC, and here's there again in the prison?


    Nah, but I've gotten so sick of going through the sewers I'll usually just grab the amulet and go. So, what I recommend doing, is use the console command "disable" on Dreth to get rid of him like he should be, and then just use COC to get out. Since he doesn't talk to you, the next part of the quest, where Uriel comes downstairs, shouldn't be triggered, so I don't think you'll have any problems there.

  2. Hey, I'm also looking for a castle mod, or player home mod, which adds a player home large enough to house a large number of companions. There are a number of mods that add large homes but many are not companion friendly (the NPCs just sorta stand around and talk to each other; never sit down, etc). Are there any particularly good castles or large manors that have enough room for 5 or 6 companions and are known to be AI friendly?


    What?! A whole page on the Mod Detectives thread without a single post from me?! I must change that.

    I highly recommend Aranmathi, it was my favorite house mod for a while. Comes with a bunch of NPC's, so it's definitely companion friendly though. Plus it's huge, though kinda empty. But like I said, was my favorite house mod. I now like Vaernlor Manor best of all, may even be my favorite mod in general, not just homes. I don't use many companions, though, so I couldn't tell you whether or not it's companion friendly.


    Also, check out Oblivion's Real Estate. It's a fairly complete, and more importantly, still-updated list of many house mods out there, organized by type.

  3. What if you used the 'player.setstage' code to set it to the next stage?


    If I remember correctly, that doesn't work due to the first quest not being an actual quest (meaning one that updates in your quest log). What I generally do is use "coc warehouseclothing" and grab the Amulet of Kings off the table. Then, just take it to Jauffre like usual. Of course, I'm not sure what would happen since Uriel should be dead... Best I can recommend though.

  4. The third hair on the right? I don't think I've seen it before. I'm looking around a little bit more.




    Sorry, I've no idea. If you look at the URL for the screenshot, though, it says the picture is called "Ren New Hair," so perhaps it's something she has yet to release, or is going to? I hope so, 'cause I like the fourth hair.

  5. Hi, I'm looking for a mod that closes Oblivion without there being an error box popping up when you exist the game. thanks.



    I have the same problem. Unfortunately, I've never been able to fix it, though many people use this mod, and judging by the number of endorsements, it at least worked for them....

  6. akatosh dragon mount:



    Kvatch rebuilt:



    Midas Magic (the greatest magic mod ever made also currentally 1st on the top 100)



    i have all three of these, they are great i LOVE midas magic add a whole new aspect and actually makes mages usefull


    Question on these: are they all OMOD ready?


    Akatosh and Midas are. I haven't used OBMM in a while, since before I got Rebuilt, so I couldn't tell you about that one.

  7. I'm trying to help a friend get started on Oblivion so we can try out the "Oblivion Online" mod (Is that even still active?) But his laptop isn't the best of gaming machines, so I got him Oldblivion. Is it possible to use both Oldblivion and OBSE (and therefore the Stutter Remover) together, even though they both require that they be run from separate .exes?
  8. HELP!


    I'm sure I've seen a mod that made bound weapons stay on you even when you sheath them - but I can't find it! Any ideas?


    I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but there's a glitch for that that's not even a mod. Just damage your bound weapon a bit by hitting an enemy with it, then repair it with a repair hammer. After repairing, drop the item on the ground and wait for the spell to run out. Then, just pick up the weapon, and you'll have it permanently.

  9. The problem with that is that the fleeing thing has a tendency to just stop in a corner (Well, a more sharp turn) and cower, removing the point of the chase.


    Hm... Well, could you make the separate instance a creature (assuming it's an NPC to start with) so that it can't cower. I'm thinking just sorta give it the same behavior as the deer, where they flee if you get close, but make its AI more intelligent so it doesn't try to run past you. I dunno if that's possible though. Is it supposed to be that you follow it to a certain point, or follow it around and around, whacking at it when you can?

  10. My biggest gripe with Pen and Paper D&D is that it is too combat oriented; It's as if they are trying to emulate a computer game rather than something meant for paper. The last time I played D&D was back in 2006. The campaign I was in was a mashup of StarGate and Forgotten realms. I was a cleric who used an M4 that had a bayonet with a holy enchantment. The Dungeon Master had some sort of undead character, I don't remember what exactly, whom he seemed very emotionally detached. I cast holy circle during a battle, damaging his Mary Sue vampire. When he pointed out that my area healing spell would damage his vampire, I pointed out that I was a chaotic good cleric, and didn't care for undead in the first place, and that he was grossly overpowered, and wouldn't notice a few missing hit points.

    I had then later made my own oriental campaign, which didn't go so well do to my own lack of experience as a DM. I had later made a Bronze Age Campaign based off of Ancient Greece. Personally, I am bored with the Medieval European world of most D&D games. There are many other cultures and periods of history out there.


    Generally, when I create a campaign, I ask myself the following questions:


    1.) What sort of environment will your campaign take place in?


    Is it an Island,a mountainous forest, perhaps a floating chunk of land, underground, or even under the sea?


    2.) What sort of people live in this environment(s), what kind of society do they have?

    This is closely tied to number one. Take the Native Americans for example. Some tribes hunted buffalo, and were nomadic. Other societies were Agrarian, and had permanent homes.


    3.) What sort of resources exist in this environment?

    Do crops grow here, or is it a desert? Are there large mineral deposits underground, or is metal a premium? Resources, or lack of them, can oftentimes help with conflict.For example, A band of dwarves might chop down a grove of trees scared to the elves in order to power their steam engines. A player might be assigned to travel the world in search of an alternative to oil.



    Aside from that, I will throw out some other ideas to help with your creative process:


    1.) Steve Urkel invents a time Machine, and must save the future. He recruits other sitcom stars in his quest, such as the Olsen Twins, Gary Coleman, and the fat kid from Two and a Half Men.


    2.) The players are cats, and must protect the neighborhood's children from murderous leprechauns. All the while avoiding animal control, old ladies, and Bob Sagat.


    3.) A steampunk campaign, with airships, primitive firearms, and rudimentary electrical devices.


    4.) A Pokemon Campaign, these are relatively easy to make. J


    5.) A band of Sailors in search of the Fountain of Immortality, or something valuable that requires you to sail the world, in an airship.


    6.) A prince whose father was murdered by someone wishing to Usurp the throne. Said Prince is on the run from the Usurpers, along with his bodyguard,and his quirky friend from childhood.



    I like the Steampunk one, but I mostly prefer to create my own environment, not use premade characters such as Pokemon or Urkel.



  11. Anyone have an idea of how to build a chase scene in the game? I have a set up of a track made of rocks through an abyss, and I plan to have the player chase after a monster fleeing from them. How can I script it so that the monster actually flees from the player, rather than diving off the rocks or cowering in a 'corner'?


    I don't know much about modding at all, so don't laugh at my pitiful suggestions, but could you possibly create another instance of the monster with a confidence of 0, and place pathing linearly down your track? Sorta like a deer with a mission.

  12. Could someone tell me where to for these Armours please http://www.tesnexus....-1281030090.jpg http://www.tesnexus....-1280695967.jpg http://www.tesnexus....-1280277679.jpg and this house http://www.tesnexus....-1280665442.jpg and also the clothing the woman in this http://www.tesnexus....-1280278716.jpg picture is wearing

    thanks :biggrin:


    Fourth one is Vaernlor Manor. I dunno about any of the armors, but does anyone recognize the sword in the second picture? It is relevant to my interests.

  13. Is there any mod that makes 100 chameleon character still visible or at least still barely visible? It's kinda annoying to see my character vanished. Would be nice if I could see a little of her.


    I think there's something out there, I wanna say I saw it on PES. There's this, but it doesn't do anything for 100%... I'll check PES.

    I couldn't find anything, but I saw this:

    "This mod is for people who have taken the refraction shader off of the chameleon effect with a Bashed Patch in favor of the gradual semi-trasparent effect."

    So maybe you can Bash your way to what you want?

  14. Im really having difficulties with recharging my weapons when i have to fight large groups of humanoids.I'm not entirely sure but i think i've seen a black star of azura mod or something similar.Basically the same as the regular star but acts as a black soul gem.Tried searching for it but i din't find it.Is there such a thing?An alternative maybe?>Cuz i want to trap souls and these humanoids are annoying


    I could be wrong, but I think was requested many pages ago. It turns out that, due to the script that makes the star refillable, it can't be modified to be a black gem, or something like that. I don't remember the exact reason, but I think that was the final conclusion.

  15. Ok, so i'm bored of all the races that i've downloaded and want some new ones :D


    I know there are some good daedric races, but i've never been able to find any. I'm looking for something like in this pic: *WARNING: contains very skimpy armor http://tesnexus.com/...-1280688731.jpg


    if anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated!


    Hm... I don't know of any Daedric races, but if you just want new races in general, I highly suggest Xenius Race Compilation... Which no longer seems to be hosted here. Did Xenius take his mods off or what? Does anyone know? Anyway, if you can find it hosted elsewhere, I highly recommend it.

  16. hi im having a error on the werewolf mod


    You're better off posting this on the official thread for the mod (go to the mod's page and then click the tab that says "Discussion,") but I'll try to help you if I can. What's your problem? No promises, I'm no expert, I can just sorta repeat fixes I've heard before.

  17. where is the werwolf im going through the fort to chorrol but i never find him where the hell is he



    oh and i only go look for him at night


    He could've been offed. There are randomly spawning werewolf hunters that will --- wait for it.... --- hunt werewolves. Whether they're currently transformed or not. This is likely what happened to you. Just go find a bandit and let him whack you 'til you get infected. I'm pretty sure all bandits are werewolves now.

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