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About jace14

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  1. Thank you for letting us know and taking steps to rectify the issue.
  2. In response to post #39476640. #39477535, #39505895, #39505960 are all replies on the same post. Not what I was asking. I guess everyone else here is also being paid. If so, I demand a raise. Look, it's not difficult to see why the owner of a mod site would protect mod authors. That said, he's also right.
  3. In response to post #39467495. if bumps are allowed in this forum, here is a bump
  4. In response to post #39476640. #39477535 is also a reply to the same post. Okay...I'll bite. How did you reach this conclusion?
  5. been awhile since I've been here. Love the donate prompt. I don't donate as much as I should and this makes things much simpler
  6. I heard your conversation with tb it was very interesting. If I'm being completely selfish here, hearing and learning all the different viewpoints on this was almost worth all the mess. I think I'm about ready to stop learning now though ;)
  7. In response to post #24786084. #24786609, #24786764 are all replies on the same post. I don't think it's wise to ignore how it would have changed the market either. I mean pop ups in mods telling them upgrade, really midas?. With valve's refusal to police. It would have been worse than the mobile market.
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